at Baton Rouge
at Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge Bananas
Mike Halpin
New Orleans leads series 19-16
Match Comments
Way too many green marks on the Banana side of the preview page to my liking. We prefer our BananaramaMen previews if they’re more ‘banana bread’ marking, looking old, wilting, and practically pre-mushed
Kevin (New Orleans) Oct 22 - 8:44 PM
Massive game!
Allan (Quincy) Oct 27 - 12:11 AM
Not for lack of trying
Kevin (New Orleans) Oct 28 - 4:51 PM
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED BRB VERSUS NOS ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Baranowski (MB) | Watson (OH) | Ulbrich (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tigh | Gutierrez (S) | Stice (OH) | Larussa (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Hawke (RS) | Antonio (MB) | Tate (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Staples | Catanzaro (OH) | Campos (MB) | O’Brien (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (1) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson OH (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) NOS 0 BRB 1 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez gets the kill on Miles O’Brien NOS 1 BRB 1 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez serves an ACE NOS 2 BRB 1 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill NOS 2 BRB 2 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Julio Cesar Gutierrez (DEF - 16) with 2 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the kill NOS 3 BRB 2 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Nico Larussa blocks Santiago Catanzaro NOS 4 BRB 2 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 4 BRB 3 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill NOS 5 BRB 3 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) CJ Hawke RS Rutger Watson blocks CJ Hawke NOS 6 BRB 3 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Nico Larussa (DEF - 9) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the tool kill off the block NOS 7 BRB 3 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Nico Larussa NOS 7 BRB 4 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 8 BRB 4 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the tool kill off the block NOS 9 BRB 4 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 9 BRB 5 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice OH (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (0) NOS 9 BRB 6 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - Out [NOS poss] NOS 10 BRB 6 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill off the block and out NOS 10 BRB 7 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Julien Staples serves an ACE NOS 10 BRB 8 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 11 BRB 8 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 11 BRB 9 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Miles O’Brien NOS 12 BRB 9 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the tool kill off the block NOS 12 BRB 10 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0) NOS 12 BRB 11 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 13 BRB 11 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 13 BRB 12 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH [BRB poss] Rutger Watson (ATK - 15) is dug by Nolan Tate (DEF - 14) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the tool kill off the block NOS 13 BRB 13 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 14 BRB 13 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the tool kill off the block NOS 14 BRB 14 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill NOS 15 BRB 14 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the tool kill off the block NOS 15 BRB 15 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by CJ Hawke (DEF - 17) with 3 [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien (ATK - 13) is dug by Mattis Ulbrich (DEF - 14) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS [BRB poss] Mattis Ulbrich (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Colton Stice NOS 15 BRB 16 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez gets the kill on CJ Hawke NOS 16 BRB 16 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Rutger Watson NOS 16 BRB 17 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (1) Rutger Watson OH [BRB poss] Rutger Watson (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH [NOS poss] Nolan Tate (ATK - 17) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH [BRB poss] Colton Stice (ATK - 17) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH [NOS poss] Nolan Tate (ATK - 17) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the kill NOS 17 BRB 17 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH [NOS poss] Santiago Catanzaro (ATK - 18) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill on CJ Hawke NOS 18 BRB 17 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 18 BRB 18 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the kill NOS 19 BRB 18 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 19 BRB 19 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Nolan Tate serves an ACE NOS 19 BRB 20 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH [BRB poss] Colton Stice (ATK - 17) is dug by Nolan Tate (DEF - 14) with 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the kill NOS 19 BRB 21 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Nolan Tate (DEF - 14) with 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH [NOS poss] Santiago Catanzaro (ATK - 18) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the tool kill off the block NOS 20 BRB 21 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Julio Cesar Gutierrez NOS 20 BRB 22 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - Out [NOS poss] NOS 21 BRB 22 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nico Larussa serves an ACE NOS 22 BRB 22 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Colton Stice NOS 22 BRB 23 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] CJ Hawke serves an ACE NOS 22 BRB 24 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the tool kill off the block NOS 23 BRB 24 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the tool kill off the block NOS 23 BRB 25 ============================================ Bananas Wins Set: BRB: 25 