Neutral Court
Neutral Court
Sheboygan Vampire Bats
John Holden
Sheboygan leads series 11-9
Match Comments
Are Sheboygan the most dangerous team in this competition?
Allan (Quincy) Nov 11 - 12:25 AM
No, Alton are favoured to win this!
John (Sheboygan) Nov 11 - 2:18 AM
unless you look at ELO John . . .
James (Alton) Nov 14 - 8:24 PM
Team ratings > ELO
John (Sheboygan) Nov 18 - 5:46 AM
Very tight game , could've went either way ?
James (Alton) Nov 19 - 7:14 PM
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED SVB VERSUS ASE ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Prosser (OH) | Ryan (RS) | Hill (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Venkman | Kurtz (MB) | Vega (S) | McCoy (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Worsley (OH) | Applemansion (S) | Klein (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tickletackle | Campbell (MB) | Dagostino (RS) | Whatley (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 1 SVB 0 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the tool kill off the block ASE 1 SVB 1 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill on Tim Whatley ASE 2 SVB 1 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Vincent Vega ASE 2 SVB 2 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill ASE 3 SVB 2 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell gets the tool kill off the block ASE 3 SVB 3 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 4 SVB 3 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Bobby Hill serves an ACE ASE 5 SVB 3 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Leonard McCoy (DEF - 16) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill on Lucas Worsley ASE 6 SVB 3 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 6 SVB 4 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 7 SVB 4 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Frosty Tickletackle (SET - 14) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Jack Ryan ASE 7 SVB 5 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH Drew Prosser gets the kill ASE 8 SVB 5 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Drew Prosser (DEF - 13) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 9 SVB 5 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 9 SVB 6 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy (ATK - 18) is dug by Tim Whatley (DEF - 16) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 9 SVB 7 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill on Tim Whatley ASE 10 SVB 7 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz serves an ACE ASE 11 SVB 7 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (2) Lucas Worsley OH [ASE poss] Lucas Worsley (ATK - 13) is dug by Drew Prosser (DEF - 13) with 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill ASE 12 SVB 7 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley OH (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 13 SVB 7 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Bobby Hill blocks Lucas Worsley ASE 14 SVB 7 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 14 SVB 8 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill MB (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 14 SVB 9 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 15 SVB 9 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Frosty Tickletackle (SET - 14) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Drew Prosser ASE 15 SVB 10 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Bobby Hill MB Lucas Worsley blocks Bobby Hill ASE 15 SVB 11 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 16 SVB 11 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 16 SVB 12 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 17 SVB 12 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the tool kill off the block ASE 17 SVB 13 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 18 SVB 13 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley OH (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 19 SVB 13 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Jack Ryan (DEF - 14) with 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the tool kill off the block ASE 20 SVB 13 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Jack Ryan ASE 20 SVB 14 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill ASE 21 SVB 14 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Drew Prosser (DEF - 13) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 22 SVB 14 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 15 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Jack Ryan RS Magnus Applemansion blocks Jack Ryan ASE 22 SVB 16 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 23 SVB 16 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Jonas Klein MB [ASE poss] Jonas Klein (ATK - 15) is dug by Drew Prosser (DEF - 13) with 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS [SVB poss] Jack Ryan (ATK - 17) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the tool kill off the block ASE 23 SVB 17 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill ASE 24 SVB 17 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Vincent Vega serves an ACE ASE 25 SVB 17 ============================================ Screaming Eagles Wins Set: SVB: 17 ASE: 25 ASE: 1 SVB: 0 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dagostino (RS) | Campbell (MB) | Worsley (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tickletackle | Whatley (OH) | Klein (MB) | Applemansion (S) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Hill (MB) | McCoy (OH) | Vega (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Venkman | Ryan (RS) | Prosser (OH) | Kurtz (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Bobby Hill blocks Tim Whatley ASE 1 SVB 0 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB [ASE poss] Jonas Klein (ATK - 15) is dug by Drew Prosser (DEF - 13) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the tool kill off the block ASE 2 SVB 0 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Walter Kurtz ASE 2 SVB 1 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill on Tim Whatley ASE 3 SVB 1 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill on Drew Prosser ASE 3 SVB 2 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 4 SVB 2 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy serves an ACE ASE 5 SVB 2 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy serves an ACE ASE 6 SVB 2 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell gets the tool kill off the block ASE 6 SVB 3 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 7 SVB 3 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell gets the tool kill off the block ASE 7 SVB 4 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 8 SVB 4 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 8 SVB 5 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Dylan Campbell serves an ACE ASE 8 SVB 6 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH [SVB poss] Drew Prosser (ATK - 14) is dug by Dylan Campbell (DEF - 14) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (2) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Leonard McCoy ASE 8 SVB 7 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill ASE 9 SVB 7 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 9 SVB 8 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 10 SVB 8 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz serves an ACE ASE 11 SVB 8 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill ASE 11 SVB 9 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the kill on Tim Whatley ASE 12 SVB 9 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 12 SVB 10 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Peter Venkman (SET - 13) sets (1) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the tool kill off the block ASE 13 SVB 10 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [ASE poss] Magnus Applemansion (ATK - 13) is dug by Vincent Vega (DEF - 15) with 3 Peter Venkman (SET - 13) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill ASE 14 SVB 10 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 14 SVB 11 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill off the block and out ASE 15 SVB 11 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Bobby Hill serves an ACE ASE 16 SVB 11 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (2) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill on Leonard McCoy ASE 16 SVB 12 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Drew Prosser (SET - 5) sets (2) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the tool kill off the block ASE 17 SVB 12 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 17 SVB 13 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy OH (ATK - 18) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 17 SVB 14 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz MB (ATK - 18) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 17 SVB 15 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 18 SVB 15 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill off the block and out ASE 18 SVB 16 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 19 SVB 16 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 19 SVB 17 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill ASE 20 SVB 17 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [ASE poss] Magnus Applemansion (ATK - 13) is dug by Vincent Vega (DEF - 15) with 3 Peter Venkman (SET - 13) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 21 SVB 17 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 21 SVB 18 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Drew Prosser OH [SVB poss] Drew Prosser (ATK - 14) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill ASE 21 SVB 19 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Frosty Tickletackle serves an ACE ASE 21 SVB 20 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 20 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 21 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH Nick Dagostino blocks Drew Prosser ASE 22 SVB 22 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 23 SVB 22 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill on Leonard McCoy ASE 23 SVB 23 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS [SVB poss] Jack Ryan (ATK - 17) is dug by Magnus Applemansion (DEF - 13) with 3 Frosty Tickletackle (SET - 14) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 23 SVB 24 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill ASE 24 SVB 24 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Lucas Worsley (SET - 9) sets (2) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the tool kill off the block ASE 24 SVB 25 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 25 SVB 25 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 25 SVB 26 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy (ATK - 18) is dug by Lucas Worsley (DEF - 13) with 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB [ASE poss] Jonas Klein (ATK - 15) is dug by Peter Venkman (DEF - 17) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Jonas Klein is in the net ASE 26 SVB 26 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (2) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill ASE 26 SVB 27 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the