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Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 15th, 2024 at 10:24 PM

I think mine will meet their targets but I'll probably have to play players I'd rather not in the final session. Every previous season I've T7'd that but possibly can't this.

Main problem is the lack of 4 and 5 set games - nearly all 3-0 or 0-3 even when the teams are close in skills.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 15th, 2024 at 9:46 PM

Delighted that all my players have now reached their XP target for the season.  There's a couple that might even reach their stretch goal. How's everyone else getting on?

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2024 at 8:38 PM

The male anglerfish is also tiny compared to the female

I wonder if Nashville and Columbia's bids will be of similar size?..

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2024 at 2:45 PM
Worse mascot than an Ichabod....

When male and female anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share bodies, forever. The deep sea is so vast that if a male finds a female he latches on and fuses to her, losing his eyes and internal organs until the two fish share a bloodstream. Please, just change mascots.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2024 at 10:46 AM

I keep going back to my bid wondering if it's too large/small at **** RP

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024 at 3:15 PM

Brehme was worth it - he rolled all 11s to go with his max+2 ATK.

As long as it's not 2010 - one of the most disappointing films I've seen after expecting so much.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024 at 12:58 PM

San Jose paid 1778 earlier this season.

The current record is 1813 paid by Columbia in season 10

These numbers do seem very close to some historic dates

1776 American Independence

1812 Russian Revolution

Could we see 2002? Beyond a Space Odyssey?

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024 at 12:49 PM
500 RP

Minimum bid of 500 for a 5 star setter

Ideally I still need 3 more players for next season so have to watch the bank balance...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024 at 10:44 AM
2000 RP

Thanks for the heads up, Roger. I'd have been gutted to lose the player with a 2000 RP bid along with the three teams below me in the standings.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 4th, 2024 at 8:50 AM
Best of luck Jason!

There's no doubt that Thomas Demerrit, Lot 1 in next week's auction, is going to be a star Setter.  My current Freshman 5* has been fully coached this season to reach Set level 13.  By the time he retires he will reach the heady heights of level 16.  Pretty good - until you realise that Demerrit will start his Freshman season at level 13 and could be at level 16 by Session 4.  With the potential to top out at level 19 sometime in his Junior year, I don't think there's any doubt he will dominate the court for the next four seasons.

Which I guess is why Cincinnati (2896 RP), Nashville (2798), Columbia (2764) and Merrit Island (2409) are hoping to sign him this week.  And then there's Spokane, who have managed to squirrel away the princely sum of 541 RPs for their bid.  

I suspect Demeritt will go for over 2000 RPs - assuming everyone remembers to change their maximum spend limit - but I'm genuinely hoping and praying that Jason comes out on top.  However, I suspect I'd get better odds at the bookies on seeing a real-life Sasquatch walking down Northampton High Street.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 2024 at 12:39 PM

Daunting though that prospect is, Eduard, I'm more concerned about the teams that could finish 14th or 15th.

Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 28th, 2024 at 8:37 PM
A (minor) warning (Re: Harsh call)

Before going all out on the non-conf to get the #1 seed, Steve:

You just might consider who just might slip into the NCS at #16

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 28th, 2024 at 3:04 PM
Re: harsh call

I fully expect to extend the run to 11.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 28th, 2024 at 2:39 PM
Harsh call… give Andy the kiss of death after only three wins.

Steve, on the other hand, absolutely deserves it.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 2024 at 10:26 PM
Re: Rotation Pairs & Kiss of Death (Columbia, Pekin, Denali)

Thanks for sharing that info Steve!

🏐 In addition, I apologize to Steve, Roger, and Andy, but someone has to call out some streaks here...  😎

Columbia is streaking at 9️⃣ in a row...

Pekin's streak has hit 5️⃣ in a row...

Andy's Angry Wolves are now at 3️⃣ in a row...

Best of luck next week gentlemen!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Oct. 24th, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Rotation pairs (part 1)

Firstly, this will be in 3 or 4 parts so as not to muddle things up with explanations too much. Secondly "rotation pairs" is a rubbish title but it's what I keep thinking it as in my head the past year or so.

