U1/U2 are on a break for the United World Cup. New seasons will begin in November.
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 - 05:44:13 PM (gmt)
ball MSWL UNITED ① Season 48 // Landing
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Chesterfield FC
Phil McIntosh
Carlisle United
Dave Gittins
League Round 11

S  T  A  R  T  I  N  G      L  I  N  E  U  P  S

CHESTERFIELD FC                            CARLISLE UNITED

Ps Player Name            SL  FIT  LVL     Ps Player Name            SL  FIT  LVL
Gk Niklas Herrmann        15    2   17     Gk Xavier Lambert         14    2   16
Sw Ibou Sene              10    1   11     Sw Cristhian Dybala       13    2   15
Df Jeff Stewart           15    0   15     Df Toshihiro Nakamura     14    2   16
Df Edilberto Moreno       12    0   12     Df Kristoffer Lagerbäck   13    2   15
Df Robert Harrison        10    0   10     Df Jacob Beynon            8    2   10
Df Sam Wood                7    2    9     Mf Jacek Frankowski       13    2   15
Mf Erik Weber             11    0   11     Mf Marcus Teulet           8    2   10
Mf Connor Patel            8    1    9     Fw Takeshi Fukunishi      14    2   16
Fw Gabriel Fernandinho    13    0   13     Fw Salem Bejaoui          14    2   16
Fw Francisco Viana         8    1    9     Fw Jorge Diaz             11    1   12
Fw Liam Cleverley          8    1    9     Fw Javier Gimenez          7    2    9

      Gk Sw Df Mf Fw   A R E A  T O T A L S    Gk Sw Df Mf Fw
      17 11 46 20 31        ROSTER TOTALS      16 15 41 25 53    
       0  0  0  0  0          HARDNESS          0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  0  9       HOME ADVANTAGE       0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  0  0  GREAT PERFORMANCE POINTS  0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  0  0        PLAY FOR DRAW       0  0  0  0  0    
      17 11 46 20 40         T O T A L S       16 15 41 25 53    

K E Y   E V E N T S
Min 15: Takeshi Fukunishi (CAR) scores! (CHF: 0 - CAR: 1)
Min 73: Javier Gimenez (CAR) scores! (CHF: 0 - CAR: 2)

K E Y   S T A T S
       0               GOALS       2
       0       TOTAL ATTACKS      11
       0         TOTAL SHOTS       6
       0     SHOTS ON TARGET       5
       3               SAVES       0
       0       PENALTY KICKS       0
       0        YELLOW CARDS       0
       0           RED CARDS       0
       0            INJURIES       0
Match Summary
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