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Season 12 BUM Report Blowout!
Posted by Kevin Martin on Tuesday, Aug. 20th, 2024 at 10:41 PM

It's the Season 12 End-of-Season Blowout and Something for Everyone Grab Bag!

We've got season-long records and some notes of (hopeful) interest regarding each team's season below.  If short on time, feel free to jump to your team.  They're listed alphabetically with some season records interspersed.  We won't be offended that you passed over all our other hard work, really.  We're the BUM Report.  We're used to being overlooked and having managers rejoice when they're NOT mentioned in the column.  No doubt, some other aspiring manager (preferably one not writing in haiku or senryu) will come up with the ACE Report or Column Awesome! for a future season and we'll be an afterthought.  Until then, you get what you get and you... are welcome to rage-post multiple comments below (if needing helpful pointers on how to do this successfully, see: Craig).

To start with, we'll recap some season superlatives from our regular weekly fare, it's the Season 12 Blowouts, Upsets, and More!  All results listed by match # and type, for example, (7, conf) means Match 7, a conference match, and (36, Shield r2) means match 36, the 2nd round of TMVL Shield play.  r16=round of 16, Q=quarterfinals, S=semis.  When there are ties, I went with the cooler manager first, or alphabetical, or match order, whichever you prefer to think for yourself.

Blowouts of the Season:

3. Tie @ 39 pts.  San Jose (8,conf) & Quincy (11,conf)

2. Tie @ 40 pts.  Carlsbad (7,conf) & Burlington (15,non-conf)

1. Tie @ 41 pts.  San Jose (1,conf) & San Diego (14,conf)

Anti-Blowout (winning a match despite being outscored overall):

3. Kentucky, -4 (44,conf)

2. Mat-Su, -5 (19, Conf Tourney Q)

1. Burlington, -7 (36, Shield r2)

Upsets of the Season:

3. Denali, -9 (34,conf)

2. Tie @ -10. Baton Rouge (11,conf) & Tucson (12, WGM r2)

1. Schenectady, -12 (15,non-conf)

Upset Sweeps of the Season:

3. Tie @ -4. Merritt Island (7,conf) & Sheboygan (45, TMVL Cup r5)

2. Columbia, -5 (8,conf)

1. Tie @ -7. San Diego (2,conf) & Portland (44,conf)

Biggest Upset in a Tourney Final:

Cincinnati, -4 (27,Conf Tourney Final)


Albuquerque Raccoons.  Kelsey is #1 (alphabetically)!  The Trash Pandas had an uphill climb against the Pac 8 powers-that-be, only stringing together a pair of wins once all season.  While they hung in there most of the season, they went winless over the last three weekends, sliding out of season 12 with a 7-match losing streak. There were a few highlights to note though, starting with a new record for biggest team blowout!  In match 11, conference play, the Masked Bandits stole the socks off the Chihuahuas en route to a 36-pt blowout, the new team mark for a dominant match.  They also advanced in the Holyoke to the quarterfinals for just the third time in team history, matching their team record for the competition, while pushing eventual champs N'Orleans to extra points in both sets 2 & 3 and could have easily toppled the Rats in an upset with just a touch more of Olmec love. Three solid 4* recruits will come up with a So-Fr combo already with A-rated ceilings for next season. They'll surely push for a higher conference finish.  Mostly, Kelsey just needs some league-average luck in season 13, along with a league-average schedule.  The Trash Pandas tied for the second-worst record in 5-set matches (1-3), while facing the 2nd-most Tier I & II opponents over the season (combined 22) despite not advancing deep into any cups where Tier I opponents are guaranteed. They drew lousy opening matches, and ended up 3-19 against the top half of the league, tying the worst record against the Tier I Powerhouses (0-10). As would be expected, with all those matches against the cream of the proverbial vegetable crop (lots of tomatoes & peas), the Masked Bandits faced the 2nd-fewest tier IV opponents. They had just 4 total matches against the bottom quarter of the league, finishing 3-1 against those teams.  Strength of schedule is tedious to calculate without a true database to work from, so I'm just spitballing here, yet I'm certain if I did take the time, Kelsey's Kinkajou Kousins would be a top 5 "I'm so glad I'm not having to play who you played" team.  Better fortunes will be in store with a little normality, as this team pushed some of those tier I squads to their limits, including a 34-36 set with Nashville, tied for our highest of the season.  The BUM Report is particularly looking forward to some continuing upsets in the Pac 8 from our favorite nocturnal scavengers, as Albuquerque still holds a tie for 3-highest Upset ever at -13, done last season.  Win 'em high, or really low, the BUM Report, loves 'em all!

Alton Screaming Eagles.  James W and the Screaming Mimis set some marks, tied some marks, and were a talon's width away from so much more this season!  First off, congrats to James for their first ever Big East Conference Title!  Porkopolis had a hog's-hold on that claim for the past five seasons, and it took some early and late high-flying finishes to bring that banner to The Aerie to roost.  They also were the Runners-Up to Cinci in the Conference Tourney, having the edge at +4 rating at home only to suffer a 4-set upset while pushing to extra points in 27-25 set 1 & 2 finishes. Just not quite enough to wrestle that cup out of the Pig Pen this season. Still, it was a solid effort and their second-ever Tourney Finals appearance, with the Cup win still pending.  Along the way, Alton tied their team-best in dominant wins, with 11 3-match sweep victories.  Also, they advanced to the National Tourney Semis for the first time ever, only to fall in a 5-set heavyweight brawl, trading dominating sets against eventual champs Columbia.  And for everyone in the Big East who might be hoping that this was just a one-season run, I have very bad news.  Alton recruited three 5* players this season.  That's only going to make it harder to overcome them by mid-point next season as their backups are probably going to better than a lot of our starters.  As it was, they played well enough to have won much more, with lineups that were involved in the third-highest home/away matches of the season (27, Conf Tourney Final, 184-combined ratings) and had the highest home court rating to lose for the entire season in that match (94).  They played some fun ones to watch, including match 21 (non-conf) home to Mat-Su, where the 235 points were the 2nd-highest all season and set 2 tied the season high at 34-36.  When not flying high though, they also scored the fewest points in a match 5 (4 pts, match 17), and appeared in one of the lowest-rated games of the season (114-ratings combined, match 3, WGM group r1) against Dallas.  What makes their season all the more impressive to me is that it wasn't padded with low-rated squads.  Alton tied for the second-most Tier I opponents (12), and went 8-4 against them, the 3rd-best record against Tier I teams this year.  They also didn't let up when the favorites, going a perfect 17-0 when rated +5 or better in the match.  The Raging Raptors are not going away quietly, or any time soon.


Top Winning Streaks:

Pekin 11 (and a separate 9-game one)

Tucson 9

Cincinnati 7

Dallas 7

Most consecutive sets won:

Columbia 15

Cincinnati 13

San Diego 12

San Jose 12

Spokane 12

Best home record:

Nashville 13-0

Pekin 13-0

Mat-Su 11-0

Best away record:

Pekin 8-3

Nashville 6-5

Quincy 6-5

Burlington 6-6

Cincinnati 6-6

Best neutral record:

Columbia 10-2

Pekin 9-3

Cincinnati 7-3

Quincy 7-3


Ames Arthichokes.  Colin's lads with their fancy green-frosted tips landed last in the Big 8.  Frankly, half of the league probably could not have done better against that division this season. They'll need every bit of the 6th-rated recruiting class to move up the tables next season.  Despite the obvious struggles, there were highlights mixed in, with a winning home record keeping the fans engaged.  The Edible Thistles tied a team record for most upsets in a season with 3, putting the conference on notice that they can't be taken lightly.  Ames also advanced to the WGM Cup Quarterfinals for the first time in team history!  Colin has had them perennially hovering around .500, and disruptors of conference hopes for at least one team.  There are a couple of A-quality players currently in development and a 5* and two 4*s coming in next season.  If the emphasis continues on developing the younger half of the team, they're going to be able to do more than just disrupt things for other teams by season 14.

