WGM Cup Group (1)
Columbia Crazy Tomatoes
Steve Turner
Neutral Court
Neutral Court
Spokane Sasquatches
Jason Halpin
Columbia leads series 2-1
Match Comments
Hard to say if Columbia is going to be pushing for another #1 seed or will they make a conference effort this season? Squatch could be looking for their first ever tomato-crushing excursion in this one
Kevin (New Orleans) Sep 12 - 10:00 PM
I'll let you know when I know, Kevin. Question is whether Jason wants to risk T7 on a 25% chance of a win.
Steve (Columbia) Sep 13 - 9:18 PM
Great matchup here. Steve already rolling out the #mindgames.
Allan (Quincy) Sep 13 - 9:50 PM
Surprised it was so close but first teamers Samuel and Legrand had good games.
Steve (Columbia) Sep 15 - 7:35 PM
The answer is "yes," but it shouldn't have been such a struggle.
Jason (Spokane) Sep 15 - 8:21 PM
Jason knocks off the defending WGM Cup Champions Columbia (who appear to be focusing on the conference this season?). Spokane moves to 2-1, but have they done enough to limit appearances in the BUM report this week?
Allan (Quincy) Sep 15 - 10:23 PM
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED SPO VERSUS CCT ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Baptiste (OH) | Fletcher (RS) | Wheeler (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Hinata | Legrand (MB) | Boyle (S) | Samuel (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | DePouw (RS) | Silva (MB) | Walker (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Walsh | Hinrichs (OH) | Delucchi (MB) | Figueroa (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle (ATK - 7) is dug by Xander Figueroa (DEF - 14) with 2 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Shoyo Hinata (DEF - 8) with 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher gets the kill CCT 1 SPO 0 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 3 [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle (ATK - 7) is dug by Xander Figueroa (DEF - 14) with 3 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (3) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva MB (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (2) CCT 2 SPO 0 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the tool kill off the block CCT 2 SPO 1 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (2) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the tool kill off the block CCT 3 SPO 1 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) CCT 4 SPO 1 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Devin Samuel is in the net CCT 4 SPO 2 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler gets the kill on Brett Silva CCT 5 SPO 2 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 5 SPO 3 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH Ethan Baptiste gets the kill on Jack Walsh CCT 6 SPO 3 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Xander Figueroa (ATK - 7) is dug by Tanner Boyle (DEF - 12) with 3 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (2) Mathis Legrand MB Francesco Delucchi blocks Mathis Legrand CCT 6 SPO 4 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher RS (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 6 SPO 5 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB [SPO poss] Mathis Legrand (ATK - 14) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Francesco Delucchi MB Mathis Legrand blocks Francesco Delucchi Mathis Legrand blocks Francesco Delucchi CCT 7 SPO 5 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the kill off the block and out CCT 7 SPO 6 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill off the block and out CCT 8 SPO 6 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 8 SPO 7 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 8 SPO 8 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Brett Silva is in the net CCT 9 SPO 8 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva MB (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (2) CCT 10 SPO 8 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 10 SPO 9 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher gets the kill on Jack Walsh CCT 11 SPO 9 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 11 SPO 10 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Xander Figueroa (DEF - 14) with 3 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS Francesco Delucchi blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 11 SPO 11 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Brett Silva serves an ACE CCT 11 SPO 12 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill CCT 12 SPO 12 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Devin Samuel serves an ACE CCT 13 SPO 12 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Francesco Delucchi MB Francesco Delucchi gets the kill CCT 13 SPO 13 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 14 SPO 13 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 14 SPO 14 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS Xander Figueroa blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 14 SPO 15 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill on Jack Walsh CCT 15 SPO 15 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill CCT 15 SPO 16 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle (ATK - 7) is dug by Brett DePouw (DEF - 15) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill on Devin Samuel CCT 15 SPO 17 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill CCT 16 SPO 17 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 16 SPO 18 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Mathis Legrand MB Brett Silva blocks Mathis Legrand CCT 16 SPO 19 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher (ATK - 12) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the kill CCT 16 