tool kill off the block ASE 27 SVB 27 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 1 Frosty Tickletackle (SET - 14) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH [ASE poss] Lucas Worsley (ATK - 13) is dug by Peter Venkman (DEF - 17) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH Drew Prosser gets the kill ASE 28 SVB 27 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH [ASE poss] Lucas Worsley (ATK - 13) is dug by Peter Venkman (DEF - 17) with 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the tool kill off the block ASE 29 SVB 27 ============================================ Screaming Eagles Wins Set: SVB: 27 ASE: 29 ASE: 2 SVB: 0 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Prosser (OH) | Ryan (RS) | Hill (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Venkman | Kurtz (MB) | Vega (S) | McCoy (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Worsley (OH) | Applemansion (S) | Klein (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tickletackle | Campbell (MB) | Dagostino (RS) | Whatley (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz (ATK - 18) is dug by Nick Dagostino (DEF - 14) with 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill ASE 0 SVB 1 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Jack Ryan RS Jonas Klein blocks Jack Ryan ASE 0 SVB 2 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [SVB poss] Vincent Vega (ATK - 13) is dug by Nick Dagostino (DEF - 14) with 3 Magnus Applemansion S (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (3) ASE 1 SVB 2 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz serves an ACE ASE 2 SVB 2 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Walter Kurtz ASE 2 SVB 3 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill ASE 3 SVB 3 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 3 SVB 4 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Magnus Applemansion serves an ACE ASE 3 SVB 5 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the kill ASE 4 SVB 5 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill on Vincent Vega ASE 4 SVB 6 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS [SVB poss] Jack Ryan (ATK - 17) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS [ASE poss] Nick Dagostino (ATK - 17) is dug by Vincent Vega (DEF - 15) with 1 Peter Venkman (SET - 13) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 5 SVB 6 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 5 SVB 7 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 6 SVB 7 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Jack Ryan serves an ACE ASE 7 SVB 7 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Jack Ryan serves an ACE ASE 8 SVB 7 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 8 SVB 8 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 9 SVB 8 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 9 SVB 9 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz MB (ATK - 18) attacks the ball out (0) ASE 9 SVB 10 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 10 SVB 10 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Tim Whatley (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS [ASE poss] Nick Dagostino (ATK - 17) is dug by Jack Ryan (DEF - 14) with 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH [SVB poss] Drew Prosser (ATK - 14) is dug by Nick Dagostino (DEF - 14) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill ASE 10 SVB 11 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Bobby Hill MB Bobby Hill gets the tool kill off the block ASE 11 SVB 11 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 11 SVB 12 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Drew Prosser OH Drew Prosser gets the tool kill off the block ASE 12 SVB 12 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill ASE 12 SVB 13 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 13 SVB 13 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Bobby Hill ASE 13 SVB 14 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - Out [ASE poss] ASE 14 SVB 14 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 14 SVB 15 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Leonard McCoy OH Jonas Klein blocks Leonard McCoy ASE 14 SVB 16 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the kill ASE 15 SVB 16 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 15 SVB 17 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the kill on Nick Dagostino ASE 16 SVB 17 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz serves an ACE ASE 17 SVB 17 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz serves an ACE ASE 18 SVB 17 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Jack Ryan ASE 18 SVB 18 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 19 SVB 18 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Vincent Vega ASE 19 SVB 19 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS [SVB poss] Jack Ryan (ATK - 17) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS [ASE poss] Nick Dagostino (ATK - 17) is dug by Peter Venkman (DEF - 17) with 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Bobby Hill MB [SVB poss] Bobby Hill (ATK - 16) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS [ASE poss] Nick Dagostino (ATK - 17) is dug by Peter Venkman (DEF - 17) with 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the kill ASE 20 SVB 19 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy serves an ACE ASE 21 SVB 19 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - Out [SVB poss] ASE 21 SVB 20 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Drew Prosser OH Drew Prosser gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 20 