In part 2 I will say "In TMVL it doesnt matter what position your serve receivers are." Although this is true for the most part, there is the odd occasion where it could.

On  pass (1) only, the receiver might not pass to the Setter (2 or 3 he does, 0 is an ace). If the Libero is the receiver it's an equal chance he'll pass to either OH (see Support for exact chance) if not the Setter. If an OH is the receiver there is a chance he'll pass to the other OH. As I indicated it is rare for an OH to set. In a recent game Brehme had 17 receives, 7 were pass (1) but the other OH didn't set any.

Why could it matter? If he is in the front row and passes to the other OH it will be a back-row Set. If it's a back row receiving OH the other OH will make a front-row Set and the attacker will be determined differently. It does make a difference but hardly.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 13th, 2024 at 7:09 PM
Fear of Steve

I too would probably be a lot less afraid of Steve if I knew what it was and from whence it came!  Amusing article, Steve. Thanks for brightening my day with it, as you do the Northern nights!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 2024 at 11:49 AM
This amused me for some reason


Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 2024 at 8:02 PM
Gimble….bloody autocorrect

Third time lucky!

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 2024 at 8:01 PM

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 2024 at 8:01 PM

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 2024 at 8:01 PM
Did gyre and humble in the wade

Too right Steve, especially as on paper your MBs were your weak link (in as much as you actually have a weak link...)

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 2024 at 7:44 PM
Twas bryllyg, and the slythy toves

I've come to the conclusion that all the stuff I write on here is complete nonesense.*

In the game against Pekin my MB, Rivera, had 24 attack attempts for 17 kills, numbers I don't remember ever seeing. Meanwhile my other MB, Legrand, had just 8 attacks with 4 kills and 4 errors. Had I stumbled on something that I could use and replicate? 

Both had the same ATK and BLK so it didn't matter who was in the front row apart from serve order. It didn't matter whether my Setter was front or back row - the chances of him picking out the MB was the same: 58% if the Setter gets a pass(3) from the receiver.

The only reason Rivera would get more attacks would be that when he was front row there were more Pass(3)'s. It doesn't matter where the receivers were and they all had the same RCV anyway. So the chance of a Pass(3) is determined by SRV: the lower the SRV the higher the chance of a Pass(3).

Rivera was in position IV so at the net when Pekin's first 3 servers served. These had SRV 18, 17, 18. The next 3 were 17, 17, 15. Not a great difference but I'd expect more Pass(3) when Legrand was at the net - not the 3:1 ratio I got.

So put your players where you want - it's all down to Olmec anyway.


*or it isn't and Olmec is just playing mindgames 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 28th, 2024 at 9:02 AM
Do's and Don'ts in TMVL

Do participate: you can get 40 RP per session easily; vote in the coaches poll, do a wellness check, comment on your 3 matches you're going to play and the 3 that you just played. 480 RP per season on top of the 2180 you are guaranteed is an extra 22%. It will pay half to a 4* or a third towards many 5* players.

Don't save more than 15 CP: anything over 15 is lost and there must be someone you can use CP on(however see below). It's ok in the last session to carry 15 on to the next season.

Do make sure you CP and XP your potential A rated players: make sure you unused spots on Fr OH's and S's that have 10 spots you'll want to CP in 12 sessions. Sophomores of these will probably want 9 slots CP'd. (Guilty of missing slots twice).

Don't use CP on an OH's SET: most attempts per set for an OH? 0.25 for an OH that has played more than one game. Even if I'd end up with over 15 CP I'd rather carry 15 over and waste the excess.

Do check for Libero serving: check you pick an MB that is playing, especially if you change your line-ups (guilty). If your L is a better SRV and RCV than one of your MBs then he must play.

Don't waste CP on potential C juniors unless you really have no one else to use it on.

Do read the BUM report: you'll know why once you do.

Don't waste RP on Steps 1 and 2: it soon mounts up.