Antioch Anglerfish.  Rob's Glow Guppies didn't set any new team records or bring home hardware this season. Some of that was due to a transition season while reloading the youth end of the squad. They had 4 A-rated players by season's end, and just one is a senior, so there will be a solid core to build from with their incoming class.  Perhaps more so than just talent, they also lacked luck this season.  Antioch went an abysmal 1-5 in 5-set matches, 'good' for the worst 5-set record in the league this season.  Everybody won at least one, yet the next closest teams ended 1-3. They suffered a +5 upset, while pulling off an upset of... nevermind.  Antioch pulled exactly 0 upsets this season, one of just a small handful (3, by my count) to have that questionable honor.  When rated +1 or less, they went 0-for-18.  What's notable is that this isn't an anomoly for Antioch.  Since the BUM Report started tracking upsets based on match ratings with the start of season 9, no team has pulled fewer upsets than the Glow Guppies!  Seasons 9-12 netted them 0, 1, 2, and 0 upsets.  3 total.  San Jose is really close (4 total), so perhaps it's something to do with the water?  San Diego got 3 this season alone, so that can't be it.  For comparison here are teams that have pulled off more upsets in one season than Antioch has in four: Albuquerque (6,s10), Burlington (5,s12), Carlsbad (5,s9), Columbia (4,s11), Cincinnati (5,s11), Denali (6,s9), Kentucky (4,s9 & s12), Merritt Island (4,s12), Mat-Su (5,s9), Portland (4,s9), Quincy (6,s11), Santa Clara (4,s9 & s10 & s11!), Spokane (4,s12), Schenectady (4,s12), St. Charles (4,s9 & s12), and the King of Upsets, Sheboygan (9,s11), who tripled in one season what Rob has been gifted in four seasons. It's one thing if you're getting blown out week-to-week because your team is constantly rated double-digits worse than the opponents. When rated +4 to -4, the typical weekly upset range we see at least 2-3 of, and sometimes 6+, the Deepsea Daggerteeth over four seasons have gone 11-26.  At what point will Olmec take pity on the 'Fish?  We have no idea.  Until then, they're mostly dead to the BUM Report.  They almost never get blown out, and almost never upset others. 5-5 at home, 4-5 on neutral court.  Middle-of-the-school team top to bottom.  Perhaps the next class of 4*s, with their new OH & RS, will elevate the deep sea denizens to a prowling surface school more like piranhas.  That would require a shift a little south (just one continent) and to an inland river instead of the open ocean. If it nets an upset or a new team record three along the way, could be worth it!

Arlington Anteaters.  David's Vermilinqua picked their battles well and peaked just a tad early on their wins this season.  They fell off late, losing 8 of the last 12 matches, after devouring opponents early in the season. Their final tally (15-19) and conference place (4th) were just shy of making some new marks for the record books.  As it was, they still had plenty to note for season 12, including being the feature team of a BUM Report graphic! We're pretty sure that's something to be proud of. Just take our word for it.  Of their 15 wins, 9 came by a 3-set sweep of the opposition, setting a new team mark for sweep wins.  They also tied their best conference finish at 4th place, having done it four times total and now twice-in-a-row.  They made the Conf Tourney semis for the 3rd time in team history, and the WGM quarterfinals for just the 2nd time.  They also set a new team high for the TMVL Cup, finishing in 8th place.  They also had the ignomy of suffering the worst upset all season, at +12. At least it was only in a non-conference match. But still. +12? Ouch. David's dominant matches came against carefully chosen prey, we have to add.  Anteaters do enjoy eating things way, way smaller than them.  Against tougher foes?  Arlington tied the league-worst record against Tier I opponents (with Albuquerque) at 0-10.  Moving up the food chain requires some lucky breaks (like pulling the season-best upset, i.e. like this season, only the opposite) or going claw-to-claw with a few more inopportune foes, hoping to catch someone napping.  A little risk, a little more reward, or just a little more chance for upsets and blowouts, which could earn the Bug Lovers their own graphic again next season!


Home Court Records

Top lineups at home:

3. Tie @ 95. Nashville (23 & 27), San Jose (44)

2. Tie @ 96. Pekin (27), Nashville, & Columbia (44)

1. Nashville @ 97 (39)

Highest Home Court rating to lose:

Alton (94), match 27, conference tourney final

Highest combined match ratings (home/away games):

3. Tie @ 184. Cinci (90) @ Alton (94), Match 27, Conf Tourney Final

    & New Orleans (90) @ Columbia (94), Match 28, WGM Cup Final

2. 185. New Orleans (90) @ Nashville (95), Match 27, Conf Tourney Final

1. 186. Columbia (90) @ Pekin (96), Match 27, Conf Tourney Final

Weakest home lineups:

3. Tie @ 61. Manitowoc (2,conf) & St. Charles (5,conf)

2. Tie @ 59. New Orleans (1,conf) & Schenectady (15,non-conf)

1. Tie @ 58. Sheboygan (1,conf) & St. Charles (2,conf)

Tankers - lowest combined ratings for a home/away match:

3. Tie @ 120. Tucson @ Mat-Su (1,conf) & Dallas @ St. Charles (5,conf)

2. 119. Kentucky @ New Orleans (1,conf)

1. 114. Schenectady @ Manitowoc (2,conf)


Baton Rouge Bananas. (Editor's note: the primary BUM Report writer seems to have a standing bias against Baton Rouge, despite their sterling public servant manager and storied TMVL history. Take anything in this particular report with heavy doses of salt.)  Ah, the BanaramaMen!  How they have finally fallen into the realm of mere mortals!  For most teams, if you said, "Hey, we made the Holyoke Quarterfinals this season," you would not necessarily be upset.  Baton Rouge, for one, has never done that until now.  That is because, until this season, they have played in the National Tourney every season.  Last season saw mighty and fabled Quincy fall to the lesser bracket for the first time, and the Rabbids responded by winning it. Being bored with the competition, they didn't come back to defend their title and let it go to a lesser team with their blessing. The Fisted Fern Fruit didn't get quite as far, so while they set a new team mark, it probably wasn't one they had pegged to make as the season started.  Even so, Senator Mike and the Peeled Politico finished with a winning record, 2nd in the SEC by just one match, and a solid 9-3 home record.  They also landed three 4* recruits to reload for next season.  What else did they accomplish from more of a BUM-like perspective?  New Upset Records! Prior to this season, they had never topped two upsets in a season.  Season 12 saw them land 3, one of which was a new team high with a -10 Upset (match 11,conf), good for a tie at the 2nd highest this season! Most of us have trouble beating them on a good day when we have a ratings edge. If we have to push that edge to double-digits to have a solid chance of winning, there's little hope for any SEC team that doesn't have 'ville' to end their name. (Sorry, C-Ball, Twisterville doesn't count)  Much respect (and continued team hatred for our long-standing rival) to Mike in battling back after a slightly down season to finish strong on a 4-game win streak, and push Nashville to the end for the conference title. Also: we're still ahead all-time 18-15 now. Gained a game on you this season, hah!

Burlington Bullfrogs. Aires had a great season.  They finished with 24 wins, one off their team record (set way back in season 1), and 4th-most in the league.  They finished second in the competitive Big East, finished 4th in ELO and 5th in NET rankings, and ended up tied for the best non-conf record at 5-1 with several other teams.  As noted above, the BullyFrogs lived up their name, tying for 2nd-biggest blowout this season at 40 pts.  They also pulled the biggest anti-blowout, winning their TMVL Shield Quarterfinal match (36) despite being outscored by 7 pts over the match.  They went on to the Shield Finals for the 2nd time in team history, where they fell to the defending champs, so little shame on that one. They were also fearless away from The Pond, as one of just five teams to end up with an away record of .500 or better (6-6 for).  The Terrible Toothed Tadpoles also tied for the second-most 5-set wins with 5, just one behind the league leaders this season.  With all that being said, it comes as no surpise that they set or tied several team records!  They made the WGM Semifinals for the 2nd time in team history, so congrats there, Aires! And in BUM-worthy news, the Amped Amphibians pulled the most upsets in team history (5), including tying their team mark for biggest upset at -6 (M11)!  And there's more! They also set a new record for biggest team blowout with the above-mentioned +40 win (M15).  While they didn't recruit in volume, they did land a 5* OH, and currently sit with the most RP in reserve to leap into season 13 recruiting with the ability to get any player they want in the opening round. They're set up for solid setting and receiving, and have two A-potential young MBs on the roster already. With the new 5* OH in rotation and a B+ potenial RS as a Freshman this season, there's no real holes on the roster and their T7 should again push for conference heights and perhaps another tourney final in season 13. Don't turn your back on the Bigmouth Bullfrogs, they will attempt to swallow anything that comes across their path!

Carlsbad Chameleons.  Phil's Lazy-Eyed Lizards (with their hypercolored leisure suits, no less!), struggled to get any footing away from the comforts of the Carlsbad Caverns and surrounding desert climate.  At home, where their surrounding territory includes such welcoming sites as Slaughter Canyon and Rattlesnake Springs, there were a respectable 7-4.  On the road?  0-11.  And they were an expected 'split the difference' 4-5 on neutral court.  While they didn't advance deep into any tourneys this season, much of that had to do with their opening draws.  Hard to get a lot of momentum going when your opening foes included Nat'l Champ Columbia (opening Shield match), perennail tourney threat St. Charles (Holyoke), Pac 8 power Tucson (Pac 8 tourney), and Holyoke champ N'Orleans (in the WGM). After winning 7 of their first 10, and 5 by 3-0 sweeps, wins became as sparse as the oases around their home cave, suffering two streaks of losses that reached 6 & 8 before they could bounce back.  They also fared the 2nd-worst in 5-set matches, tying the Trash Pandas at 1-3 in the shorter sets.  Still, not all was dry and dusty this season, as they pulled off a new team record for Blowout with a 2nd-best-in-the-league (tied) of 40 pts in match 7!  They also landed a 5* OH and 4*s at S and MB.  That'll start righting the ship back to the skill levels we're used to seeing from the southern New Mexico squad.  They're probably another two seasons to getting back to the season 3 status (WGM Champs, Nat'l semis that year), or even the champs of the 'lesser' tourneys when the pulled the Holyoke-Shield double in season 9.  Their record doesn't matter when it comes to hardware, as they have always pulled upsets when needed most, until this season.  10-2 when +5 rated or higher. 1-18 when +4 or less, and their only win there was a massive -1 upset that barely registered in the weekly BUM Report.  Their sticky tongues are going to have to grab and hold a little more firmly to climb the Pac 8 rankings next season.  I have no doubt that Phil is already scheming on how to ambush some Shrimp or Meese in the near future.  Carlsbad often starts hot, so whoever plays them in the opening sessions has been forewarned. We share these tips because we care.  Solid recruiting, Mr. Godfather, and best of fortunes next season.


