at Mat-Su
at Mat-Su
Mat-Su Moose
Bryce Kalmbach
Burlington leads series 3-1
Match Comments
Burlington are flying high this season. Going to be a tough match.
Bryce (Mat-Su) Nov 02 - 9:22 PM
Oh my gosh, this season is spiraling badly...
Bryce (Mat-Su) Nov 05 - 5:48 PM
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED MSM VERSUS BB ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Prefect (MB) | Shaffmaster (OH) | Wheeler (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: DeShields | Arias (S) | Maldonado (OH) | Quintana (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Ruiz (RS) | Kerabatsos (OH) | Respaut (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Fleegman | Wollenberg (MB) | Mortenson (OH) | Herrera (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the kill BB 1 MSM 0 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Gonzalo Ruiz is in the net Lars Maldonado BB 2 MSM 0 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 2 MSM 1 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 3 MSM 1 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (1) BB 4 MSM 1 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH Jesus Quintana blocks Donny Kerabatsos BB 5 MSM 1 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the tool kill off the block BB 5 MSM 2 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS [BB poss] Gonzalo Ruiz (ATK - 16) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the tool kill off the block BB 6 MSM 2 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the tool kill off the block BB 6 MSM 3 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Tom Wollenberg is in the net BB 7 MSM 3 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the tool kill off the block BB 7 MSM 4 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the tool kill off the block BB 8 MSM 4 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Logan Shaffmaster BB 8 MSM 5 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH [MSM poss] Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Griffin Mortenson (DEF - 11) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill off the block and out BB 9 MSM 5 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB [BB poss] Theo Respaut (ATK - 13) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Gonzalo Ruiz BB 10 MSM 5 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the tool kill off the block BB 10 MSM 6 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the kill BB 11 MSM 6 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Donny Kerabatsos (SET - 4) sets (1) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill BB 11 MSM 7 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 12 MSM 7 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the tool kill off the block BB 13 MSM 7 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 13 MSM 8 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Griffin Mortenson is in the net BB 14 MSM 8 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Josh DeShields serves an ACE BB 15 MSM 8 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the tool kill off the block BB 15 MSM 9 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 16 MSM 9 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the tool kill off the block BB 16 MSM 10 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 3 [BB poss] Osmany Herrera (ATK - 15) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Theo Respaut is in the net BB 17 MSM 10 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB [BB poss] Theo Respaut (ATK - 13) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 18 MSM 10 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 18 MSM 11 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 19 MSM 11 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill on Logan Shaffmaster BB 19 MSM 12 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Osmany Herrera (DEF - 13) with 2 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the tool kill off the block BB 19 MSM 13 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 20 MSM 13 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB Theo Respaut gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 20 MSM 14 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH [MSM poss] Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 20 MSM 15 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Donny Kerabatsos blocks Lars Maldonado BB 20 MSM 16 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 21 MSM 16 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Lars Maldonado serves an ACE BB 22 MSM 16 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the tool kill off the block BB 22 MSM 17 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill off the block and out BB 23 MSM 17 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz RS (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (1) BB 24 MSM 17 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Ford Prefect blocks Tom Wollenberg BB 25 MSM 17 ============================================ Bullfrogs Wins Set: MSM: 17 BB: 25 BB: 1 MSM: 0 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mortenson (OH) | Wollenberg (MB) | Ruiz (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Fleegman | Herrera (S) | Respaut (MB) | Kerabatsos (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Wheeler (RS) | Quintana (MB) | Maldonado (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: DeShields | Shaffmaster (OH) | Prefect (MB) | Arias (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 0 MSM 1 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 1 MSM 1 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 1 MSM 2 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Griffin Mortenson BB 2 MSM 2 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Josh DeShields serves an ACE BB 3 MSM 2 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Josh DeShields serves an ACE BB 4 MSM 2 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 