Do check what others are doing: for instance as I type there are two teams that could get PLR 4 or 5 (4* MB) this session. One is also in the frame for PLR 6. These two teams are also interested in PLR 2 (5* MB) for next session and could drop out leaving just one team to sign that player (maybe I should pay 100 RP just to make sure but I'll check nearer the deadline).

Don't fret over rolling an 11 rather than a 10 on your recruit: yes we all do it (it's part of the fun) but as a Jr or Sr fully CP'd with FIT +1 (so 18 or 17) has only 1% to 4% increase of the chance of getting the better serve/set/attack/dig etc. and at 10 you'll save 5 CP (2 at Fr, 2 and So and 1 at Jr).

Do have fun.


Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 27th, 2024 at 3:49 PM
Steve sees all

Why am I reminded of the Avengers movies here?
Steve as Dr. Strange:  I looked forward in time, I saw 14,000,605 futures.

Al as Tony "Iron Man" Stark:  How many times did Quincy beat Columbia?

Steve as Dr. Strange:  One.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 27th, 2024 at 9:36 AM

Once you have chosen your 7 players for a game and so has your opponent then there are 2304 ways they can line-up against each other. This assumes you don't have identical OHs and/or MBs and it's a no brainer which MB your L serves for. The trick (sometimes) is finding the best way.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 16th, 2024 at 10:27 PM
Shameful III

Ah yes, Pierre is right.  It is I who was shameful in session 1.  😎

Our goal is to simply win 2 sets in session 2.  Now that teams know we only have weak players hopefully they will play their weak lineups against us to help the poor old Commish...

Pierre van Rossum

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 16th, 2024 at 5:14 AM
Shameful II

You must see it the other way, Al. Who was playing with 53, 53 and 56 this week to rest his top players? 😁

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 10:51 PM

Steve is right.  That "rival" Mr. Turner referred to was none other than Mr. Mendonça...   

Can we talk about the 80, 78, and 80 teams threw at the poor commish this week?  No wonder we are 0-3.  No respect...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024 at 8:14 PM

The weakest team we played at a 64 rating.

The strongest team one of my rivals faced had a 56 rating.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 13th, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Long awaited sequel

No, not the next book in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice but "How Skills Work in TMVL: Digging (DEF)."

Note, this is subject to verification from Al and/or Max and is based on the master spreadsheet found on the Support Page at (I can't remember how to make this a link).

If your opponent's Attack is not out nor blocked, there is a chance for your team to defend with a Dig. A Dig is similar to a Set with ratings from 3 (excellent) to 1 (poor). Only your back row players can Dig and it's their DEF rating that is used and compared to the Attacker's ATK skill and also how good the Attack was (rating 3 to 0).

First a check is made to see which player attempts the Dig. I assume that if your MB was on to serve then he defends rather than the L

For a Setter attack (Dump) there is no data in the spreadsheet so I'm not sure if it's always your RS or S, or if the Right Side table is used.

Right Side: nice and easy 21% L, 42% RS/S, 37% OH

For MB and OH the table is more complicated and depends on the Libero's DEF rating.

For a front row OH or a MB the chance of your L trying to dig goes from 56% at Libero DEF 18 to 35% at DEF 8, your OH rises from 40% at Libero DEF 18 to 55% at 8 and your RS/S from 4% to 10%. The OH overtakes the L as the Libero's DEF changes from 14 to 13.

For a back row OH  the chance of your L trying to dig goes from 48% at Libero DEF 18 to 30% at 8, the OH rises from 45% at 18 to 58% at 8 and the RS/S rises from 7% to 12%. The OH and L are virtually the same at Libero DEF 17.

Again I assume that if the MB is on to serve then it's his DEF rating used to decide who gets the chance to dig.

As mentioned the Attacker's ATK, the defender's DEF and how good the Attack was is used to decide if it's a kill or a dig. The tables are extensive so I'll give few examples. The chances of Dig (3, 2 or 1) are generaly similar to each other (except with low kill chances) with Dig(3) always more chance than Dig(2) than Dig(1). A Dig(3) is used the same as a serve/receive Pass(3) etc. to help decide how good the Set is.