Away Court Records


Top lineups away:

3. Tie @ 91. San Jose (34, 39) & New Orleans (44)

2. Tie @ 93. Pekin (29, 44) & Nashville (34)

1. 94. Nashville (44)

Weakest lineups away:

3. Tie @ 54. Santa Clara (1,conf) & Schenectady (12,WGM r2)

2. Tie @ 53. Mat-Su (2,conf) & Schenectady (2,conf)

1. Tie @ 52. Tucson (1,conf) & Albuquerque (2,conf)

Highest away rating to lose:

Pekin, 93 (44, conf)

Most lop-sided match ratings:

3. +32 San Jose (25,non-conf)

2. +35 Columbia (16,WGM 16)

1. +37 San Jose (12,WGM r2)


Cincinnati Winged Hogs.  It's not every team that goes 25-10 and they're still 9 wins away from the team record. Or appears in a final, wins a trophy, and makes another semifinal only for the fan base to shrug, "meh" for the season.  Porkopolis fans have been on the high hog and living on truffles for so long, they probably aren't sure how to deal with a season like this.  I'm willing to bet a sizeable sum that the following would make at least 28 other managers happy with how their season played out: tied for second-most wins in the league, tied for top non-conference mark (5-1) and had the best winning set percentage, won the Big East Tourney (now 6-in-a-row, 7th overall), played in the TMVL Cup Semis and finished 3rd, went 19-0 when rated +2 or better, went 9-5 in close matches (rated from +4 to -4), pulled -4 and -5 upsets while suffering their own worst upset of just +1, went 6-2 in 5-set matches which is tied for the most wins and 2nd-highest in win %, had a 7-game win streak (tied 3rd-best) and at one point won 13 straight sets (2nd-best), pulled the biggest upset in a tourney final (-4), played .500 on the road and finished 6-6 (tied 4th-best) while also playing .700 on neutral court at 7-3 (tied 3rd-best), played a smashing TMVL Cup 3rd round match against Dallas that finished at 227 combined total points (tied 3rd-most this season)... oh, and all of this ended up being against one of the toughest schedules of the season as the Terrible Tuskers faced the most NET-Rating Tier I opponents (14) while having the 2nd-best win rate against Tier I (10-4) and also faced the most Tier I + II opponents (23).  23 of their 35 matches were against the top half of the league, and they still finished with the 2nd-most wins this season!  So why not more hardware for them?  Alton focused heavily on the league and took that title this season.  The Sensational Swines' Super Seven also ran into some nasty first round foes in competitions.  In the WGM, they fell to #31 and faced #2 seed Quincy on the road, which was a tad too high a hurdle to overcome, as Quincy held form and advanced to the semis.  In the National Tourney, they drew eventual champ Columbia in the opening round, which is no slouch to lose to (considering everyone else did too).  In the TMVL Cup semis match, they suffered their only upset of the season (+1 rated) to a Denali team that brought six A-rated players and topped 20 wins themselves.  Cinci finished the season with the 4th-highest effective T7, a 12-1 home win mark, tied for 2nd in the very competitive Big East, and no doubt will be back for more next season with 5 returning A or A-potential players on the roster already while adding a 5* OH and while only a 4* at L, he's a freakin' Avenger. Best of luck to the Big East in getting to play with any piglets next season. The Pig Pen will remain one of the toughest league venues to come away with a clean, or any, win. Also, Cinci now stands as the only team to have never played in the Holyoke Tourney. We're taking long, long odds on that streak ending next season, 'cause who doesn't love easy money?

Columbia Crazy Tomatoes. Steve's Sanity-Challeged Salad Stock clearly had a down season.  Finishing at 24-16, they had their worst record since season 9 (finishing 24-15 in seasons 10 & 11, clearly superior on win %).  Sure, they played in three finals, tying a team high set back in season 5, yet only won two of them and can't compare to the season 5 team that won the Natty, the Big 8 Tourney and the TMVL Cup that season.  They showed some weaknesses as well, suffering 4 upsets (worst at +6) while only pulling 2 themselves (best at -5), and only going 4-2 in 5-set matches.  Really, Steve should go back to the greenhouse and start over with a new team, abandoning further efforts with this crew, who seem bound for the ketchup factory, right?  All kidding aside, it was yet another great season for vine-ripened victory over anyone not named Roger or Eduard.  Winning their second National Championship alone would have set that mark, and Steve added to it with WGM glory (also their second), getting the #1 overall seed and running with it to the final where they swept aside the lesser competition with ease. They only dropped 2 sets in the whole competition, both to Starkville in the round of 32, which also gave us a tie for 3rd-highest points scored in a match this season, at 227, and the highest scoring set 5 of the year at 20-22!  Definitely not what you'd expect in the #32 @ #1 seed match!  So it was fitting that Olmec saw the rematch happen in the TMVL Shield, this time with the Bloodhounds winning set 5 and Columbia ended up falling in the semis to the defending and eventual champs Starkville. They settled for 3rd. They had a 5-game win streak of sweeps, winning 15-straight sets, highest in the league this season.  Meanwhile they also pulled the 2nd-highest Upset Sweep at -5 (8,conf)!  They landed the 2nd-highest lop-sided match rating over their opponent in the WGM r16 (m16) at +35, while playing in matches that ended up being the highest combined home/away ratings as well, in the WGM Final (tied 3rd, 184, m28) and the Big 8 Conf Tourney Final (#1, 186, m27).  Not to be outdone on neutral court, they landed the #2 combined ratings there as well (185, m45, Nat'l Tourney Final and the Salad Bowl, part 4, vs Pekin).  Few teams were tougher, as Columbia posted a tie for 2nd-highest home rating at 96 (44) and tied for 3rd-highest on neutral court at 92 (46 & 47) en route to having the best neutral court mark this season at 10-2 (both in total wins & win %).  If Columbia had a weakness anywhere, it was in their 'other' matches where the backups played in non-conference or sometimes conference matches while the T7 was going for Cup glory.  Columbia repeatedly dropped un-Columbia-like lineups against some top competition who did not take it easy on them.  Columbia played 12 matches against Tier I opposition, and only went 4-8 against them, facing just one top-rated team (Burlington) in the WGM as they made great use of their #1 seed, and only two of their four National Tourney matches were against Tier I squads (Cinci & Pekin).  Against Tier II, they fared better at 5-3, and their combined 20 matches against the top half of the league (9-11 overall) was tied for the third-most.  To balance that out, with some non-conf and their Shield run, they faced 10 Tier IV opponents, tied for 2nd-most, and went 7-3.  It took some time for Columbia to build momentum this season (losing their first 6 matches against Tier I opponents), yet by the time the WGM knockout rounds occurred, the Red Regiment rolled their way to Title Town, going 14-3 in tourney matches while mailing in the other matches.  The BUM Report was appreciative of their repeated efforts to appear in the Blowout and The Opposite of Trying column features this season!  Nice run this year, Steve. And a hopeful jinx upon your stat rolls for yet another great recruiting year, landing two 5* players and a 4*, while still having plenty of RP in the bank (especially after tourney bonuses are applied) for next season.  Some guys get to have their salad and eat it too.