SPO 20 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Cooper Hinrichs CCT 17 SPO 20 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher RS (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (2) CCT 17 SPO 21 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB [SPO poss] Kole Wheeler (ATK - 11) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH [CCT poss] Cooper Hinrichs (ATK - 13) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill CCT 18 SPO 21 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle serves an ACE CCT 19 SPO 21 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle serves an ACE CCT 20 SPO 21 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill CCT 20 SPO 22 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill CCT 21 SPO 22 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH [CCT poss] Cooper Hinrichs (ATK - 13) is dug by Devin Samuel (DEF - 15) with 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher RS (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 21 SPO 23 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Brett DePouw serves an ACE CCT 21 SPO 24 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler MB (ATK - 11) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 21 SPO 25 ============================================ Sasquatches Wins Set: SPO: 25 CCT: 21 CCT: 0 SPO: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Delucchi (MB) | Hinrichs (OH) | DePouw (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Walsh | Figueroa (S) | Walker (OH) | Silva (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Wheeler (MB) | Samuel (OH) | Boyle (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Hinata | Fletcher (RS) | Baptiste (OH) | Legrand (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Mathis Legrand serves an ACE CCT 1 SPO 0 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the tool kill off the block CCT 1 SPO 1 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Brett Silva is in the net CCT 2 SPO 1 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Shoyo Hinata (DEF - 8) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Xander Figueroa (DEF - 14) with 2 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Ethan Baptiste CCT 2 SPO 2 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shawn Walker serves an ACE CCT 2 SPO 3 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Cooper Hinrichs is in the net CCT 3 SPO 3 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Devin Samuel serves an ACE CCT 4 SPO 3 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (1) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill on Tanner Boyle CCT 4 SPO 4 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Ethan Baptiste OH Ethan Baptiste gets the kill on Xander Figueroa CCT 5 SPO 4 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH [CCT poss] Cooper Hinrichs (ATK - 13) is dug by Devin Samuel (DEF - 15) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher gets the kill CCT 6 SPO 4 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the tool kill off the block CCT 6 SPO 5 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Francesco Delucchi blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 6 SPO 6 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Brett DePouw serves an ACE CCT 6 SPO 7 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Xander Figueroa blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 6 SPO 8 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill off the block and out CCT 7 SPO 8 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 7 SPO 9 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [SPO poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 9) is dug by Cooper Hinrichs (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Francesco Delucchi MB Francesco Delucchi gets the kill on Austin Fletcher CCT 7 SPO 10 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block CCT 8 SPO 10 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill on Ethan Baptiste CCT 8 SPO 11 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Brett DePouw CCT 9 SPO 11 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Cooper Hinrichs OH [CCT poss] Cooper Hinrichs (ATK - 13) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Shawn Walker blocks Kole Wheeler CCT 9 SPO 12 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Xander Figueroa CCT 10 SPO 12 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle serves an ACE CCT 11 SPO 12 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill CCT 11 SPO 13 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB [SPO poss] Kole Wheeler (ATK - 11) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) CCT 12 SPO 13 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 13 SPO 13 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett Silva MB Kole Wheeler is in the net CCT 13 SPO 14 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS Francesco Delucchi blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 13 SPO 15 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher (ATK - 12) is dug by Brett Silva (DEF - 8) with 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Austin Fletcher blocks Brett DePouw Austin Fletcher blocks Brett DePouw CCT 14 SPO 15 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Francesco Delucchi MB Francesco Delucchi gets the tool kill off the block CCT 14 SPO 16 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS Francesco Delucchi blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 14 SPO 17 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Jack Walsh CCT 15 SPO 17 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Mathis Legrand is in the net CCT 15 SPO 18 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Cooper Hinrichs