Setter: ATK 12, defender DEF 14: 67% chance of a kill, ATK 10 DEF 18: 56% kill

For all others with an Attack(3) and ATK 14 it's 100% a kill.

Below ATK 14 a MB or backrow OH has a better chance of a kill than a RS (front or back) or frontrow OH (I would have thought frontrow OH was better than backrow but I'm no expert) but at ATK 11 it's still around 90% kill chance, ATK 8 it's 80% give or take.

With Attack(2) a frontrow OH or RS with ATK 18 has 70% (DEF 18) to 81% (DEF 8) chance of a kill but a backrow OH or MB is 100% down to ATK 17. When you get to ATK 11 the former has only 32% with DEF 18 to 52% with DEF 8 of getting a kill. However the MB/backrow OH has 80% up to 87%.

With Attack(1) a frontrow OH/RS is at 43% (DEF 18) to 63% (DEF 8) and the backrow OH/MB it's 77% to 85%.

With Attack(0) you're in trouble. Frontrow OH/RS ATK 18 vs DEF 18  it's just 4% kill with 67% Dig(3), versus DEF 8 it's only 22% kill. I can't find the data for Backrow OH/MB but I expect it's better.


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Sep. 11th, 2024 at 11:44 AM
Re: better start saving.

I make it 7 teams that must recruit a Setter and perhaps just one that doesn't need a 5*. And there's only three 5* Setters to pick from. 4* Setters? Meh! I'd probably roll 8 for SET.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Sep. 11th, 2024 at 7:12 AM
Better start saving…

Thomas Demerrit (Session 9 commits) looks like the kind of recruit that could really transform a team.  Could he break the 2000 RP barrier? 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 10th, 2024 at 1:12 AM
CP and XP planning

I thought this might be useful for the new coaches and anyone else who struggles in this area. And it gets me 5 RP. I've been doing this for about 4 seasons now and it definitely helps. However it isn't foolproof as on at least two occassions I've messed up by missing a slot on my RS.

On XP I record how many sets I want the players to play, a Jr with a 16 needs 78 sets due to rounding and a So needs 47. You should be able to fill in all slots on Fr (except maybe SET on an OH which I don't worry about), one slot on a Jr and probably just one on a 5* So: my 4* OH, Olsen, needs 23 or 24 XP for two slots which is 68  or 71 XP. This can be done quite easily playing two games per session but he's my 3rd best OH and I have a Fr that needs 56 XP. I'll need a lot of 4 and 5 set matches and keep an eye on their games.

Hinata (L) 64 XP (SRV,SRV,RCV,RCV,DEF,DEF,SET,SET) 38 XP (All) 11x3, 1x6 (i.e. 11 single match sessions, 1 double which can become only singles with long games)

Boyle (S) 83 CP (SRV,SRV,BLK,DEF,DEF,SET,SET) 41 XP (BLK) 10X3, 2X6 (easy if we stay in WGM and play 4 match sessions)

Brehme (OH) 66 CP (all but DEF, SET) 78 XP (DEF) 12x6 +6 (he's my best OH so will play the games - just needs 6 extra sets and not have all 3-0 or 0-3 matches)

The rest I'll roughly work out: Olsen 102 CP (even 4* OH So's are expensive), Baptiste 97 CP, Wolverton 45 CP, Fletcher 86 CP, Rivera 71 CP, Legrand 28 CP, Wheeler 69 CP

Total 711 CP

I have 75 but lets say I use 40 on FIT (last season I used about half on FIT and rested others) which leaves 35. You only count 11 sessions at 55 CP as the CP earnt in the last session goes to next season.

35 + 11 times 55 = 640 so 71 sets needed. Last season we won 80 sets but did make every final. Teams I looked at with around 13 wins won around 50 sets. Pekin had over 90. If things start looking bad then I'll have to drop some slots like Hinata's SETs (15 saved)

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jul. 2nd, 2024 at 10:48 PM
Spoiler - Conference Champions!

