at St. Charles
at St. Charles
St. Charles Scarecrows
Max Sellers
St. Charles leads series 8-3
Match Comments
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED STC VERSUS ABQ ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Corter (MB) | Irving (OH) | Dorr (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Buckman | Mitrovic (S) | Saracen (OH) | Graves (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Dixon (RS) | Blumenthal (MB) | Noonan (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Richter | Wysocki (OH) | Rossard (MB) | Sheridan (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 [STC poss] Myles Mitrovic (ATK - 10) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (2) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill ABQ 0 STC 1 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill off the block and out ABQ 1 STC 1 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill on Connor Irving ABQ 1 STC 2 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB [STC poss] Randal Graves (ATK - 15) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill ABQ 1 STC 3 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr RS (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 1 STC 4 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Randal Graves MB Ben Blumenthal blocks Randal Graves ABQ 1 STC 5 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 2 STC 5 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill ABQ 2 STC 6 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Ben Blumenthal serves an ACE ABQ 2 STC 7 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Ben Blumenthal serves an ACE ABQ 2 STC 8 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Arlo Dixon is in the net ABQ 3 STC 8 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 3 STC 9 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) ABQ 3 STC 10 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon serves an ACE ABQ 3 STC 11 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 4 STC 11 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 [ABQ poss] John Sheridan (ATK - 18) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Laurent Rossard is in the net ABQ 5 STC 11 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [ABQ poss] John Sheridan (ATK - 18) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill off the block and out ABQ 6 STC 11 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 6 STC 12 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Elipses Corter MB Laurent Rossard is in the net ABQ 7 STC 12 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 7 STC 13 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 [STC poss] Myles Mitrovic (ATK - 10) is dug by Arlo Dixon (DEF - 13) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH [ABQ poss] Danny Noonan (ATK - 18) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS Ben Blumenthal blocks Peyton Dorr ABQ 7 STC 14 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill ABQ 8 STC 14 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 1 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Connor Irving (DEF - 10) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill on Alex Wysocki ABQ 9 STC 14 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 9 STC 15 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on John Sheridan ABQ 10 STC 15 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB [ABQ poss] Ben Blumenthal (ATK - 17) is dug by Connor Irving (DEF - 10) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving OH (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (2) ABQ 10 STC 16 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill on John Sheridan ABQ 11 STC 16 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 11 STC 17 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill ABQ 12 STC 17 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Connor Irving blocks Arlo Dixon ABQ 13 STC 17 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 13 STC 18 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 14 STC 18 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 14 STC 19 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 15 STC 19 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill ABQ 15 STC 20 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 16 STC 20 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 16 STC 21 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB [STC poss] Randal Graves (ATK - 15) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 16 STC 22 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic gets the kill on John Sheridan ABQ 17 STC 22 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Connor Irving (DEF - 10) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH [STC poss] Matt Saracen (ATK - 15) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 17 STC 23 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 18 STC 23 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (1) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 18 STC 24 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 19 STC 24 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 19 STC 25 ============================================ Scarecrows Wins Set: STC: 25 ABQ: 19 ABQ: 0 STC: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rossard (MB) | Wysocki (OH) | Dixon (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Richter | Sheridan (S) | Noonan (OH) | Blumenthal (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Dorr (RS) | Graves (MB) | Saracen (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Buckman | Irving (OH) | Corter (MB) | Mitrovic (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Myles Mitrovic serves an ACE ABQ 1 STC 0 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Connor Irving (DEF - 10) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Ben Blumenthal blocks Randal Graves Ben Blumenthal blocks Randal Graves ABQ 1 STC 1 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] John Sheridan serves an ACE ABQ 1 STC 2 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen OH (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 1 STC 3 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill on John Sheridan ABQ 2 STC 3 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 2 STC 4 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr RS (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 2 STC 5 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 3 STC 5 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill on Randal Graves ABQ 3 STC 6 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Randal Graves (DEF - 4) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill on Ben Blumenthal ABQ 4 STC 6 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Laurent Rossard MB [ABQ poss] Laurent Rossard (ATK - 10) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill ABQ 5 STC 6 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Myles Mitrovic is in the net ABQ 5 STC 7 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Matt Saracen (DEF - 14) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Laurent