Neutral Court Records


Top lineups on neutral court:

3. Tie @ 92. Pekin (40,45) & Columbia (46,47)

2. Tie @ 93. Nashville (32,37) & Pekin (37,42,45,47)

1. Nashville, 94 (42,45)

Weakest lineups on neutral court (all set in WGM group matches):

3. Tie @ 53. Starkville (6) & Schenectady (6)

2. Starkville, 52 (3)

1. St. Charles, 47 (3)

Highest combined neutral court match ratings:

3. 184. San Jose (91) v Pekin (93), m37, National Tourney Qs

2. 185. Columbia (92) v Pekin (93), m45, National Tourney Final

1. 187. Nashville (94) v Pekin (93), m42, National Tourney Semis

Highest neutral court rating to lose:

Nashville (94), m42, National Tourney Semifinal

Dumpsters (lowest combined ratings, neutral court);

3. 120. Pekin v Manitowoc (3,WGM Group r1)

2. 114. Dallas v Alton (3,WGM Group r1)

1. 112. Merritt Island v Schenectady (9,WGM Group, r3)


Dallas Bulldogs. If anyone refuses to be put in a category or be found to be predictable season-to-season, it's Craig.  In some ways, the Pound Puppies' season 12 was like that of the National Champs: better neutral court record (8-4) than home court (7-4), made an end-of-season final (Holyoke), recruited two 5* players at MB & RS, and a 4* at OH.  That's a wild recruiting coincidence.  Dallas also had a match end in 227 points (v Cinci, match 35, TMVL Cup r3), tied with the Columbia-Starkville WGM match for 3rd-best.  Of course, Craig could argue that Dallas went on to do one better, also setting the highest points scored total for season 12!  Match 2, conference play, Portland at Dallas, rolled out to 238 total points before it ended.  Also, like Columbia, Dallas mailed in some matches, appearing in both the lowest home/away match combined ranking totals (20, match 5, conf, @ St. Charles) and neutral court (114, match 3, WGM group r1, v Alton).  In other news, Dallas also had a 7-game win streak this season, tied for third-best, and appeared in 10 5-set matches, tied for season highest with Sheboygan!  Dallas would win 5 of those, tied for 2nd-most 5-set wins.  Also, oddly and specifically like Columbia, Team Rescue Pups finished with 20 matches against Tier I & Tier II opponents, finishing exactly like Columbia at 9-11 against those teams.  Dallas finished 5th in the Big 8, one game behind the aforementioned other squad.  I'm getting a little weirded out here.  Is Craig copying Steve?  Or is Steve copying Craig and just doing it better?  Fortunately, the resemblance pretty much stops there, as Craig led the league in ranting match posts.  While Steve found it worthwhile to dominate opponents (13 matches rated +8 or higher), Craig tied the league-low, with just 3 matches rated +8 or higher than his opponents.  At least he won them all.  What else did Dallas do this season?  Here's a short recap: tied for most team wins (18), tied team-high win streak (7), pulled 3 upsets to tie the team high, now done for four straight seasons (somewhere, Rob P may be assuming the fetal position), appeared in a tourney final for just the second time in team history, advanced to the WGM Round of 16 for just the 3rd time, and was in the Holyoke final for the second time, finishing again as runner-up.  All things considered, a winning season (18-17) and tying several team marks while topping some top squads like Columbia, Nashville, Quincy and Alton (twice).  The Pound Puppies have some bite to go with all Craig's growling, and with their recruiting class coming in, you might want to get your rabies shot booster before your next match in the Big D.

Denali Angry Wolves. Speaking of a Big D (wait, that probably came out wrong. We're referring to geographical size, with Dallas having approximately 385 sq miles and Denali having approximately 9,492 square miles in the national park, so clearly Andy is the bigger D than Big D, er, still wrong - Andy has the bigger... we're just going to move on. Forget everything in this parenthetical aside), it's your Livid Lupines!  The Peeved Pack ended with a very respectable 21-14 record, and were just one of three teams to not suffer an upset this season!  While they dropped one match when tied on rating (1-1 when evenly rated), they won every match rated +1 or higher (17-0).  Despite refusing to be upset, the BUM Report forgives them because they pulled a -9 upset themselves, good for 3rd-best this season!  They also finished at 5-1 in 5-set matches, tied for 2nd-most wins in the finalest of sets, and the best win % of the teams tied with them.  What else did our unHappy Howlers stalk down and claim as prey this season? They tied their deepest WGM run, ending in the quarterfinals.  They made the TMVL Cup final and finished as runners-up for just the 2nd time in team history, while also finishing second to the Vick's Smirking Shrimp in the Pac 8 Tourney.  This marked the first time in team history that Andy's Angry Army made two finals in the same season, and though they fell short in both, finishing top 5 in effective T7 has us thinking that they're going to be in a few more sooner rather than later.

Kentucky Panthers. Matthew came in knowing that season 12 was a rebuilding year as the Kittens were going to need to grow into their oversized paws.  Last year, the Bluegrass Blackcats (yeah, I know the mascot has more of a purple shade. Just go with it) had their best-ever recruiting season with a 5*, 4* and 2 3*s.  So what did Matthew do this season?  Just the same thing.  Doubled-up now at promising youth, if he can maintain his development and be willing to let the juniors go to give the freshman and sophomores full attention, there's no reason Kentucky can't push for the upper half of the SEC by season 14.  In the mean time, I have full confidence that they can improve on some marks set this season.  For starters, they had their highest-ever Shield finish, landing in 4th place.  They also pulled four upsets, tying a team high for one season, and had a new team Blowout mark at +28 pts (match 2)!  While their 9-22 record and tied-6th place SEC finish were probably below this season's hopes, their improving T7 ratings gives optimism moving forward.  Tied for the fewest matches (3) rated at +8 or higher, and owning the sole fewest matches at +5 or higher (4 total), Kentucky at least went 4-0 in those for a perfect record.  If they can double the number of matches where they hold a ratings edge next season when the sophomores are rounding into form,  they'll be in the realm where they can push for a new team win record, and maybe a new conference high as well.  They already proved they can win in atypical ways, pulling off a win in match 44 while being outscored by a combined 4 points (3rd best antiblowout of the season).  Now they have to do something like that against a top team if they want to advance in a Cup or make some conference waves.  Kentucky ended up 0-6 vs Tier I teams, 3rd-worst record of the season against the top lines.  While not yet ready to challenge Nashville or Baton Rogue for the conference crown (because who of the rest of us in the SEC is?), this was a good growing and recruiting year for Master Fowler and his Fowl-Feasting Felines. Now if someone would just change their mascot to a chicken in this league to help them out a little...

Manitowoc Gargoyles.  The Igneous Walltoppers finished at 8-23, which was just one win off their team record. Their 4-5 neutral court mark was respectable given they played some tough openers in the Shield and Holyoke (Spokane, Dallas).  When your conference includes the likes of Alton, Cinci and Burlington, it's no surprise that Goliath and Company ended up facing a tie for the 3rd-most Tier I opponents, at 11.  Their 1-10 record against those squads was to be expected, or better really thanks to a win!  Despite those talls odds, when Derek could keep it close, his team came out on top, as they were one of just two teams with a perfect record in 5-set matches, at 3-0.  Seems like they get better as day turns to night, or it could just be my imagination. They suffered a -10 upset, the 2nd-highest of the season, so they couldn't catch a break in all their matches at +5 or higher.  They were the third team to only have 3 matches at +8 or higher, and lost one, so going 3-0 in the +5 to +7 range certainly helped even out their luck.  They did pull a -7 upset themselves, so it wasn't all on the wrong end of the BUM report this season.  What marks did Manitowoc set? A new win streak, at 4 to start the season, as well as the most 3-set sweeps in season (also 4).  Their 3 5-set wins was a new team high as well.  Also of significant note is how recruiting went. Prior to this season, Manitowoc had never landed a 5* recruit. Season 12?  They got 2, and added a 3* setter as a bonus backup. Will a new infusion of talent take the Stone Sentinals to the tops of skyscrapers not yet scaled? We'll see how develpoment goes before passing judgment, while continuing to keep an eye on the skies as they grow increasingly unfriendly.  Flying pigs, bats, eagles and now sharp-clawed rocks could come raining down too. The rest of the Big East appears to have learned how to grow and scheme well away from the prying eyes flying above - Bullfrogs underwater; Mushrooms underlog, Squirrels in tree hollows, and Sasquatch... well, they mostly hide away from everyone all the time anyway, so it's nothing new for them.

Mat-Su Moose. Speaking of teams from the Northwest, and of teams setting new team highs in season 12, it can't be coincidence that we're now onto the best-bearded team in the league, the Mighty Meese!  Bryce's Alces Americanus must have grown extra-large antlers or spent some time sharpening the points, because the denizens of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley had a season that is arguably their best-ever!  Where shall we start?  I'm going with hardware and banners as Mat-Su claimed their first ever Conference Title.  Who cares if it was a tie, if the record books don't?  Congrats, Bryce!  On wins alone, they set a new team mark, hitting 20 for the first time, and their 20-13 record (60.6%) is a new team best for winning percentage.  Their 11-0 home record played a large part, one of just three teams unbeaten at home this season, as did their league-leading 6 5-set wins, and the best total 5-set winning percentage at 6-1.  More impressive than their racks (arguably) was a six-match winning streak, also a new team high.  Over the course of the season, they managed 11 3-set sweeps of the opposition, yet another team record!  Lest you think they did so well that the Long-Legged Leafmunchers were of no interest to the BUM Report, they also threw us a few nods along the way.  We appreciated them having their one and only suffered upset of the season at least be at +8 rating for the 4th-highest of the season, though their only upset pulled was a wimpy -2, so there's plenty room of improvement on that end.  They were a little weak on the blowouts too, though now I'm just nitpicking.  Meese have lots of nits, I'm told. Don't stand too close. Match 19, conference tourney quarterfinals, they managed a win while being outscored by 5 total points, our #2 Anti-Blowout of the season.  Then in match 21, they battled Alton to a combined 235 points, 2nd-most of the season, capped by a tie for the highest-scoring set of the entire season at 34-36!  The Mighty Meese managed to amble their way into the National Quarterfinals for just the second time in team history, marking a well-earned nod as a Top 8 team this season.  And with four players on the roster currently Freshmen or Sophomores who have A-level talent potential, this team hasn't yet reached their full heighth. If the incoming 4*s roll well, the Pac 8 is going to have their hands full trying to keep Mat-Su from a repeat conference crown in season 13.  Regardless of what happens when the snows start to fall and the next season begins, the Northern Lights are shining brightly for now!