NOS: 23 NOS: 0 BRB: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Campos (MB) | Catanzaro (OH) | Hawke (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Staples | O’Brien (S) | Tate (OH) | Antonio (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Ulbrich (RS) | Larussa (MB) | Stice (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tigh | Watson (OH) | Baranowski (MB) | Gutierrez (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio (ATK - 15) is dug by Rutger Watson (DEF - 11) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the tool kill off the block NOS 1 BRB 0 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the tool kill off the block NOS 1 BRB 1 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Miles O’Brien NOS 2 BRB 1 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Nico Larussa is in the net NOS 2 BRB 2 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 3 BRB 2 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nico Larussa serves an ACE NOS 4 BRB 2 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nico Larussa serves an ACE NOS 5 BRB 2 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Nico Larussa NOS 5 BRB 3 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the tool kill off the block NOS 6 BRB 3 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 6 BRB 4 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 7 BRB 4 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the tool kill off the block NOS 7 BRB 5 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez gets the kill on CJ Hawke NOS 8 BRB 5 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro OH (ATK - 18) attacks the ball out (1) NOS 9 BRB 5 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB [NOS poss] Valentin Campos (ATK - 16) is dug by Rutger Watson (DEF - 11) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill off the block and out NOS 10 BRB 5 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 10 BRB 6 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the tool kill off the block NOS 11 BRB 6 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio (ATK - 15) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio (ATK - 15) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 12 BRB 6 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH [NOS poss] Nolan Tate (ATK - 17) is dug by Rutger Watson (DEF - 11) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 13 BRB 6 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill NOS 13 BRB 7 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS [BRB poss] Mattis Ulbrich (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill NOS 13 BRB 8 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Santiago Catanzaro NOS 14 BRB 8 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Colton Stice serves an ACE NOS 15 BRB 8 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Colton Stice serves an ACE NOS 16 BRB 8 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Colton Stice NOS 16 BRB 9 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 17 BRB 9 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Colton Stice (DEF - 16) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 18 BRB 9 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill NOS 18 BRB 10 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the tool kill off the block NOS 19 BRB 10 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 19 BRB 11 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (2) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 20 BRB 11 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH [NOS poss] Santiago Catanzaro (ATK - 18) is dug by Mattis Ulbrich (DEF - 14) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson OH (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0) NOS 20 BRB 12 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez gets the kill NOS 21 BRB 12 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill NOS 21 BRB 13 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill on Santiago Catanzaro NOS 22 BRB 13 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien (ATK - 13) is dug by Julio Cesar Gutierrez (DEF - 16) with 2 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill NOS 23 BRB 13 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill of the block and out NOS 23 BRB 14 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill NOS 24 BRB 14 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill NOS 24 BRB 15 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (2) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the tool kill off the block NOS 25 BRB 15 ============================================ Swamp Rats Wins Set: BRB: 15 NOS: 25 NOS: 1 BRB: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Baranowski (MB) | Watson (OH) | Ulbrich (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tigh | Gutierrez (S) | Stice (OH) | Larussa (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Hawke (RS) | Antonio (MB) | Tate (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Staples | Catanzaro (OH) | Campos (MB) | O’Brien (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (2) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) NOS 0 BRB 1 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien serves an ACE NOS 0 BRB 2 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the tool kill off the block NOS 1 BRB 2 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) Pierluigi Antonio MB Nico Larussa blocks Pierluigi Antonio NOS 2 BRB 2 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) Pierluigi Antonio MB [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio (ATK - 15) is dug by Rutger Watson (DEF - 11) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0) NOS 2 BRB 3 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 3 BRB 3 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Saul Tigh (DEF - 17) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS [BRB poss] Mattis Ulbrich (ATK - 15) is dug by Nolan Tate (DEF - 14) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the tool kill off the block NOS 3 BRB 4 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH CJ Hawke blocks Rutger Watson NOS 3 BRB 5 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Miles O’Brien NOS 4 BRB 5 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the tool kill off the