Rossard blocks Connor Irving ABQ 5 STC 8 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Matt Saracen OH Laurent Rossard blocks Matt Saracen ABQ 5 STC 9 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic gets the kill ABQ 6 STC 9 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki OH (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 7 STC 9 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Myles Mitrovic is in the net ABQ 7 STC 10 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 8 STC 10 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Elipses Corter serves an ACE ABQ 9 STC 10 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 9 STC 11 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill ABQ 10 STC 11 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill ABQ 10 STC 12 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill ABQ 11 STC 12 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 11 STC 13 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal MB (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (1) ABQ 12 STC 13 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki OH (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (2) ABQ 13 STC 13 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 1 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (2) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill ABQ 13 STC 14 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Ben Blumenthal (DEF - 10) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB [ABQ poss] Laurent Rossard (ATK - 10) is dug by Myles Mitrovic (DEF - 13) with 3 Chance Buckman (SET - 9) sets (2) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Ben Blumenthal (DEF - 10) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill on Myles Mitrovic ABQ 13 STC 15 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Ben Blumenthal (DEF - 10) with 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Myles Mitrovic (DEF - 13) with 1 Chance Buckman (SET - 9) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 14 STC 15 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Peyton Dorr serves an ACE ABQ 15 STC 15 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB Laurent Rossard gets the kill on Matt Saracen ABQ 15 STC 16 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 16 STC 16 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB [ABQ poss] Laurent Rossard (ATK - 10) is dug by Chance Buckman (DEF - 13) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill on Chance Buckman ABQ 16 STC 17 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Alex Wysocki ABQ 17 STC 17 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan gets the kill ABQ 17 STC 18 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Lex Richter serves an ACE ABQ 17 STC 19 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 18 STC 19 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (1) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 18 STC 20 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill ABQ 18 STC 21 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] John Sheridan serves an ACE ABQ 18 STC 22 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Randal Graves MB [STC poss] Randal Graves (ATK - 15) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill ABQ 18 STC 23 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Alex Wysocki ABQ 19 STC 23 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Connor Irving is in the net ABQ 19 STC 24 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Danny Noonan serves an ACE ABQ 19 STC 25 ============================================ Scarecrows Wins Set: STC: 25 ABQ: 19 ABQ: 0 STC: 2 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Corter (MB) | Irving (OH) | Dorr (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Buckman | Mitrovic (S) | Saracen (OH) | Graves (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Dixon (RS) | Blumenthal (MB) | Noonan (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Richter | Wysocki (OH) | Rossard (MB) | Sheridan (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 1 STC 0 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Ben Blumenthal MB Matt Saracen blocks Ben Blumenthal ABQ 2 STC 0 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill on Connor Irving ABQ 2 STC 1 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 1 Connor Irving (SET - 5) sets (1) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill ABQ 2 STC 2 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves MB (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (1) ABQ 2 STC 3 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 2 STC 4 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Danny Noonan serves an ACE ABQ 2 STC 5 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 3 STC 5 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Chance Buckman (DEF - 13) with 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Arlo Dixon is in the net ABQ 4 STC 5 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 4 STC 6 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Ben Blumenthal (DEF - 10) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB Laurent Rossard MB (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (1) ABQ 5 STC 6 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 5 STC 7 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB Laurent Rossard MB (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 6 STC 7 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Laurent Rossard MB Laurent Rossard MB (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 7 STC 7 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki OH (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (1) ABQ 8 STC 7 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill ABQ 8 STC 8 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 9 STC 8 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill ABQ 9 STC 9 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB [STC poss] Elipses Corter (ATK - 15) is dug by Alex Wysocki (DEF - 11) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB [STC poss] Elipses Corter (ATK - 15) is dug by Alex Wysocki (DEF - 11) with 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 9 STC 10 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic gets the kill ABQ 10 STC 10 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - Out [STC poss] ABQ 10 STC 11 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (2) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr RS (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (0) ABQ 10 STC 12 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Randal Graves MB Randal Graves gets the kill on Alex Wysocki ABQ 11 STC 12 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (1) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill on Myles Mitrovic ABQ 11 STC 13 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Danny Noonan ABQ 12 STC 13 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Chance Buckman (DEF - 13) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS [STC poss] Peyton