4 MSM 3 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 5 MSM 3 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler serves an ACE BB 6 MSM 3 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the tool kill off the block BB 6 MSM 4 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB [MSM poss] Ford Prefect (ATK - 16) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the tool kill off the block BB 6 MSM 5 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill BB 7 MSM 5 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Ford Prefect is in the net BB 7 MSM 6 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 8 MSM 6 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [BB poss] Osmany Herrera (ATK - 15) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 8 MSM 7 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 9 MSM 7 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the kill BB 10 MSM 7 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB Theo Respaut gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 10 MSM 8 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill BB 11 MSM 8 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 11 MSM 9 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 12 MSM 9 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 12 MSM 10 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill BB 13 MSM 10 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the kill BB 13 MSM 11 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill BB 13 MSM 12 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill off the block and out BB 14 MSM 12 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [BB poss] Osmany Herrera (ATK - 15) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the tool kill off the block BB 15 MSM 12 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the kill on Jacob Wheeler BB 15 MSM 13 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Griffin Mortenson blocks Lars Maldonado BB 15 MSM 14 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Tom Wollenberg serves an ACE BB 15 MSM 15 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect MB (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (2) BB 15 MSM 16 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 16 MSM 16 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera gets the kill BB 16 MSM 17 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 17 MSM 17 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 17 MSM 18 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH [MSM poss] Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB Theo Respaut MB (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (1) BB 18 MSM 18 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the tool kill off the block BB 18 MSM 19 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Josh DeShields (SET - 6) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 18 MSM 20 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler RS (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) BB 18 MSM 21 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 19 MSM 21 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the kill BB 19 MSM 22 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 20 MSM 22 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz RS (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (1) BB 21 MSM 22 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) BB 22 MSM 22 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 22 MSM 23 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill BB 22 MSM 24 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 23 MSM 24 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson OH (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (0) BB 24 MSM 24 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (2) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill BB 24 MSM 25 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Tom Wollenberg (DEF - 8) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 24 MSM 26 ============================================ Moose Wins Set: MSM: 26 BB: 24 BB: 1 MSM: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Prefect (MB) | Shaffmaster (OH) | Wheeler (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: DeShields | Arias (S) | Maldonado (OH) | Quintana (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Ruiz (RS) | Kerabatsos (OH) | Respaut (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Fleegman | Wollenberg (MB) | Mortenson (OH) | Herrera (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Jesus Quintana MB Gonzalo Ruiz blocks Jesus Quintana BB 0 MSM 1 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Jacob Wheeler RS [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Osmany Herrera (DEF - 13) with 3 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 0 MSM 2 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Osmany Herrera BB 1 MSM 2 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 2 MSM 2 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill off the block and out BB 3 MSM 2 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 3 MSM 3 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 4 MSM 3 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 4 MSM 4 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 5 MSM 4 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 5 MSM 5 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Ford Prefect MB Osmany Herrera blocks Ford Prefect BB 5 MSM 6 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill BB 6 MSM 6 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the tool kill off the block BB 6 MSM 7 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect MB (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) BB 6 MSM 8 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Donny Kerabatsos BB 7 MSM 8 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB [BB poss] Theo Respaut (ATK - 13) is dug by