at Columbia
at Columbia
Columbia Crazy Tomatoes
Steve Turner
Columbia leads series 15-5
Match Comments
Welcome to the Greenhouse, Antoine.
Steve (Columbia) Oct 13 - 9:50 AM
Perhaps we tried too hard.
Steve (Columbia) Oct 13 - 7:21 PM
Maybe. I lined up the broken arms!
Antoine (Portland) Oct 13 - 7:32 PM
JUST AFTER TEAMS CREATED CCT VERSUS POR ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Briggs (MB) | Valbuena (OH) | Conrad (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Parker | Cooper (S) | McCormick (OH) | Cook (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Dohm (S) | Brehme (OH) | Legrand (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: McCracken | Rivera (MB) | Baptiste (OH) | Wolverton (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) POR 0 CCT 1 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Harold Cooper (ATK - 9) is dug by Dylan Wolverton (DEF - 17) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 0 CCT 2 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 1 CCT 2 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Dylan Wolverton RS Marshall McCormick blocks Dylan Wolverton POR 2 CCT 2 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 2 CCT 3 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the tool kill off the block POR 3 CCT 3 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera gets the tool kill off the block POR 3 CCT 4 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook gets the kill on Sebastian Brehme POR 4 CCT 4 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [POR poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 11) is dug by Marshall McCormick (DEF - 11) with 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Kurt Briggs MB [CCT poss] Kurt Briggs (ATK - 9) is dug by Dylan Wolverton (DEF - 17) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera gets the kill POR 4 CCT 5 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Kurt Briggs MB Ethan Baptiste blocks Kurt Briggs POR 4 CCT 6 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Kurt Briggs MB Kurt Briggs MB (ATK - 9) attacks the ball out (1) POR 4 CCT 7 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Kurt Briggs MB [CCT poss] Kurt Briggs (ATK - 9) is dug by Kyle McCracken (DEF - 19) with 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the tool kill off the block POR 4 CCT 8 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill on Kyle McCracken POR 5 CCT 8 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera gets the kill POR 5 CCT 9 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 6 CCT 9 ============================================ Ignacio Valbuena (SVR - 8) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill on Ignacio Valbuena POR 6 CCT 10 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper gets the kill on Dave Dohm POR 7 CCT 10 ============================================ Jaxon Parker (SVR - 6) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill off the block and out POR 7 CCT 11 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook gets the kill on Kyle McCracken POR 8 CCT 11 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 8 CCT 12 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook gets the tool kill off the block POR 9 CCT 12 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 9 CCT 13 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Harrison Conrad RS [CCT poss] Harrison Conrad (ATK - 13) is dug by Kyle McCracken (DEF - 19) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera MB (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (2) POR 10 CCT 13 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Ethan Baptiste OH [POR poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 11) is dug by Marshall McCormick (DEF - 11) with 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Marshall McCormick OH [CCT poss] Marshall McCormick (ATK - 12) is dug by Sebastian Brehme (DEF - 18) with 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the tool kill off the block POR 10 CCT 14 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Harrison Conrad RS Dylan Wolverton blocks Harrison Conrad POR 10 CCT 15 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Dave Dohm serves an ACE POR 10 CCT 16 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 11 CCT 16 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill POR 11 CCT 17 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 12 CCT 17 ============================================ Ignacio Valbuena (SVR - 8) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 12 CCT 18 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Marshall McCormick OH [CCT poss] Marshall McCormick (ATK - 12) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill POR 12 CCT 19 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 13 CCT 19 ============================================ Jaxon Parker (SVR - 6) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 