Dorr (ATK - 10) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 12 STC 14 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 13 STC 14 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill ABQ 13 STC 15 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill ABQ 14 STC 15 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Laurent Rossard MB [ABQ poss] Laurent Rossard (ATK - 10) is dug by Matt Saracen (DEF - 14) with 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Elipses Corter MB Elipses Corter gets the kill ABQ 15 STC 15 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Laurent Rossard MB [ABQ poss] Laurent Rossard (ATK - 10) is dug by Peyton Dorr (DEF - 9) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon gets the kill ABQ 15 STC 16 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 16 STC 16 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill on Peyton Dorr ABQ 16 STC 17 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - Out [ABQ poss] ABQ 17 STC 17 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Danny Noonan OH Randal Graves blocks Danny Noonan ABQ 18 STC 17 ============================================ Elipses Corter (SVR - 12) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill on Connor Irving ABQ 18 STC 18 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH [STC poss] Matt Saracen (ATK - 15) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 2 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill on Elipses Corter ABQ 18 STC 19 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (1) Matt Saracen OH Arlo Dixon blocks Matt Saracen ABQ 18 STC 20 ============================================ John Sheridan (SVR - 18) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Matt Saracen (Best Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH [STC poss] Matt Saracen (ATK - 15) is dug by Lex Richter (DEF - 15) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB [ABQ poss] Ben Blumenthal (ATK - 17) is dug by Elipses Corter (DEF - 6) with 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr gets the kill ABQ 19 STC 20 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Connor Irving (DEF - 10) with 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill ABQ 20 STC 20 ============================================ Myles Mitrovic (SVR - 16) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill ABQ 20 STC 21 ============================================ Danny Noonan (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Peyton Dorr RS Peyton Dorr gets the kill ABQ 21 STC 21 ============================================ Matt Saracen (SVR - 15) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Danny Noonan (Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Ben Blumenthal MB Ben Blumenthal gets the kill ABQ 21 STC 22 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Ben Blumenthal serves an ACE ABQ 21 STC 23 ============================================ Ben Blumenthal (SVR - 15) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH [STC poss] Matt Saracen (ATK - 15) is dug by John Sheridan (DEF - 18) with 3 Lex Richter (SET - 11) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS Arlo Dixon RS (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (2) ABQ 22 STC 23 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Arlo Dixon RS [ABQ poss] Arlo Dixon (ATK - 17) is dug by Matt Saracen (DEF - 14) with 1 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Ben Blumenthal ABQ 23 STC 23 ============================================ Randal Graves (SVR - 14) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Alex Wysocki OH Alex Wysocki gets the kill on Randal Graves ABQ 23 STC 24 ============================================ Arlo Dixon (SVR - 14) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH [STC poss] Connor Irving (ATK - 12) is dug by Danny Noonan (DEF - 14) with 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Alex Wysocki OH [ABQ poss] Alex Wysocki (ATK - 13) is dug by Myles Mitrovic (DEF - 13) with 2 Chance Buckman (SET - 9) sets (1) Matt Saracen OH Matt Saracen gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 24 STC 24 ============================================ Peyton Dorr (SVR - 10) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Lex Richter (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan gets the kill ABQ 24 STC 25 ============================================ Alex Wysocki (SVR - 11) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Connor Irving (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Myles Mitrovic (SET - 16) sets (3) Connor Irving OH Connor Irving gets the kill on Lex Richter ABQ 25 STC 25 ============================================ Connor Irving (SVR - 11) (ABQ) Serve - In [STC poss] Alex Wysocki (Worst Passer) passes a 3 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (2) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the kill on Peyton Dorr ABQ 25 STC 26 ============================================ Lex Richter (SVR - 8) (STC) Serve - In [ABQ poss] Chance Buckman (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 [STC poss] Myles Mitrovic (ATK - 10) is dug by Arlo Dixon (DEF - 13) with 1 John Sheridan (SET - 18) sets (3) Danny Noonan OH Danny Noonan gets the tool kill off the block ABQ 25 STC 27 ============================================ Scarecrows Wins Set: STC: 27 ABQ: 25 ABQ: 0 STC: 3 Albuquerque (ABQ) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S B+ Myles Mitrovic 3 3 0 6 .500 32 72 3 1 0 0 0 0.0 3 0 1 1 4.5 OH B+ Matt Saracen 3 8 3 16 .312 0 0 1 0 1 12 1 2.5 3 0 1 0 8.5 MB B+ Randal Graves 3 8 3 14 .357 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0.0 1 0 2 0 9.0 RS D Peyton Dorr 3 4 4 17 .000 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 0.0 7 0 0 0 5.0 OH D+ Connor Irving 3 7 3 17 .235 0 1 1 0 1 26 3 2.2 5 1 0 2 8.0 MB C+ Elipses Corter 3 7 2 12 .417 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 8.0 L C+ Chance Buckman 3 0 0 0 .000 2 3 0 0 0 30 5 1.9 3 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C+ TOTALS 3 37 15 82 .268 34 76 18 3 6 68 9 2.1 23 1 4 3 43.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 10 7 23 .130 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 2 13 5 27 .296 Albuquerque (0) 19 19 25 (8-13) 3 14 3 32 .344 St. Charles (3) 25 25 27 (9-13) St. Charles (STC) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A+ John Sheridan 3 2 0 4 .500 38 69 10 2 0 0 0 0.0 7 0 0 0 4.0 OH A- Danny Noonan 3 13 1 15 .800 0 0 9 2 1 18 0 2.6 6 1 1 0 16.5 MB A Ben Blumenthal 3 11 2 15 .600 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 0.0 4 1 2 1 16.0 RS A- Arlo Dixon 3 10 4 21 .286 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0.0 2 0 2 1 12.0 OH C- Alex Wysocki 3 9 4 19 .263 0 0 0 0 2 20 3 2.1 2 0 2 0 10.0 MB D Laurent Rossard 3 1 3 9 -.222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1 1 2 2.5 L C+ Lex Richter 3 0 0 0 .000 6 10 4 1 2 20 0 2.5 7 0 0 0 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B TOTALS 3 46 14 83 .386 44 79 31 9 8 58 3 2.4 28 3 8 4 62.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 14 1 21 .619 2 13 6 26 .269 3 19 7 36 .333