When you look at the standings you can see next to the league abbreviation the title holders.

Only ONE can repeat as champions and that is Nashville.  


This is a 4-way horse race.  Bryce and Amy are tied at 8-4.  Meanwhile Vick and Matt are on their heels at 7-5.  There's a lot of scenarios left to play out.  The Angry Wolves are at 5-7 and will not repeat after 4 straight seasons of 1st and 2nd place finishes (two of each).


Roy has the lead as the Red Pandas hold a 1-match advantage over Senator Mike with two matches to play.  


The Jacks lifted the trophy last season, and have been competitive at 6-6 but it is Pekin's Legume Legion that is lifting the trophy this season.  Can Roger go 14-0?  Has anyone EVER done that?


Dr. James White will be hoisting Alton's first conference trophy this season.   JT's Cinci could not do the (wow) 6-peat and along with the Bullfrogs will finish behind the Screaming Eagles.

Congratulations to Roger and James and I'm looking forward to seeing how the PAC 8 and SEC play out!

Brian Beerman

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 7th, 2024 at 1:31 PM

Our opponents will likely all win 3-0 this coming weekend. It's just a trend we've started for the season. Probabkly has to do with subpar recruiting and coaching. It's ok, you can agree with it. I won't be offended. Well, maybe just a little, but not worth enough to mention (except for the fact I just mentioned it). 😩

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 7th, 2024 at 11:25 PM
Rankings - Followup

Hi Roger, good questions.  And yes, I was in that photo fromthe preview yesterday. 😎 They use some of my photos but also have students that take photos for them so they tend to use those a bit more as I think they pay them.  

And yes it was a VERY rough game.  

Rankings are based on record but usually have a strength of schedule (SOS) factor involved too.

Carthage has played a tougher schedule than we have so that goes a long way to determine ranking in most of these various sites.  Here are a few different ones:

The Frog Jump site does some interesting analysis.  

Here's the summary of where we are:

1) We finished the regular season on Sunday (18-6; best record in program history)

2) We are the #3 seed in the 4-team conference tourney (the 5th/6th place teams to not participate)

3) We play at Carthage again on Wednesday.  If we lose the season is over.  If we win we play again Saturday.

4) If we win both then we go to the 16-team national championship bracket.  



Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 7th, 2024 at 8:27 AM
Rankings IRL, a question

On the Augie website preview* of yesterday's game with Carthage (a rough day at the office from what I saw) it says the no.7 Firebirds were 16-5 for the season, whilst Augie were 18-5.  Given this implies the Vikings are having a better season, why is it Carthage are the ranked team?  I presume there's some clever algorithm in the background that only Steve, John and Kevin would understand.

* I noted that although the photo on the website had some volleyball players in the foreground, the composition was clearly focused on the handsome gentleman in the bleachers with his camera...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 3rd, 2024 at 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I couldn't watch the game as the link from the website went to YouTube but not the game. I just had to watch Live Score and curse Aiden Bolan in the second set at all his attack errors at set point.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 3rd, 2024 at 5:37 PM
Augie - North Central

Thanks for watching Steve.

Below is a link to a second set play that Max had.  Essentially he played it off his shoulder, it hit the big ceiling scoreboard, stayed on our side and our MB platform set the ball to our RS for a kill.   Whatever it takes.  😎

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 2nd, 2024 at 7:00 PM

For those that don't follow the Augie team website:

In Thursday Augie won their 10th game in a row to go 13-1 on the season. Their previous highest number of wins in a season was 12 and there's 10 games to go.

Tonight at 9 PM (I think) they play their first Conference game - I'm guessing this is going to be more of a test.

Pierre van Rossum

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Feb. 14th, 2024 at 9:04 AM

Thanks Allan for your explanation. I didn't realise it was below the entry of the recruitings.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 12th, 2024 at 11:49 PM
Recruiting (Step 3) Tiebreakers

Recruiting Tie

We had the scenario happen in TMVL this week where two teams finished with the same RP Bid:

You can see that it led to some questions.