Mendon Mushrooms. Pierre and the Fightin' Fungi are not prone to massive upsets, or really any upsets.  They have the third-fewest upsets over the past four seasons (one more than San Jose, two more than Antioch).  So their sole upset this season did not come as a surprise.  At least it tied their team high, at -3 (35,TMVL Cup r3).  That's makes their new team high blowout all the more impressive for us at the BUM Report, as their 35-pt Blowout in match 19 earned them a nod for top spot that weekend and came close to a top three for the season!  We should also note that their sole upset earned them a spot in the TMVL Cup semis for the first time in team history too.  Their eventual 4th place finish is a new team mark. Congrats, Pierre, and the Pugilist Puffballs!  They finished with a winning record at 18-15, not shabby in the competitive Big East, and just two wins off pace their team record of 20.  It helped that they faced 10 Tier IV teams along the way, going 7-3 against them, which ties the 2nd-most matches against the bottom quarter for the league.  Still, you have to beat the teams Olmec puts in front of you, and the Fightin' Fungi did so with their usual spore-spewing success, especially at home where they went 11-1. Their sole loss was to conference-winning Alton in match 5.  After the 2nd weekend, .  Nabbing a 5* OH and a 4* S will help for next season, to go along with A-rated returner at OH and two at MB!  With an A-potential RS and L on the roster as well, could Mendon put out an all-A lineup by the end of next season?  I'm certain the rest of the Big East is hoping not, and would prefer if the Muhsrooms' might magnification was deferred at least another season, already facing a alphabetic top 3 of Alton, Burlington, Cincinnati as league powers and conference bullies.  Just a little improvement on the 2-10 road record, and it would not be surprising to see Pierre unseat one of those.


Most points scored in a match:

3. Tie @ 227.  Starkville @ Columbia (12,WGM r2) & Dallas v Cincinnati (35,TMVL Cup r3)

2. 235. Mat-Su @ Alton (21,non-conf)

1. 238. Portland @ Dallas (2,conf)


Highest scoring regular set:

3. Pekin 32 - St. Charles 34 (13,conf,set 3)

2. Tucson 33 - Starkville 35 (15,non-conf,set 2)

1. Tie.  Mat-Su 34 - Alton 36 (21,non-conf,set2) & Nashville 34 - Albuquerque 36 (35,TMVL Cup r3)


Highest scoring set 5:

Starkville 20 - Columbia 22 (12,WGM r2)


Lowest points scored in a reguar set (1-4):

Santa Clara, 5 (1,conf,set 2)


Lowest points scored in a 5th set:

Alton, 4 (17,non-conf)


Merritt Island Manatees.  Mark's Doo-ragged Dugongs performed piracy with aplomb this season, setting a new team high with 4 upsets.  That included tying their team-high upset at -8 (33,Holyoke r1) which propelled them on and they ended up making the Holyoke semis for the first time in team history!  While they finished on a losing skid over the last two weekends to end at 13-20, they came in 5th in the SEC, and had a solid 8-2 record at home. Going 9-1 when rated higher than their opponent helped, with a sole upset at +4 tarnishing the record. They got revenge by pulling a -4 Upset Sweep in return, good for third-best in the league this season!  Meanwhile, they also faced 10 Tier IV opponents this season (tied, 2nd-highest), yet only pulled a 6-4 record against the lowest tier. Splitting the neutral court matches, and losing 2 of 3 away games pulled the record down. Mark's mark of 2-3 in 5-set matches showed some bad luck, as well as a lack of a top line OH to help out his pair of star MBs. There's also bad news for the SEC as the Scurvy-ridden Sea Cows addressed that issue in recruiting, picking up four(!) nice recruits headlined by a 5* MB and the rest all 4* additions (including the aforementioned OH). Stringing together wins will be necessary for improvement next season, as the Manatees managed just once this year, a sole 2-win streak fueled in part by their season-high upset before a 5-set home conference win. Olmec is fickle enough that even pirates can't count on easy pickings on the high seas for long. The Manatees will be gearing up for greater plunder next season with that recruiting class. We'll see how large they can grow in the south Florida climate!

Nashville Red Pandas.  Roy's Firefoxes set multiple team and league marks this season, powered by four A+ players (only two of whom were seniors!), and five other A and A-potential players on the roster.  The Red Menace has the potential to play a full A-rated T7 by late-season next year, and that's not even considering the new 5* MB and 4* S recruits!  Nashville already had the top-rated lineup of season 12 (94.4 T7 heading into the last session), a full point higher than the next-closest team, and over three points higher than any other SEC team. With that dominating lineup, it is no surprise that the Firefoxes put out impressive numbers like these: new team high in wins (25) and winning percentage (25-10, 71.4%). Conference and Conference Tourney champs again (repeating both from last season), a perfect 13-0 home record (tied for best in league with Pekin), the top-rated home (97,m39), away (94,m44), and neutral court (94,m42 & m45) lineups, and a National Tournament semifinal appearance. Even on the road they were feisty, ending 6-5, one of just three teams with a winning road record and tied for 2nd-best with Quincy.  Roy's crew had 14 3-set sweeps, 3rd most in the league, and was one of just six teams to finish at .500 or better (3-3) against Tier I opponents.  They had separate winnings streaks of 3, 4, 5 & 6 this year! They finished #3 on the NET and ELO rankings, behind only the Pod People and Porkopolis.  It certainly helped that Olmec did not see fit to grace their opponents with many upsets, as they went 23-1 when rated higher than their opponent. That one -1 upset on the record came in the Natty semis though, so it hurt more than most. That was balanced by not getting any upset love themselves, as they went 0-8 when outgunned, one of just three teams to not get a single upset this season. The focus on the SEC and the National Tourney led them to play really weak lines in the opening rounds of the WGM and TMVL cups. We'll have to see if that continues, or if they're going to be so dominant in the SEC that they can afford to spare some of the T7 for those challenges as well?

New Orleans Swamp Rats. Not much to see here.  While they managed to put out some nice lineups (like 91 away in match 44), those are 2nd-tier numbers to their opposition. The Rats won the Holyoke, which was nice. They got blown away in their other two finals appearances (SEC Tourney & WGM Final, both not-even-close sweeps) and the overall record was padded by 11 matches against Tier IV opponents (tied for league-high). Better coaching and management will likely be needed to get this team over the hump into top-tier consideration, as they couldn't even make the National Tourney this year after 8-straight appearances, and finished a distant 3rd in the SEC. Their bum-like manager couldn't even muster a good blowout or upset for his own column this season. Rats. P.S. we still hate the Bananas.

Portland Lumberjacks.  Jim stepped into some very large steel-toed workboots to fill this season.  Nobody else had the pressure of trying to learn the game and the league patterns while inheriting the defending National Champions and Big 8 champs (season & tourney) in a conference that also featured three of the Top 10 teams in T7, NET & ELO this year: Pekin, Columbia, Quincy.  A slight fall-off was to be expected, and Jim's 3-0 start followed by a 0-7 run then turned into a roughly .500 season by the time he was able to get a feel for things.  Good opening year, Jim!  Along the way, there weren't many new team marks after last season's heroics, yet the Flanned Fellsmen still pulled some upsets which included an absolute shocker -7 Upset Sweep (tied, season highest) over the almost-perfect Pekin Pod People in the final conference match!  That -7 was also a new team record for biggest upset! We won't linger long on the 'almosts' and 'what ifs' for this team, who were on the cusp of several other big wins.  We will point out that they're not going away, as they landed a highly-coveted 5* setter and a solid 4* OH to come in next season and reload the roster. Finishing third in the Big 8 is far from easy, and they finished conference play with a winning record, some barn-burner matches including the highest-scoring game this season (match 2 @ Dallas, conf) at 238 combined points, and did it all against 11 Tier I opponents, tied for 3rd-highest. More importantly, the Oregonian Axemen went 5-6 against the top tier of competition, better than anyone who played at least 9 matches against Tier I, except Pekin, Alton & Cinci!  The potential is there for a quick rebound to at least .500 play and another push for Big 8 glory, with perhaps some tourney noise in the Shield or Holyoke?  We don't know where Jim's priorities will fall next season, we just know that when the 'Jacks start swinging, something big is going down.