CCT 16 SPO 18 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Francesco Delucchi MB Mathis Legrand blocks Francesco Delucchi CCT 17 SPO 18 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Ethan Baptiste serves an ACE CCT 18 SPO 18 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Shoyo Hinata (DEF - 8) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher (ATK - 12) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the tool kill off the block CCT 18 SPO 19 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Cooper Hinrichs (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett Silva MB Tanner Boyle is in the net CCT 18 SPO 20 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill on Brett DePouw CCT 19 SPO 20 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva gets the kill CCT 19 SPO 21 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle (ATK - 7) is dug by Xander Figueroa (DEF - 14) with 1 Jack Walsh (SET - 11) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the kill off the block and out CCT 19 SPO 22 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Xander Figueroa serves an ACE CCT 19 SPO 23 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 20 SPO 23 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Tanner Boyle serves an ACE CCT 21 SPO 23 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Shoyo Hinata CCT 21 SPO 24 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 1 Ethan Baptiste (SET - 4) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher gets the kill on Jack Walsh CCT 22 SPO 24 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 22 SPO 25 ============================================ Sasquatches Wins Set: SPO: 25 CCT: 22 CCT: 0 SPO: 2 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Baptiste (OH) | Fletcher (RS) | Wheeler (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Hinata | Legrand (MB) | Boyle (S) | Samuel (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | DePouw (RS) | Silva (MB) | Walker (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Walsh | Hinrichs (OH) | Delucchi (MB) | Figueroa (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle gets the kill on Xander Figueroa CCT 1 SPO 0 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 1 SPO 1 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shawn Walker serves an ACE CCT 1 SPO 2 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Shawn Walker (DEF - 16) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva gets the tool kill off the block CCT 1 SPO 3 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher (ATK - 12) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill CCT 1 SPO 4 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 2 SPO 4 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva gets the kill CCT 2 SPO 5 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 3 SPO 5 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Devin Samuel serves an ACE CCT 4 SPO 5 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Tanner Boyle (DEF - 12) with 2 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [SPO poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 9) is dug by Shawn Walker (DEF - 16) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Tanner Boyle (DEF - 12) with 3 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler MB (ATK - 11) attacks the ball out (1) CCT 4 SPO 6 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Austin Fletcher RS Austin Fletcher gets the kill on Brett DePouw CCT 5 SPO 6 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Francesco Delucchi MB Mathis Legrand blocks Francesco Delucchi CCT 6 SPO 6 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - Out [SPO poss] CCT 6 SPO 7 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 7 SPO 7 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa gets the kill CCT 7 SPO 8 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the tool kill off the block CCT 8 SPO 8 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett Silva MB [CCT poss] Brett Silva (ATK - 16) is dug by Shoyo Hinata (DEF - 8) with 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill CCT 9 SPO 8 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa gets the kill CCT 9 SPO 9 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Ethan Baptiste OH [SPO poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 9) is dug by Cooper Hinrichs (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Shoyo Hinata (DEF - 8) with 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Jack Walsh (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Brett Silva MB Brett Silva gets the tool kill off the block CCT 9 SPO 10 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Ethan Baptiste OH Shawn Walker blocks Ethan Baptiste CCT 9 SPO 11 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (1) Austin Fletcher RS Brett DePouw blocks Austin Fletcher CCT 9 SPO 12 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 10 SPO 12 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Mathis Legrand CCT 10 SPO 13 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle gets the kill on Xander Figueroa CCT 11 SPO 13 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Brett DePouw RS Devin Samuel blocks Brett DePouw CCT 12 SPO 13 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the tool kill off the block CCT 12 SPO 14 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB [SPO poss] Kole Wheeler (ATK - 11) is dug by Shawn Walker (DEF - 16) with 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill CCT 12 SPO 15 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - Out [CCT poss] CCT 13 SPO 15 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Francesco Delucchi MB Ethan Baptiste blocks Francesco Delucchi CCT 14 SPO 15 ============================================ Devin Samuel (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (1) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Tanner Boyle (DEF - 12) with 3 Shoyo Hinata (SET - 7) sets (1) Ethan Baptiste OH Ethan Baptiste OH (ATK - 9) attacks the ball out (1) CCT 14 SPO 16 ============================================ Brett DePouw (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler gets the kill on Shawn Walker CCT 15 SPO 16 ============================================ Kole Wheeler (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Tanner Boyle CCT 15 SPO 17 ============================================ Cooper Hinrichs (SVR - 13) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill CCT 16 SPO 17 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher serves an ACE CCT 17 SPO 17 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Xander Figueroa (ATK - 7) is dug by Austin Fletcher (DEF - 8) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill on Cooper Hinrichs CCT 18 SPO 17 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Francesco Delucchi MB Mathis Legrand blocks Francesco Delucchi CCT 19 SPO 17 ============================================ Austin Fletcher (SVR - 10) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Jack Walsh (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (2) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill CCT 19 SPO 18 ============================================ Jack Walsh (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [SPO poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 9) is dug by Cooper Hinrichs (DEF - 13) with 3 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS [CCT poss] Brett DePouw (ATK - 15) is dug by Devin Samuel (DEF - 15) with 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH Devin Samuel gets the kill CCT 20 SPO 18 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 8) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Shawn Walker (Best Passer) passes a 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Austin Fletcher CCT 20 SPO 19 ============================================ Xander Figueroa (SVR - 14) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle gets the kill on Xander Figueroa CCT 21 SPO 19 ============================================ Mathis Legrand (SVR - 12) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH Shawn Walker gets the kill on Ethan Baptiste CCT 21 SPO 20 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shawn Walker serves an ACE CCT 21 SPO 21 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler MB (ATK - 11) attacks the ball out (0) CCT 21 SPO 22 ============================================ Shawn Walker (SVR - 15) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Devin Samuel (Best Passer) passes a 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Kole Wheeler MB Kole Wheeler gets the kill CCT 22 SPO 22 ============================================ Tanner Boyle (SVR - 11) (CCT) Serve - In [SPO poss] Cooper Hinrichs (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Shawn Walker OH [CCT poss] Shawn Walker (ATK - 16) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 10) with 3 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Devin Samuel OH [SPO poss] Devin Samuel (ATK - 16) is dug by Shawn Walker (DEF - 16) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Brett DePouw RS Brett DePouw gets the kill CCT 22 SPO 23 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Shoyo Hinata (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (2) Ethan Baptiste OH Ethan Baptiste OH (ATK - 9) attacks the ball out (2) CCT 22 SPO 24 ============================================ Brett Silva (SVR - 16) (SPO) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Tanner Boyle (SET - 11) sets (3) Austin Fletcher RS [SPO poss] Austin Fletcher (ATK - 12) is dug by Shawn Walker (DEF - 16) with 2 Xander Figueroa (SET - 15) sets (3) Cooper Hinrichs OH Cooper Hinrichs gets the kill CCT 22 SPO 25 ============================================ Sasquatches Wins Set: SPO: 25 CCT: 22 CCT: 0 SPO: 3 Columbia (CCT) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S D+ Tanner Boyle 3 3 0 7 .429 28 65 6 4 1 0 0 0.0 4 0 0 0 7.0 OH B+ Devin Samuel 3 13 1 20 .600 0 0 5 3 2 16 0 2.6 3 0 2 1 17.0 MB B- Mathis Legrand 3 7 2 10 .500 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0.0 0 2 2 1 11.0 RS D+ Austin Fletcher 3 5 11 21 -.286 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 0 6.5 OH D- Ethan Baptiste 3 2 3 9 -.111 1 1 3 1 2 23 1 2.2 6 1 2 1 5.0 MB D+ Kole Wheeler 3 3 6 12 -.250 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 2 1 4.0 L F Shoyo Hinata 3 0 0 0 .000 1 6 0 0 0 28 6 1.8 5 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C- TOTALS 3 33 23 79 .127 30 72 22 10 10 67 7 2.1 19 3 9 4 50.5 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 12 10 29 .069 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 2 10 7 24 .125 Columbia (0) 21 22 22 (2-1) 3 11 6 26 .192 Spokane (3) 25 25 25 (2-1) Spokane (SPO) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S B Xander Figueroa 3 2 0 4 .500 28 58 8 1 2 0 0 0.0 5 0 2 0 4.0 OH B+ Shawn Walker 3 10 0 16 .625 0 0 6 3 1 12 3 1.8 5 0 5 0 15.5 MB B+ Brett Silva 3 4 3 9 .111 0 0 6 1 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 4 2 7.0 RS B+ Brett DePouw 3 9 7 22 .091 0 0 6 2 1 0 0 0.0 1 0 3 0 12.5 OH C+ Cooper Hinrichs 3 6 0 10 .600 0 0 3 0 1 21 4 1.6 4 1 5 1 9.5 MB B- Francesco Delucchi 3 3 5 8 -.250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 6 0 6.0 L C+ Jack Walsh 3 0 0 0 .000 4 7 2 0 0 23 3 2.2 7 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B TOTALS 3 34 15 69 .275 32 65 31 7 7 56 10 1.9 23 1 25 3 54.5 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 7 5 19 .105 2 12 6 23 .261 3 15 4 27 .407