13 CCT 20 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) POR 13 CCT 21 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 1 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (2) Ignacio Valbuena OH [CCT poss] Ignacio Valbuena (ATK - 10) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill POR 13 CCT 22 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 14 CCT 22 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 14 CCT 23 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Kyle McCracken serves an ACE POR 14 CCT 24 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill POR 15 CCT 24 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the kill POR 15 CCT 25 ============================================ Crazy Tomatoes Wins Set: CCT: 25 POR: 15 POR: 0 CCT: 1 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Baptiste (OH) | Rivera (MB) | Dohm (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: McCracken | Wolverton (RS) | Legrand (MB) | Brehme (OH) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Conrad (RS) | Cook (MB) | McCormick (OH) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Parker | Valbuena (OH) | Briggs (MB) | Cooper (S) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 0 CCT 1 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook gets the tool kill off the block POR 1 CCT 1 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand MB (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (0) POR 2 CCT 1 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 2 CCT 2 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 3 CCT 2 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the kill POR 3 CCT 3 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Kurt Briggs MB Kurt Briggs gets the kill on Kyle McCracken POR 4 CCT 3 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 4 CCT 4 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Dave Dohm serves an ACE POR 4 CCT 5 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 5 CCT 5 ============================================ Ignacio Valbuena (SVR - 8) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Kyle McCracken (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill on Harrison Conrad POR 5 CCT 6 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill on Sebastian Brehme POR 6 CCT 6 ============================================ Jaxon Parker (SVR - 6) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 6 CCT 7 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Harold Cooper (ATK - 9) is dug by Dave Dohm (DEF - 19) with 3 Kyle McCracken (SET - 15) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill on Jaxon Parker POR 6 CCT 8 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 7 CCT 8 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the kill on Ignacio Valbuena POR 7 CCT 9 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (2) POR 7 CCT 10 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (0) POR 7 CCT 11 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Dylan Wolverton serves an ACE POR 7 CCT 12 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill on Dylan Wolverton POR 8 CCT 12 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS [POR poss] Dylan Wolverton (ATK - 18) is dug by Harold Cooper (DEF - 9) with 3 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook gets the kill POR 9 CCT 12 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill on Marshall McCormick POR 9 CCT 13 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) POR 9 CCT 14 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 10 CCT 14 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Harrison Conrad blocks Dylan Wolverton POR 11 CCT 14 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Bradley Cook serves an ACE POR 12 CCT 14 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the kill POR 12 CCT 15 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS [CCT poss] Harrison Conrad (ATK - 13) is dug by Sebastian Brehme (DEF - 18) with 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [POR poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 11) is dug by Harold Cooper (DEF - 9) with 3 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (2) Harrison Conrad RS Santiago Rivera blocks Harrison Conrad POR 12 CCT 16 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Marshall McCormick OH Marshall McCormick gets the kill POR 13 CCT 16 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm gets the kill on Harrison Conrad POR 13 CCT 17 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Ignacio Valbuena OH Ignacio Valbuena gets the kill off the block and out POR 14 CCT 17 ============================================ Ignacio Valbuena (SVR - 8) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the tool kill off the block POR 14 CCT 18 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Marshall McCormick OH Marshall McCormick gets