block NOS 4 BRB 6 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 5 BRB 6 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 5 BRB 7 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB [BRB poss] Moose Baranowski (ATK - 17) is dug by Santiago Catanzaro (DEF - 14) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 5 BRB 8 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Santiago Catanzaro serves an ACE NOS 5 BRB 9 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill NOS 6 BRB 9 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) Santiago Catanzaro OH Moose Baranowski blocks Santiago Catanzaro NOS 7 BRB 9 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 7 BRB 10 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (1) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice OH (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (0) NOS 7 BRB 11 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill off the block and out NOS 8 BRB 11 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the tool kill off the block NOS 8 BRB 12 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (1) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 9 BRB 12 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez serves an ACE NOS 10 BRB 12 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez serves an ACE NOS 11 BRB 12 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Julio Cesar Gutierrez NOS 11 BRB 13 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 12 BRB 13 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Colton Stice serves an ACE NOS 13 BRB 13 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Colton Stice serves an ACE NOS 14 BRB 13 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 14 BRB 14 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 15 BRB 14 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Valentin Campos MB [NOS poss] Valentin Campos (ATK - 16) is dug by Colton Stice (DEF - 16) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the tool kill off the block NOS 16 BRB 14 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (1) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the tool kill off the block NOS 16 BRB 15 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Saul Tigh (SET - 10) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH [BRB poss] Rutger Watson (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill NOS 16 BRB 16 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill on Nolan Tate NOS 17 BRB 16 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 17 BRB 17 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Santiago Catanzaro serves an ACE NOS 17 BRB 18 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - Out [NOS poss] NOS 18 BRB 18 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 18 BRB 19 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by CJ Hawke (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the kill on Rutger Watson NOS 18 BRB 20 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Julien Staples serves an ACE NOS 18 BRB 21 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill NOS 19 BRB 21 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH [NOS poss] Nolan Tate (ATK - 17) is dug by Rutger Watson (DEF - 11) with 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by CJ Hawke (DEF - 17) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 19 BRB 22 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Santiago Catanzaro (DEF - 14) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 19 BRB 23 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by Miles O’Brien (DEF - 14) with 3 Julien Staples (SET - 13) sets (1) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) NOS 20 BRB 23 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the kill on Rutger Watson NOS 20 BRB 24 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - Out [NOS poss] NOS 21 BRB 24 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 21 BRB 25 ============================================ Bananas Wins Set: BRB: 25 NOS: 21 NOS: 1 BRB: 2 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Campos (MB) | Catanzaro (OH) | Hawke (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Staples | O’Brien (S) | Tate (OH) | Antonio (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Ulbrich (RS) | Larussa (MB) | Stice (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Tigh | Watson (OH) | Baranowski (MB) | Gutierrez (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill on Julio Cesar Gutierrez NOS 0 BRB 1 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Santiago Catanzaro (DEF - 14) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the tool kill off the block NOS 0 BRB 2 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (1) Mattis Ulbrich RS CJ Hawke blocks Mattis Ulbrich NOS 0 BRB 3 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Nico Larussa gets the kill NOS 1 BRB 3 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the kill on Saul Tigh NOS 1 BRB 4 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB Pierluigi Antonio blocks Nico Larussa NOS 1 BRB 5 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH [BRB poss] Rutger Watson (ATK - 15) is dug by Julien Staples (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) NOS 2 BRB 5 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the kill NOS 2 BRB 6 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio serves an ACE NOS 2 BRB 7 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill NOS 3 BRB 7 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - Out [BRB poss] NOS 3 BRB 8 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by CJ Hawke (DEF - 17) with 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the tool kill off the block NOS 3 BRB 9 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] CJ Hawke serves an ACE NOS 3 BRB 10 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH [BRB poss] Colton Stice (ATK - 17) is dug by Nolan Tate (DEF - 14) with 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the kill NOS 3 BRB 11 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill NOS 4 BRB 11 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the kill on Rutger Watson NOS 4 BRB 12 ============================================ Santiago Catanzaro (SVR - 14) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Moose