Pekin Pushin Peas. Ah, Roger. What a season and a pea vine's width from even more!  The Pod People made a powerful and passionate push for league-wide domination.  They finished with the most wins, three titles and a runner-up, and ended tops in NET and ELO rankings.  Their win total was a new team high (30), as was winning percentage (30-6, 83.3%).  Not only did they have an 11-match win streak (also a new team record), they had a separate 9-match streak that tied the best win streak of the season by anyone else.  Of their 30 wins, 17 were 3-set sweeps in lion-like performce by the Legume Legion, and their 13-0 home record tied Nashville for the league's best mark.  I'm pretty sure they were also featured most in BUM Report graphics, though we don't read that column much and can't say for certain. We'll get an unpaid intern on that at some point. What else did Pekin do? Their powerhouse club was featured in the highest-rated matches of the season in both home/away matches (186 total,m27,Conf Tourney Final v Columbia) and their National Tourney run gave us our highest combined neutral court ratings in three straight rounds! Quarters v San Jose (184), Semis v Nashville (187, #1 overall!) and the Final v Columbia (185). Only Nashville put out higher lineups at home to Pekin's 96, away to Pekin's 93, and on neutral court to Pekin's 93, done four times! Pekin had half of the top 12 neutral court lineups this season (92-94 ratings). They suffered the highest away-court-rated upset, a -7 defeat with their 93-rated lineup. That was the only real dent on their otherwise stellar and league-best 8-3 away record with two mailed-in lines. Their 9-3 neutral court record trailed only Columbia, and their Natty Final match made the difference with the Tomatoes ending 10-2. When they tried, they were near-unbeatable, topping Tier I opponents with a final 8-1 mark. In the few matches they didn't, it was almost comical, like match 3, WGM opening group play, when they and Manitowoc put out a combined 120 match rating, 'good' for a tie for the 4th lowest match all season. They also mailed in the WGM knock-out round opener, and then proceeded to win just about everything else: Big 8 Conf Champs (3rd time), Big 8 Conf Tourney Champs (2nd time), TMVL Cup Champ (1st time), and National Tourney runner-up (highest ever finish)!  Of course, more importantly, they also were featured in the BUM Report!  Their 3 upsets this season were a new team high, and they also landed their highest ever Blowout at +36 (7,conf)! Congrats all around to Roger and the Pod People! And now the bad news, for the rest of us. Pekin also landed 5* recruits at both S and OH, with a 4* MB almost as an afterthought. Not only does Roger win, he's also greedy and refused to share the shiny new toys with the rest of us. He's adding those to a roster already returning A-rated players at MB, OH, RS, and L.  And he's still got 1200+ RP to start next season even before tourney bonuses get applied.  Get used to looking up at the Peas. Right now, it's Roger's garden, and only a few other teams can challenge him when the T7s are on the line.


Most Sweeps (3-set wins)

3. Nashville, 14

2. San Jose, 15

1. Pekin, 17


Most 5-set wins:

2. Tie @ 5. Burlington (5-3), Dallas (5-5), Denali (5-1), Sheboygan (5-5)

1. Tie @ 6. Cincinnati (6-2) & Mat-Su (6-1)


Most 5-set losses:

7-way tie for 2nd with 5 (you know who you are)

1. Tucson, 6


Best Record in 5-set matches:

2. Manitowoc (3-0)

1. Baton Rouge (4-0)


Worst Record in 5-set matches:

2. Tie @ 1-3, Albuquerque & Carlsbad

1. Antioch, 1-5


Quincy Rabid Biting Mules. Speaking of teams that can challenge Pekin... at least Quincy tried? We're not talking about that match 7 away conference match where the Rabbids posted a whopping 64 rating. It was the later home conference match (29) where the Mules fielded a 90, only to be topped in 5 sets by the Peas' 93-rated team. Quincy started fast, opening 6-0 and stretching to 8-1 (lone loss to Pekin) and 14-2 before things started getting dicey. The undeserved loss to the Rats in the WGM semis didn't help; nor did the first ever Conf Tourney quarterfinals loss, when rated +8 at home to Max's Scarecrows, of all teams. Quincy suffered three upsets this season while only being handed two themselves, at -1 and -2. Not sure what Al did to anger Olmec, yet the Rabbids were certainly not on Ol' Stoneface's good side this season.  There were still highlights though, as it's only a very few teams who have an 'off season' and still end up with a 23-12 record, a top 3 Blowout of the season at +39 (11,conf), one of just three teams to end with a winning away record (6-5,tied 2nd-best), and a tie for the 3rd-best neutral court record at 7-3 (tied with Cinci, and behind only the two teams who played in the Natty final).  It's not like Al just picked on little guys and avoided the big guns either. They played 8 matches against Tier I opponents and finished 4-4 in those, one of six teams to go .500 or higher in Tier I matches.  They finished top 10 in T7, NET and ELO, and had just one loss to a Tier IV opponent, a 5-set, 16-14 5th set home conference upset loss to Portland. Combined a solid recruiting effort (5* L, 4* OH, 3* MB) and 3 returning A-rated players with 3 A-potential freshman already on the roster, the Mules look like they are going to bite and hang on to someone's hind side for the foreseeable future. Turn your back at your own risk.

San Diego Swordfish. Matt White and Gang Gladius came within one game of a share of the Pac 8 conference title this season, falling in the last conference match to Santa Clara to keep them just shy of the first-place finishers. Even so, their 3rd place on the tables marks the highest-ever for this SoCal squad!  They nabbed a sword's reach of other team records on the way, finished with best ever stats of most wins (15), best win percentage (15-17, 46.9%), longest win streak (4, tied), longest won sets streak (12-straight), most 3-set wins (11), advanced to the WGM Sweet 16 for the first time, and repeatedly were featured in everyone's (or at least everyone we polled) favorite weekly TMVL column!  Not only did San Diego give us a tie for our highest Upset Sweep of the Season at -7 (2,conf), they also gave us a tie for the Biggest Blowout of the Season at +41 pts (14,conf)!  While the Xiphos-Wielding Warriors may have played the fewest Tier I opponents (4), they played them well, finishing as one of the six teams to end up .500 or above against Tier I opposition (2-2).  They were just one of three teams to never suffer an upset, winning every match they played where they were evenly-rated or higher (12-0), while simultaneously being the only team to pull off three upsets when rated -5 or worse!  The 'Fish managed that on the strength of their MB lineup, with three A-rated players when they were all +1 Fit. While they're losing a senior, they also have a 4* MB recruit coming in to replace him. With youth set at L and S, I expect that the big RP war chest that Matt has saved up (2nd-most as of this post) will be headed to top-rated recruits at RS and OH, balancing out the team, and making the Swordfish deadlier than ever. A little luck, a little being taken for granted, and the Pac 8 is going to be wondering what happened as the Bladebeaks make new and bigger waves in the SoCal surf.

San Jose Shrimps. Vick is no stranger to winning seasons and Pac 8 powerplays, and he did it again this year.  At 21-15 (13-2 at home), he topped the Pac 8 again (tied with Mat-Su), claiming at least a share of the Conference Title in 6 of the past 7 seasons.  He also won the Conference Tourney for the third time, and set a new team mark for match-winning might with 15 3-set sweeps (2nd-most in league)!  Several of those were back-to-back and San Jose managed to win 12 sets on a roll, something only four others teams matched or topped.  There were also BUM-worthy winnings, which is a rare feat for the Diabolical Decapods!  Only Antioch has had fewer upsets in the last four seasons than Vick's Prawn Powerhouse (yeah, we know they're not technically the same thing, just roll with it), yet San Jose finally managed to pull two upsets in the same season for a new team record!  One of those tied their team-high -6 (36,TMVL Shield r2).  On the other side of the BUM Report's regular features, San Jose featured in not one, yet two of our Blowouts of the Season, with wins of +39 (tie, 3rd, 8,conf) and +41 (tie, 1st, 1,conf)!  They were only team to have two of the top blowouts. Ironically, they were also the only team to be featured twice in the most lop-sided (by ratings) matches this season at #3 (+32,25,non-conf) and #1 (+37,12,WGM r2), yet those were not their blowout matches!  The power was obvious anyway, as Vick's Crustacean Crew put out lines good for third-best at home (95,44) and away (91,34&39), while playing the third-highest neutral clash against Pekin in the National Quarterfinals (184 combined). So you might be asking (and if not, we'll ask for you), why didn't the Crusty Crew win more tourney matches this season?  The answer to that is that their sea-faring luck at home failed to travel with them.  Against Tier I opponents, San Jose went 0-8, 2nd-worst mark in the league. The Shrimp consistently got overpowered against the top league predators, despite often having a statistical edge, like in the TMVL Cup first round, where they suffered a +3 upset by Cinci.  When rated +5 or higher, San Jose went 19-0.  When rated evenly to +4, the Shrimp went 0-6, the worst luck in the league in that ratings-range by a margin as wide as the Pacific they play in (2nd-worst was 0-2, two teams at 0-1, and everyone else won at least 1 match in that range aside from Portland who oddly had zero matches rated from +4-0. Meanwhile, Pac 8 foes Mat-Su went 5-0 and San Diego 4-0 in that ratings-range.) Not to dwell too long on Vick's bad luck that held them back a little this season, they did manage to take down the easier foes that Olmec saw fit to stuff the schedule with, playing 10 matches against Tier IV opponents (tied, 2nd-most) and going 8-2 against those team. With A-rated returning players at OH, RS, an A-potential setter, and THREE(!!!) A-rated returning MBs, we'll see if Olmec will finally throw Vick an upset-worthy season instead of constantly suffering the upsets on the biggest stages.  In any case, the Pac 8 title likely still runs through San Jose, and teams are going to have to play for the road upset to unseat the once, present, and foreseeable future Crustacean King of the Pac 8.