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell gets the kill on Bobby Hill ASE 22 SVB 21 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Dylan Campbell serves an ACE ASE 22 SVB 22 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 1 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH [SVB poss] Leonard McCoy (ATK - 18) is dug by Lucas Worsley (DEF - 13) with 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Jonas Klein MB Jonas Klein gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 23 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB [SVB poss] Walter Kurtz (ATK - 18) is dug by Dylan Campbell (DEF - 14) with 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the kill ASE 22 SVB 24 ============================================ Dylan Campbell (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (2) Drew Prosser OH Jonas Klein is in the net ASE 23 SVB 24 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Tim Whatley (Best Passer) passes a 2 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Jack Ryan (DEF - 14) with 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Jack Ryan RS Jack Ryan gets the tool kill off the block ASE 24 SVB 24 ============================================ Jack Ryan (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill ASE 24 SVB 25 ============================================ Nick Dagostino (SVR - 14) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill ASE 25 SVB 25 ============================================ Drew Prosser (SVR - 12) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH Tim Whatley gets the kill on Peter Venkman ASE 25 SVB 26 ============================================ Tim Whatley (SVR - 17) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Leonard McCoy (Best Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 26 SVB 26 ============================================ Walter Kurtz (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Frosty Tickletackle (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Lucas Worsley OH Lucas Worsley gets the kill on Drew Prosser ASE 26 SVB 27 ============================================ Frosty Tickletackle (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the tool kill off the block ASE 27 SVB 27 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion S (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (3) ASE 28 SVB 27 ============================================ Vincent Vega (SVR - 17) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell gets the kill off the block and out ASE 28 SVB 28 ============================================ Magnus Applemansion (SVR - 16) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Drew Prosser (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (3) Leonard McCoy OH Leonard McCoy gets the kill on Frosty Tickletackle ASE 29 SVB 28 ============================================ Leonard McCoy (SVR - 18) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (1) Nick Dagostino RS Nick Dagostino gets the tool kill off the block ASE 29 SVB 29 ============================================ Lucas Worsley (SVR - 15) (SVB) Serve - In [ASE poss] Peter Venkman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Vincent Vega (SET - 15) sets (1) Jack Ryan RS [SVB poss] Jack Ryan (ATK - 17) is dug by Frosty Tickletackle (DEF - 15) with 3 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Campbell MB Dylan Campbell MB (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (2) ASE 30 SVB 29 ============================================ Bobby Hill (SVR - 16) (ASE) Serve - In [SVB poss] Lucas Worsley (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Magnus Applemansion (SET - 15) sets (3) Tim Whatley OH [ASE poss] Tim Whatley (ATK - 17) is dug by Vincent Vega (DEF - 15) with 3 Peter Venkman (SET - 13) sets (3) Walter Kurtz MB Walter Kurtz gets the tool kill off the block ASE 31 SVB 29 ============================================ Screaming Eagles Wins Set: SVB: 29 ASE: 31 ASE: 3 SVB: 0 Alton (ASE) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S B+ Vincent Vega 3 0 0 1 .000 44 69 5 1 1 0 0 0.0 4 2 0 0 3.0 OH A+ Leonard McCoy 3 7 2 13 .385 0 0 4 3 2 14 0 2.6 1 0 0 0 10.0 MB A+ Walter Kurtz 3 15 2 19 .684 0 0 10 5 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 20.0 RS A Jack Ryan 3 13 2 20 .550 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 0 15.0 OH C+ Drew Prosser 3 4 2 9 .222 1 1 2 0 3 27 4 2.0 5 0 0 0 4.0 MB A Bobby Hill 3 11 2 14 .643 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 13.0 L A- Peter Venkman 3 0 0 0 .000 5 5 0 0 0 21 0 2.6 5 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A- TOTALS 3 50 10 76 .526 50 75 30 13 12 62 4 2.4 18 2 0 0 65.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 14 3 19 .579 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 2 17 3 25 .560 Alton (3) 25 29 31 (15-13) 3 19 4 32 .469 Sheboygan (0) 17 27 29 (19-11) Sheboygan (SVB) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S B Magnus Applemansion 3 1 2 5 -.200 43 62 3 1 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 2.5 OH A+ Tim Whatley 3 17 2 25 .600 0 1 5 0 2 15 2 2.1 1 0 1 0 17.5 MB B Jonas Klein 3 7 0 10 .700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 2 8.5 RS B+ Nick Dagostino 3 9 0 13 .692 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.0 3 1 1 0 10.5 OH B- Lucas Worsley 3 9 2 14 .500 1 1 1 0 3 30 8 1.7 2 0 3 0 10.5 MB A+ Dylan Campbell 3 5 1 6 .667 0 0 7 2 3 0 0 0.0 2 0 1 0 7.5 L B+ Frosty Tickletackle 3 0 0 0 .000 3 4 3 1 2 26 3 2.1 6 0 0 0 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B+ TOTALS 3 48 7 73 .562 47 68 20 4 13 71 13 1.9 15 1 10 2 58.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 11 3 20 .400 2 16 1 23 .652 3 21 3 30 .600