Baranowski MB Moose Baranowski gets the kill off the block and out NOS 5 BRB 12 ============================================ Saul Tigh (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Valentin Campos MB Valentin Campos gets the tool kill off the block NOS 5 BRB 13 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Julien Staples serves an ACE NOS 5 BRB 14 ============================================ Julien Staples (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill on Julien Staples NOS 6 BRB 14 ============================================ Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SVR - 17) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the tool kill off the block NOS 6 BRB 15 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Nico Larussa MB [BRB poss] Nico Larussa (ATK - 15) is dug by Santiago Catanzaro (DEF - 14) with 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Nolan Tate OH Nolan Tate gets the tool kill off the block NOS 6 BRB 16 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien serves an ACE NOS 6 BRB 17 ============================================ Miles O’Brien (SVR - 15) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 7 BRB 17 ============================================ Colton Stice (SVR - 18) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill NOS 7 BRB 18 ============================================ Nolan Tate (SVR - 16) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the kill NOS 8 BRB 18 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nico Larussa serves an ACE NOS 9 BRB 18 ============================================ Nico Larussa (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Pierluigi Antonio MB Pierluigi Antonio gets the kill NOS 9 BRB 19 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Saul Tigh (Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (1) Moose Baranowski MB Santiago Catanzaro blocks Moose Baranowski NOS 9 BRB 20 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Pierluigi Antonio serves an ACE NOS 9 BRB 21 ============================================ Pierluigi Antonio (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - Out [NOS poss] NOS 10 BRB 21 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS [NOS poss] CJ Hawke (ATK - 19) is dug by Mattis Ulbrich (DEF - 14) with 1 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Colton Stice gets the kill NOS 11 BRB 21 ============================================ Mattis Ulbrich (SVR - 19) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 2 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the kill NOS 11 BRB 22 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [BRB poss] Julio Cesar Gutierrez (ATK - 14) is dug by CJ Hawke (DEF - 17) with 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) Santiago Catanzaro OH Santiago Catanzaro gets the kill on Mattis Ulbrich NOS 11 BRB 23 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Colton Stice (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Colton Stice OH Valentin Campos blocks Colton Stice NOS 11 BRB 24 ============================================ CJ Hawke (SVR - 17) (BRB) Serve - In [NOS poss] Rutger Watson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Rutger Watson OH Rutger Watson gets the tool kill off the block NOS 12 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Rutger Watson serves an ACE NOS 13 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Nolan Tate (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien (ATK - 13) is dug by Mattis Ulbrich (DEF - 14) with 3 Julio Cesar Gutierrez gets the tool kill off the block NOS 14 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS Moose Baranowski blocks CJ Hawke NOS 15 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (2) Santiago Catanzaro OH Colton Stice blocks Santiago Catanzaro NOS 16 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Santiago Catanzaro (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [NOS poss] Miles O’Brien (ATK - 13) is dug by Mattis Ulbrich (DEF - 14) with 2 Julio Cesar Gutierrez (SET - 18) sets (3) Mattis Ulbrich RS Mattis Ulbrich gets the kill on CJ Hawke NOS 17 BRB 24 ============================================ Rutger Watson (SVR - 14) (NOS) Serve - In [BRB poss] Julien Staples (Best Passer) passes a 1 Miles O’Brien (SET - 16) sets (3) CJ Hawke RS CJ Hawke gets the kill on Mattis Ulbrich NOS 17 BRB 25 ============================================ Bananas Wins Set: BRB: 25 NOS: 17 NOS: 1 BRB: 3 New Orleans (NOS) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A+ Julio Cesar Gutierrez4 5 0 11 .455 50 77 8 3 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 0 9.0 OH A Colton Stice 4 17 3 23 .609 0 0 5 4 3 27 2 2.2 2 1 2 0 23.0 MB B+ Nico Larussa 4 8 3 17 .294 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 12.5 RS A- Mattis Ulbrich 4 6 2 11 .364 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0.0 5 1 1 0 7.5 OH B- Rutger Watson 4 12 3 19 .474 0 0 6 1 1 35 8 2.0 5 0 1 0 13.5 MB A Moose Baranowski 4 12 1 14 .786 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 0 13.5 L A Saul Tigh 4 0 0 0 .000 5 7 3 0 2 22 2 2.3 8 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A- TOTALS 4 60 12 95 .505 55 84 32 12 9 84 12 2.2 23 2 10 1 79.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 17 3 28 .500 2 20 1 23 .826 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 3 12 4 23 .348 New Orleans (1) 23 25 21 17 (10-11) 4 11 4 21 .333 Baton Rouge (3) 25 15 25 25 (12-10) Baton Rouge (BRB) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S B+ Miles O’Brien 4 0 0 4 .000 56 84 9 2 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 2.0 OH A- Nolan Tate 4 12 0 16 .750 0 0 4 1 1 22 3 2.3 5 0 1 0 13.5 MB B+ Pierluigi Antonio 4 6 4 14 .143 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 9.5 RS A+ CJ Hawke 4 20 2 28 .643 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0.0 5 1 2 0 24.0 OH A- Santiago Catanzaro 4 7 4 14 .214 0 0 5 2 2 33 4 2.0 4 0 1 0 9.5 MB B Valentin Campos 4 11 0 13 .846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 0 12.5 L A Julien Staples 4 0 0 0 .000 0 1 5 3 0 23 5 1.7 8 0 0 0 3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A- TOTALS 4 56 10 89 .517 56 85 35 12 5 78 12 2.0 23 3 6 0 74.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 16 2 26 .538 2 12 2 22 .455 3 13 3 20 .500 4 15 3 21 .571