the tool kill off the block POR 15 CCT 18 ============================================ Jaxon Parker (SVR - 6) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the tool kill off the block POR 15 CCT 19 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Harold Cooper (ATK - 9) is dug by Dave Dohm (DEF - 19) with 2 Kyle McCracken (SET - 15) sets (3) Sebastian Brehme OH Sebastian Brehme gets the kill POR 15 CCT 20 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Bradley Cook MB Dylan Wolverton blocks Bradley Cook POR 15 CCT 21 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 16 CCT 21 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 16 CCT 22 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad RS (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (1) POR 16 CCT 23 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS [CCT poss] Harrison Conrad (ATK - 13) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 16 CCT 24 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Marshall McCormick (SET - 6) sets (1) Harrison Conrad RS Dave Dohm blocks Harrison Conrad POR 16 CCT 25 ============================================ Crazy Tomatoes Wins Set: CCT: 25 POR: 16 POR: 0 CCT: 2 ============================================ S T A R T I N G N E W S E T ============================================ Starting Lineup --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Briggs (MB) | Valbuena (OH) | Conrad (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: Parker | Cooper (S) | McCormick (OH) | Cook (MB) | ===================================================================== NET ===================================================================== | Dohm (S) | Brehme (OH) | Legrand (MB) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- L: McCracken | Rivera (MB) | Baptiste (OH) | Wolverton (RS) | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Dylan Wolverton serves an ACE POR 0 CCT 1 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB [CCT poss] Bradley Cook (ATK - 14) is dug by Dylan Wolverton (DEF - 17) with 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill off the block and out POR 0 CCT 2 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1) POR 0 CCT 3 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Marshall McCormick OH Mathis Legrand blocks Marshall McCormick POR 0 CCT 4 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (0) POR 0 CCT 5 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill of the block and out POR 1 CCT 5 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill off the block and out POR 1 CCT 6 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Bradley Cook MB Bradley Cook MB (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (0) POR 1 CCT 7 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (2) Harrison Conrad RS [CCT poss] Harrison Conrad (ATK - 13) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill POR 1 CCT 8 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill POR 2 CCT 8 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Ethan Baptiste OH [POR poss] Ethan Baptiste (ATK - 11) is dug by Marshall McCormick (DEF - 11) with 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Bradley Cook MB [CCT poss] Bradley Cook (ATK - 14) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera gets the kill POR 2 CCT 9 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Harrison Conrad RS [CCT poss] Harrison Conrad (ATK - 13) is dug by Kyle McCracken (DEF - 19) with 1 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill POR 2 CCT 10 ============================================ Sebastian Brehme (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the tool kill off the block POR 3 CCT 10 ============================================ Bradley Cook (SVR - 15) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Ethan Baptiste OH Ethan Baptiste gets the kill on Marshall McCormick POR 3 CCT 11 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Kurt Briggs MB Kurt Briggs MB (ATK - 9) attacks the ball out (0) POR 3 CCT 12 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Dave Dohm serves an ACE POR 3 CCT 13 ============================================ Dave Dohm (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 2 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill on Sebastian Brehme POR 4 CCT 13 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Kyle McCracken (Best Passer) passes a 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS [POR poss] Dylan Wolverton (ATK - 18) is dug by Marshall McCormick (DEF - 11) with 3 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Kurt Briggs MB [CCT poss] Kurt Briggs (ATK - 9) is dug by Sebastian Brehme (DEF - 18) with 2 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Dylan Wolverton RS [POR poss] Dylan Wolverton (ATK - 18) is dug by Marshall McCormick (DEF - 11) with 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill on Sebastian Brehme