Santa Clara Chihuahuas. Martyn's Diminuative Doggies had a middle-of-the-pack season.  13-18 record, though a solid 8-3 at home and a respectable 4-5 on neutral artificial court surfaces (because few play on actual ol' fashion hardwood anymore).  They were easy to overlook on the schedule, as their size helped, yet managed to play spoiler on several occasions as they pulled three upsets for the third-straight season, an impressive feat!  They topped out with a -6 upset this season, well off their team high yet better than half the league.  When they were the bigger dog in the fight, they avoided trouble themselves, going a perfect 10-0 when rated +2 or higher. They set their sights on just one prime player in recruiting and nailed a 5* L to pair with Halversen moving forward. No doubt they will be active early and often to buffer the OH and MB lines next year. All the coaching attention on the Sophomores and Freshmen bodes well for a season 14 surge as Martyn's nefarious plans come to fruition. In the mean time, we expect ongoing BUM Report love for his continued efforts at pulling multiple upsets every season! Olmec seems to have a soft spot for the Ratdog Pack. Maybe it's the big ears. They're more than just bite. Protect your ankles appropriately.

Schenectady Squirrels.  Brian's Arboreal Rodents nipped and nibbled at multiple opponents this season, setting a new team high with 4 upsets en route to a final 12-19 record!  Beerman's Boomers seemed to be just a step behind this season, as the manager certainly seemed to struggle with the reality of the adage of 'trying to herd squirrels' into a cohesive game performance.  The Schenectady Scurry bookended their season with 4-game losing streaks, yet found a few nuts stashed away to the tune of a pair of 3-game win streaks.  They also pulled off the Upset of the Season with a crazy out-of-nowhere rally and 5-set win over Arlington (15,non-conf).  That match aside, they clearly picked which matches to focus their efforts on, and which ones to reserve for... we'll call it player development.  Of the nine noted weakest lineup ratings in the above home, away, and neutral records, the NutMunchers were featured four times, topping even the three that Max "I'll play when I want and only when I want and still beat my dad" Sellers tossed out this season.  Of the matches with the lowest combined team ratings, for home/away and neutral courts, the Bucktoothed Brigade topped BOTH categories (away,2,conf & neutral,9,WGM group r3).  Brian also went all-in on development of key players, completely topping out six guys (not even leaving room for a final XP point) while bringing along another three and throwing some pity points to clear backups. They appear to have recruited like a squirrel hunts nuts too, bouncing all over the place, with at least one session of attention to 24 different players across all five positions. Brian's process defies my explanation, or else he's so clever in throwing us all off his track so nobody knows who his real targets are!  In any case, he landed a good MB, and we'll have to see what the off-season brings as he further refines his T7.  Against a brutal conference slate next year (I'm expecting half the Big East to appear in the top 10 NET and/or ELO early next season), the Squirrels will have to continue ambushing from the trees in opportunistic matches.

Sheboygan Vampire Bats.  Ah, John.  BUM Report MVM (most valuable manager).  a.k.a. Olmec's Whipping Boy. We went through all the categories, and the Bloodsuckers were one of just a handful of teams to not set any new team records this season.  After their near-mythical previous season, there had to be one coming where John's team seems almost normal (just the team, not the poetry-spouting guy in charge).  After all, not every season can feature things that no other team ever has done, like win 11 5-set matches (season 11), pull 9 upsets (also 11), or finish as runner-up in the National Tourney pulling two large upsets just to get there (yep, still 11). This season only saw them win five 5-set matches (tied 2nd-most) and 5-5 overall, tying Dallas as the only teams to play in 10 5-set matches.  Olmec also saw fit to give them one of the tougher strength of schedules.  No other team played in as few matches against Tier IV opponents, with the Bats only getting 3 matches vs the bottom quarter (and just going 1-2 against them).  In all that 'normalcy,' they still managed to recruit two 5* players to replace graduating A-ranked starters from this season.  Of course, there is no way they'd go out without a proper farewell match for the BUM Report, and just before the season ended they gifted us a third-best Upset Sweep at -4 (45,TMVL Cup r5). Probably just to remind us all that despite a 14-18 season, and having a better neutral court record (6-3) than home record (7-5), the 'Bats are ever able to sneak up and nip you in the unmentionables!


Most Tier I opponents:

3. Tie @ 11. Manitowoc (1-10); Portland (5-6); St. Charles (2-9)

2. Tie @ 12. Alton (8-4); Columbia (4-8)

1. 14.  Cincinnati (10-4)


Best Tier I record:

4. Three teams tied at .500.  Quincy (4-4); Nashville (3-3); San Diego (2-2)

3. Alton, 8-4

2. Cincinnati, 10-4

1. Pekin, 8-1


Worst Tier I record

3. Kentucky (0-6)

2. San Jose (0-8)

1. Tie: Albuquerque (0-10) & Arlington (0-10)


Most Tier I + II opponents

3. 20.  Tie: Columbia (9-11) & Dallas (9-11)

2. 22.  Albuquerque (3-19)

1. 23.  Cincinnati (16-7)


Fewest Tier I’s

San Diego, 4 (2-2)


Most Tier IV’s

2. 10. 5-way tie: San Jose (8-2); Merritt Island (6-4); Columbia (7-3); St. Charles (6-4); Mendon (7-3)

1. 11. 3-way tie: Baton Rouge (9-2); New Orleans (9-2); Spokane (10-1)


Fewest Tier IV’s

2. 4. Albuquerque (3-1)

1. 3. Sheboygan (1-2)


Spokane Sasquatches. Jason's camera-shy crew played a very streaky season to start out, losing 5-straight, then winning four-straight, and having another string of four wins all by sweeps later on, taking 12-straight sets along the way (3rd best set streak), a new team record! They finished tied for 4th in the Big East, and played well in earning a 17-15 winning season, fueled by an 8-3 home record. Their neutral court took a hit as they drew lousy opening round teams (Alton, Burlington, Nashville) for tourneys.  The BUM Report also appreciated their new team record of 4 upsets!  They went 13-1 when rated better than their opponent, yet it was in the -2 to -7 range that they really shined, going 4-3 in that range as the UnderHominids.  They also showed a decisively fierce nature toward smaller things, tying a league high for matches against Tier IV opponents (11 total) and going a league-high 10-1 in those matches, with 8 sweep victories.  The 'Squatch finished in the top half of the league in both NET and ELO rankings, and are bringing back three A-rated players, two of them just Juniors! Perhaps season 13 is just what Spokane needs to finally bring home some hardware.

St. Charles Scarecrows.  Max knows this game, as a 4-time National Champ (in addition to rumors that he dabbled in the coding at some point). That's also clear as this team, which peaked out with the 20th-best T7 heading into the last weekend, finished near .500 at 16-18, and pulled four upsets this season!  While the GourdHeads did mail in some lineups early on while starters rested (matches 2, 3 & 5 for exhibits), and sent in the absolute lowest lineup of the year in match 3 (47-rated, 5 worse than #2), they also went 15-3 when rated -4 or higher.  If it was close, they were in it.  Their neutral court record (7-4) also showed out the talent level, as they fared better in tourneys than in conference play. They went vine-to-vine with the league's best in a stellar 32-34 set against Pekin, winning the 3rd-highest-scoring set of the season. Among their upsets was something the league hadn't seen before, when the Scarecrows became the first-ever team to beat Al's Rabbids in the opening round of a Conference Tourney (a -8 upset no less)!  I'm guessing that was followed by kind texts and consolations from son to father.  That was one of few highlights for St. Charles against Tier I foes though, as they were gifted by Olmec with 11 matches against the top teams (tied, 3rd most) yet only fared 2-9 in those clashes.  Their mark against the Tier IV teams (10 total, tied 2nd-most) was better, at 6-4.  Three 4* recruits later, they'll again be reloading a competitive team, and we will have to see see if managerial might will win out against sheer T7 power that they'll see in Pekin, Columbia, and Quincy this coming season. It's a good thing that GourdHeads are hollow. They know no fear.

Starkville Bloodhounds.  Eduard had a run of luck so bad we had to do some checking over the last few seasons for comparison.  After season 11 that put the league on notice of the up-and-coming power (20 wins, Shield Champ), the expectations were higher for the 'Hounds than ever.  Instead, while they did successfully defend the TMVL Shield, becoming only the second team to ever do so (other being Cinci, seasons 7 & 8), they fell to a 9-23 record.  The renowned trackers were unable to hunt down even half the victories from last season, due in large part to suffering a league-worst 6 upsets when rated +2 or higher!  In the past four seasons, there have been just four other teams to suffer 6 upsets or more in one season, and only one hit 6 upsets of +2 or higher.  League-worst upset luck, of the kind we have seen on average every other season. Not much Eduard or any of the rest of us can do when Olmec decides it's just not your year.  It's not like they were getting blown out either; they just couldn't get the final points in tight matches this season. The 'Hounds are all over the 'highest score' records this season: Most points in a match (227, m12, WGM r2) where they took eventual champs Columbia to a 5-set final that featured a 20-22 5th set, highest of the season, and were the only team to a take even one set from Columbia during their entire WGM run!  They also played a 33-35 set with Tucson (15,non-conf), 2nd-highest of the season. Their T7 was in the top half of the league (13th overall heading into the final weekend), and they were one of just two teams to beat Columbia on neutral court, and the only one to do so when Steve was actually trying to win the match even if it did take Starkville's only upset of the season to achieve it (at -6)! With this season in the rear view mirror, the the 'Hounds can finally move on from Olmec's doghouse and look forward to reloading in season 13 with 2 5* recruits to add to two A-rated players returning and another A-potential freshman already in development.  They're not Nashville, yet The Hounds of Eduardville are certainly a darkhound SEC power for next season.