Josh DeShields (DEF - 14) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the tool kill off the block BB 8 MSM 8 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the tool kill off the block BB 8 MSM 9 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Gonzalo Ruiz BB 9 MSM 9 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Lars Maldonado blocks Gonzalo Ruiz BB 10 MSM 9 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [BB poss] Osmany Herrera (ATK - 15) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH Theo Respaut blocks Lars Maldonado BB 10 MSM 10 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 11 MSM 10 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Gabriel Arias (DEF - 7) with 3 Josh DeShields (SET - 6) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block BB 12 MSM 10 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (1) BB 13 MSM 10 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB [BB poss] Theo Respaut (ATK - 13) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block BB 14 MSM 10 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias serves an ACE BB 15 MSM 10 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB Theo Respaut gets the kill on Logan Shaffmaster BB 15 MSM 11 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the kill BB 16 MSM 11 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB [BB poss] Tom Wollenberg (ATK - 19) is dug by Gabriel Arias (DEF - 7) with 2 Josh DeShields (SET - 6) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the tool kill off the block BB 17 MSM 11 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 17 MSM 12 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos serves an ACE BB 17 MSM 13 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the kill BB 18 MSM 13 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 18 MSM 14 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Ford Prefect MB [MSM poss] Ford Prefect (ATK - 16) is dug by Donny Kerabatsos (DEF - 16) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Gabriel Arias BB 18 MSM 15 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Gonzalo Ruiz serves an ACE BB 18 MSM 16 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Gonzalo Ruiz serves an ACE BB 18 MSM 17 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the tool kill off the block BB 19 MSM 17 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson OH (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) BB 20 MSM 17 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the tool kill off the block BB 20 MSM 18 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Donny Kerabatsos BB 21 MSM 18 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 21 MSM 19 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 3 Osmany Herrera gets the tool kill off the block BB 21 MSM 20 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Theo Respaut MB Theo Respaut gets the kill on Logan Shaffmaster BB 21 MSM 21 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 22 MSM 21 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Jacob Wheeler BB 22 MSM 22 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 23 MSM 22 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Jacob Wheeler RS Jacob Wheeler gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 24 MSM 22 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (1) BB 25 MSM 22 ============================================ Bullfrogs Wins Set: MSM: 22 BB: 25 BB: 2 MSM: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mortenson (OH) | Wollenberg (MB) | Ruiz (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Fleegman | Herrera (S) | Respaut (MB) | Kerabatsos (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Wheeler (RS) | Quintana (MB) | Maldonado (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: DeShields | Shaffmaster (OH) | Prefect (MB) | Arias (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 0 MSM 1 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the tool kill off the block BB 1 MSM 1 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 1 MSM 2 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Logan Shaffmaster OH [MSM poss] Logan Shaffmaster (ATK - 16) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the kill on Gabriel Arias BB 1 MSM 3 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) BB 1 MSM 4 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill BB 2 MSM 4 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 2 MSM 5 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos serves an ACE BB 2 MSM 6 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Tom Wollenberg is in the net BB 3 MSM 6 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler serves an ACE BB 4 MSM 6 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (3) Griffin Mortenson OH Griffin Mortenson gets the kill BB 4 MSM 7 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 5 MSM 7 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 5 MSM 8 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill BB 6 MSM 8 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 6 MSM 9 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the kill BB 7 MSM 9 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 7 MSM 10 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Griffin Mortenson BB 8 MSM 10 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 8 MSM 11 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 9 MSM 11 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Tom Wollenberg MB Tom Wollenberg gets the kill on Lars Maldonado BB 9 MSM 12 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 10 MSM 12 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the tool kill off the block BB 10 MSM 13 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill off the block and out BB 11 MSM 13 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Tom Wollenberg MB Ford Prefect blocks Tom Wollenberg BB 12 MSM 13 ============================================ Logan Shaffmaster (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Tom Wollenberg MB Ford Prefect is in the net BB 12 MSM 14 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 3 Osmany Herrera gets the tool kill off the block BB 12 MSM 15 ============================================ Tom Wollenberg (SVR - 15) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill BB 13 MSM 15 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (0) BB 14 MSM 15 ============================================ Ford Prefect (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (1) Griffin Mortenson OH [BB poss] Griffin Mortenson (ATK - 14) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster OH (ATK - 16) attacks the ball out (2) BB 14 MSM 16 ============================================ Griffin Mortenson (SVR - 9) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block BB 15 MSM 16 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [BB poss] Osmany Herrera (ATK - 15) is dug by Gabriel Arias (DEF - 7) with 2 Josh DeShields (SET - 6) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill BB 16 MSM 16 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Guy Fleegman (Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS [BB poss] Gonzalo Ruiz (ATK - 16) is dug by Logan Shaffmaster (DEF - 11) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the tool kill off the block BB 17 MSM 16 ============================================ Gabriel Arias (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera gets the kill BB 17 MSM 17 ============================================ Osmany Herrera (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 18 MSM 17 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (2) Theo Respaut MB Logan Shaffmaster blocks Theo Respaut BB 19 MSM 17 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Lars Maldonado serves an ACE BB 20 MSM 17 ============================================ Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Josh DeShields BB 20 MSM 18 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (2) Jacob Wheeler RS [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Griffin Mortenson (DEF - 11) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Gonzalo Ruiz RS Gonzalo Ruiz gets the tool kill off the block BB 20 MSM 19 ============================================ Guy Fleegman (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Logan Shaffmaster (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 21 MSM 19 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Griffin Mortenson (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Guy Fleegman (SET - 16) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB [MSM poss] Ford Prefect (ATK - 16) is dug by Guy Fleegman (DEF - 19) with 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH [BB poss] Donny Kerabatsos (ATK - 16) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 3 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (3) Ford Prefect MB Ford Prefect gets the kill on Guy Fleegman BB 22 MSM 19 ============================================ Josh DeShields (SVR - 13) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Donny Kerabatsos (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill on Lars Maldonado BB 22 MSM 20 ============================================ Donny Kerabatsos (SVR - 16) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Lars Maldonado (Best Passer) passes a 2 Gabriel Arias (SET - 10) sets (1) Logan Shaffmaster OH Logan Shaffmaster gets the tool kill off the block BB 23 MSM 20 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - In [MSM poss] Jacob Wheeler serves an ACE BB 24 MSM 20 ============================================ Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 12) (BB) Serve - Out [MSM poss] BB 24 MSM 21 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - In [BB poss] Josh DeShields (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [MSM poss] Gabriel Arias (ATK - 8) is dug by Gonzalo Ruiz (DEF - 16) with 2 Osmany Herrera (SET - 17) sets (3) Donny Kerabatsos OH Donny Kerabatsos gets the kill BB 24 MSM 22 ============================================ Gonzalo Ruiz (SVR - 14) (MSM) Serve - Out [BB poss] BB 25 MSM 22 ============================================ Bullfrogs Wins Set: MSM: 22 BB: 25 BB: 3 MSM: 1 Burlington (BB) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S D- Gabriel Arias 4 0 0 7 .000 51 80 12 1 4 0 0 0.0 3 0 0 0 1.0 OH B Lars Maldonado 4 16 4 23 .522 0 0 7 2 2 15 1 2.3 3 0 2 0 19.0 MB A- Jesus Quintana 4 7 1 8 .750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 0 8.5 RS C+ Jacob Wheeler 4 7 1 11 .545 0 0 6 3 1 0 0 0.0 6 0 1 0 10.5 OH B- Logan Shaffmaster 4 14 3 23 .478 0 0 5 0 2 25 1 2.2 6 0 1 0 14.5 MB B+ Ford Prefect 4 10 5 19 .263 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 2 11.5 L C+ Josh DeShields 4 0 0 0 .000 3 4 6 3 2 32 3 2.1 6 0 0 0 3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B- TOTALS 4 54 14 91 .440 54 84 39 9 12 72 5 2.2 24 1 8 2 68.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 14 4 25 .400 2 10 3 20 .350 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 3 16 4 24 .500 Burlington (3) 25 24 25 25 (19-6) 4 14 3 22 .500 Mat-Su (1) 17 26 22 22 (13-11) Mat-Su (MSM) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A- Osmany Herrera 4 4 0 9 .444 48 82 3 0 1 0 0 0.0 2 0 3 0 5.5 OH A- Donny Kerabatsos 4 26 6 43 .465 1 1 2 2 3 19 3 2.1 1 0 2 0 29.0 MB C Theo Respaut 4 4 2 10 .200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 2 5.5 RS A- Gonzalo Ruiz 4 6 3 11 .273 0 0 8 2 3 0 0 0.0 8 0 2 1 9.0 OH C- Griffin Mortenson 4 10 2 13 .615 0 0 2 0 3 40 6 2.1 2 0 2 0 11.0 MB A+ Tom Wollenberg 4 8 4 13 .308 0 0 6 1 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 2 2 10.0 L A+ Guy Fleegman 4 0 0 0 .000 5 7 7 0 4 27 0 2.3 8 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B+ TOTALS 4 58 17 99 .414 54 90 28 5 16 86 9 2.1 22 0 14 5 70.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 14 4 26 .385 2 18 5 26 .500 3 14 4 26 .385 4 12 4 21 .381