POR 5 CCT 13 ============================================ Harrison Conrad (SVR - 13) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 5 CCT 14 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Marshall McCormick (Best Passer) passes a 3 [CCT poss] Harold Cooper (ATK - 9) is dug by Dave Dohm (DEF - 19) with 3 Kyle McCracken (SET - 15) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the kill POR 5 CCT 15 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Santiago Rivera serves an ACE POR 5 CCT 16 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Santiago Rivera serves an ACE POR 5 CCT 17 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (2) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad RS (ATK - 13) attacks the ball out (0) POR 5 CCT 18 ============================================ Santiago Rivera (SVR - 14) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (3) Ignacio Valbuena OH Ignacio Valbuena gets the tool kill off the block POR 6 CCT 18 ============================================ Ignacio Valbuena (SVR - 8) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Sebastian Brehme (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Dylan Wolverton RS Dylan Wolverton gets the kill on Jaxon Parker POR 6 CCT 19 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Marshall McCormick (SET - 6) sets (2) Ignacio Valbuena OH Sebastian Brehme blocks Ignacio Valbuena POR 6 CCT 20 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ethan Baptiste serves an ACE POR 6 CCT 21 ============================================ Ethan Baptiste (SVR - 9) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Marshall McCormick OH [CCT poss] Marshall McCormick (ATK - 12) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand MB (ATK - 17) attacks the ball out (2) POR 7 CCT 21 ============================================ Jaxon Parker (SVR - 6) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 7 CCT 22 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Ignacio Valbuena (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1 Jaxon Parker (SET - 8) sets (1) Marshall McCormick OH [CCT poss] Marshall McCormick (ATK - 12) is dug by Ethan Baptiste (DEF - 12) with 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (3) Mathis Legrand MB Mathis Legrand gets the tool kill off the block POR 7 CCT 23 ============================================ Dylan Wolverton (SVR - 17) (CCT) Serve - In [POR poss] Jaxon Parker (Worst Passer) passes a 1 Harold Cooper (SET - 13) sets (1) Harrison Conrad RS Harrison Conrad gets the kill POR 8 CCT 23 ============================================ Harold Cooper (SVR - 11) (POR) Serve - Out [CCT poss] POR 8 CCT 24 ============================================ Kyle McCracken (SVR - 18) (CCT) Serve - Out [POR poss] POR 9 CCT 24 ============================================ Marshall McCormick (SVR - 12) (POR) Serve - In [CCT poss] Ethan Baptiste (Worst Passer) passes a 3 Dave Dohm (SET - 18) sets (2) Santiago Rivera MB Santiago Rivera gets the kill off the block and out POR 9 CCT 25 ============================================ Crazy Tomatoes Wins Set: CCT: 25 POR: 9 POR: 0 CCT: 3 Portland (POR) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S C- Harold Cooper 3 1 0 5 .200 19 47 1 0 4 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 1.0 OH C- Marshall McCormick 3 2 1 7 .143 0 2 2 0 2 19 1 2.4 5 0 1 0 2.5 MB B+ Bradley Cook 3 5 9 16 -.250 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 1 0 6.5 RS C+ Harrison Conrad 3 11 5 21 .286 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 11.0 OH D- Ignacio Valbuena 3 2 1 4 .250 0 0 0 0 1 26 3 1.5 0 1 0 0 3.0 MB F+ Kurt Briggs 3 1 3 7 -.286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 L F- Jaxon Parker 3 0 0 0 .000 2 6 0 0 2 17 5 1.6 0 0 0 0 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D+ TOTALS 3 22 19 60 .050 21 55 6 1 11 62 9 1.8 7 1 2 0 25.0 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 7 5 19 .105 GAME SCORES 1 2 3 4 5 TEAM RECORDS 2 8 7 19 .053 Portland (0) 15 16 9 (4-9) 3 7 7 22 .000 Columbia (3) 25 25 25 (8-5) Columbia (CCT) ATTACK SET SERVE RCV---DEF BLOCK Ps Gr Name SP K E TA PCT A AT SP SA SE SR RE PRT DIG BS BA BE PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A+ Dave Dohm 3 1 0 1 1.000 31 43 8 3 2 0 0 0.0 3 0 2 0 5.0 OH A+ Sebastian Brehme 3 6 0 6 1.000 0 0 2 0 0 11 1 2.0 3 0 3 0 7.5 MB A- Mathis Legrand 3 11 2 13 .692 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 4 0 13.0 RS A Dylan Wolverton 3 12 2 17 .588 0 0 16 2 2 0 0 0.0 3 0 2 0 15.0 OH C- Ethan Baptiste 3 1 0 5 .200 0 0 6 1 3 10 0 2.5 7 0 3 0 3.5 MB A- Santiago Rivera 3 5 1 6 .667 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 3 0 8.5 L A+ Kyle McCracken 3 0 0 0 .000 4 4 4 1 3 9 0 2.4 3 0 0 0 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A- TOTALS 3 36 5 48 .646 35 47 40 9 12 30 1 2.3 19 0 17 0 53.5 TEAM ATTACK PER GAME Set K E TA PCT 1 14 2 18 .667 2 12 2 16 .625 3 10 1 14 .643