Tucson Spikin Saguaros. Amy came within one match of a winning season and a share of the Pac 8 conference title season, suffering a -3 home upset in the last conference match from their nemesis team, Andy's Livid Lupines. A win there and they would have tied for the conference title and flipped their 16-17 record to the win column.  Instead, they had to settle for 'almost' this year, though they did set a new team record with a 9-match winning streak spanning sessions 3 to 5!  That was the 2nd-highest streak of the season.  They also pulled 3 upsets themselves this season, matching the team record, and with a -10 upset tied the 2nd-highest Upset of the Season. Not bad for 'also ran' status from the team that opened the season by playing an away lineup (52) in match 1 that ended up tied for the weakest away team all season. Saguaros are known for growing slowly, with some still just a few inches high when a decade old, before they eventually reach 40-60 feet tall. If this league allowed players to continue to develop over a century intsead of just four years, we know who'd be dominant! "Now introducing, at middle blocker, standing 15 meters high and with 20 arms radiating from his trunk, it's 96th-year senior Casey Cacticus!"  Good call on the 4-year limit, Max!  Speculative aside now past, we return to our recap brought to you by the number 2, as the Spike Dome denizens were also part of the 2nd-highest-scoring set of the season, 33-35 at Starkville (15,non-conf). And in the stat line where nobody wants to be #1, they finally kicked over the #2 hump and the Needle Nation poked their way to the front of the line with SIX 5-set losses, more than anyone else this year. I'm sure Amy will be boasting of that one on media day as season 13 approaches. "Hey, remember the opening match of the National Tourney where we took eventual runners-up San Jose to 5 sets only to lose 13-15 while rated -8? Yeah, us too. Soooooooooooooooooo close."  As it ended up, attention now turns to the solid recruiting class of two 4* players in addition to the 5* OH Vimes. Drug testing in the Sonoran Desert is rumored to start including Miracle Grow as a banned substance for season 13. That should please the Pac 8, as the Spiky Spikers are returning A or A-potential players at four positions, and will certainly be pushing for another conference banner.

Teutopolis Twisters. Last alphabetically, yet never in our hearts, C-Ball and the Dust Devils continue to build windspeed for a run next season. 4th in the SEC, winning record (17-16), especially at home (10-2) with a winning neutral court record too (5-4). They reloaded at OH (5* & 4* recruits) to add depth for the away matches they (mostly) left dangling in the wind this season. The Windy Warriors managed just one upset in trying to overcome SEC powers and some nasty opening round tourney draws (Columbia, Cinci), while getting upset three times themselves, with the highest at +5.  Their record in close matches (rated +4 to -4) was 2-5, and the sub-30% win % was in an ignoble group of just five other teams who couldn't catch a consistent break. When you have to overwhelm your competition to win, it helps to not play the Firefoxes four times, or the Bullyfrogs twice (in both the WGM group and knockout rounds), with matches against Cinci and Columbia sprinkled in for fun. The Trailer Park Terrors finished mid-pack just about everywhere as a result, #15 in NET, #16 in ELO, 4th in SEC, 10th in TMVL Cup, just above .500, and with a 5*, 4*, 3* in recruiting to balance it all out. If through moderation comes victory over life, we're certain the Twisters are a team of very well-balanced and soon-to-be-successful persons. On the court though, they're going to need some unidirectional and all-in playing, as the youth need to step up in a hurry to replace the 3 graduating seniors that carried this team (2 A-rated, 1 B+). The freshman and recruits are at least a season away though, so for teams hosting the Twisters next season, expect another run of 50% chance of sunny skies, 50% chance of whirling death and destruction to be the meteorological report for game days!


Strength of Competition:

Highest Average Rating Against, Home matches (aka, feel the respect of your opponents!):

3. Dallas, 76.0

2. Quincy, 76.1

1. Sheboygan, 76.5


Highest Average Rating Against, Away matches (aka, why home court matters in the WGM & Conf Tourneys):

3. Pekin, 83.1

2. Teutopolis, 83.5

1. New Orleans, 84.2


Highest Average Rating Against, Neutral court (aka, who made the semis a lot?):

3. Burlington, 81.1

2. Nashville, 81.4

1. Cincinnati, 83.2


Lowest Average Rating Against, Home matches (look how feared you are!):

3. Manitowoc, 69.6

2. Portland, 69.3

1. Santa Clara, 68.7


Lowest Average Rating Against, Away matches (such disrespect! Revenge is merited!):

3. Manitowoc, 76.9

2. Kentucky, 76.8

1. Arlington, 76.5


Lowest Average Rating Against, Neutral court (good job avoiding the juggernauts!):

3. Kentucky, 74.3

2. Carlsbad, 72.7

1. Manitowoc, 71.0


Thus our Season 12 Blowout BUM Report Recap concludes with a 'whatever that was' sound, as if 'meh' got a theme song and blared it from their Walkman headset like Kevin Bacon dancing around a high school hallway. May your recruit skill rolls be epic, and next season be one filled with all-time new records for your teams, if not in the win column, then in the Blowout & Upset Columns you know you love to read anytime they feature everyone's favorite BUM Report team, "Not Me!"

Final thanks to Max & Al for this enjoyable life diversion and escapist past-time.  Looking forward to the mass-marketed Olmec App (rumored to be in development, and never ask a BUM reporter to reveal his sketchy or outright made up sources) to appear on Google Play in the near future. Why have hopes spring eternal and fade quickly for just one team when you could have several?! Also, how do I get AI to take over the BUM Report writing and illustration departments if we do branch into more than one league? My boss gets a little cranky when he asks me for some data or figures or to maybe actually do some work, and all he gets a copy-and-pasted reply, "Not now, man! I've got a BUM Report to write!"

Here's to hoping the BUM Report adds a little happiness to your online life for another season. Your posts and responses are always appreciated, as the managers make this game as fun as it is. Throwing volumnuous verbage at silent screens is rarely an edifying or encouraging endeavor, so a final, "Thank you!" This time to our faithful BUM-lovers. You know who you are. Raise one for your fellows who also had a match this season where we just had to shake our heads and say, "That one is a real BUMmer."

See you in Season 13, hopefully our unluckiest season ever!

Readers Comments

So there's no confusion with colour please refer to us as the Purple People Eaters 

Matthew Fowler on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 2024 at 9:45 AM

Pretty amazing write up

Craig Bucknall on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 2024 at 3:49 PM

This is SO good, thank you for your immense contributions as BUM Master, Kev!

Mike Cabral on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 2024 at 4:24 PM

Absolutely brilliant Kevin, you definitely deserve your 5 RP bonus 😎

Roger Mendonça on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 2024 at 6:04 PM

Wonderful read! And a big part of what makes TMVL fun!

Bryce Kalmbach on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 2024 at 9:38 PM

I think it is sagfe to say I don't know what I'm doing. I just have not been able to commit time to learning how this all works.

Brian Beerman on Thursday, Aug. 22nd, 2024 at 1:34 PM

Apart from the team write up - which I judge as reasonably complimentary, probably because I don't understand the subtleties or, indeed, anything - there were only two mentions of the Santa Clara Chihushuas.  One I consider good and the other bad so I will take that willingly

Martyn Hathaway on Thursday, Aug. 22nd, 2024 at 9:20 PM

Wow, what a read. Very impressive!

Pierre van Rossum on Saturday, Aug. 24th, 2024 at 6:35 AM

Awesome write up by the Wet Water Voles wrangler

Roy Rolsten on Saturday, Aug. 24th, 2024 at 9:25 AM

See you in Season 13, hopefully our unluckiest season ever!

At least at Starkville, season 12 is pretty difficult to "improve"

Eduard Habermann on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, 2024 at 7:50 PM

Raging Raptors thats a new one , what a write up though , deserves more than 5 RP

James White on Friday, Sep. 13th, 2024 at 6:42 PM

Thanks for the summary, Kevin! 

Phil McIntosh on Saturday, Sep. 14th, 2024 at 5:19 PM

When will all the BUM reports be published in a book? Nice reads everytime. 

Pierre van Rossum on Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 7:37 AM

We need another Tab just for BUM reports sorted by season.

Steve Turner on Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Oh this report has the Crows hyped up this season! Great work Kevin!

Max Sellers on Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 3:57 PM

Great analysis, thank you Kevin!  

And yes, Max always sends his poor dad mean texts when he defeats our rebuilding Rabid Biting Mules...

Allan Sellers on Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 4:51 PM