In TMVL we use this tiebreaker for these types of ties (see recruiting page and entry tab and look down to NOTES section:


Anything that I have to deal with manually has a chance of not happening correctly (or more likely to be me).  So I try to automate everything I possibly can.   For this one we go with the team that is less strong in terms of results (current season).  The setup is similar to MSWL where I need to automate a winner as well.  

Rules Help

If anyone would like to help me manage the rules (this should probably go in the main set of rules) by making documentation updates, I would appreciate it. Please drop me an email if you have time to make occasional updates.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 27th, 2024 at 11:15 PM
Augie Pt 6

Match has just finished - I couldn't find it on YouTube livestream so watched what looked like the TMVL Viewer. I won't spoil the result but I have a question: two or possibly three players who haven't played before today came on as substitutes. Were these tactical to get a "better" server or the coach giving other players playing time?

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 26th, 2024 at 2:29 AM
Augie Pt 5

Just caught the last few minutes of the Vikings' 3rd set.

Great diving save from Max for the 20th point - full length dive and setting up the ball beautifully for the point

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 26th, 2024 at 2:27 AM
Augie pt 5

Three sweeps.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 24th, 2024 at 6:57 PM
Augie Pt. 4

I can honestly say I don't understand the game any better after watching the match but it doesn't really matter when you're cheering for one side and one player in particular.  And what a player Max is - I lost count of the amount of times I heard the commentators say "...and that's a great dig by Sellers".  Pumping up the rest of the team is clearly a speciality too!

It was also a lot of fun to play Where's Wally/Waldo and try and spot where Al had got to to get the best camera angles.  If you could wear a red and white striped jumper next time it would make my day...😎

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 22nd, 2024 at 5:18 PM
Augustana Part 3

GREAT observations Steve and thank you for watching!  

That is awesome that Jacob was asking questions and had some interest.  YES, the Chihuahuas have a great logo!  😎

And yes, Max does wear the Viking helmet in the Pre-match "ceremony" to get the team fired up.  Like this from yesterday:

YES, you found all of us in the bleachers too Steve.  I move around a lot but Amy (yellow sweatshirt) and Kelsey are here:

YES, our Saturday opponent was picked to finish 4th in their conference.  I thought we had a 50/50 chance and our team won in 3 sets. The teams below them in their conference that play:

- We play the 5th, MSOE, next Saturday

- the 7th Illinois Tech in a few weeks

- the 8th was Concordia Chicago that we beat on Thursday

- the 9th we play in Green Bay in 2 weeks

- the 10th we play on Thursday

- the 12th we play later in the season

So if "whomever" said yesterday's team was the 4th best that means if we continue to play well we will have some success.  

Max - Passing.  Yes, Max had a good game.  The announcers are college kids who were new to volleyball (I watched a little while I categorized/compiled my 2500 photos from the game today).  So they did things like called passes digs and didn't understand a lot, but they were excited to do it.  The announcer kept calling it a "Roooof" when Augustana made a big block.

YES - Aidan Bolan is a great server!  He does a jump topspin serve.   I saw the "Aces" thread Roger has and YES it is on Max and my list to add a serving "tactic" tweak at some point.  More over the next year on that.  

Basically a power serve does this:

- It gets you more aces

- It ALSO gets you more service errors

- It puts the opponent in TOUGH situations to make a good pass/set/attack (and this is the common, effective outcome)

YES, you have the right analysis on the MB/L swap in match.  Liberos can't serve in college for NCAA Div 1, 2, or 3. (they can serve in NAIA).  For the women's game liberos CAN serve at all levels.  It makes no sense.  We play an NAIA team in 3 matches I think, so hoping Max can serve then in a couple of them.

SUBS - YES you are correct.  In TMVL we did not set it up for subs (just the MB/L swap which is not officially a sub).  Subs "could be" a future enhancement but it would take a lot of thought.

Essentially Augustana (and many teams; 30%?) play 2 setters.  So the sub scenario is that when a setter would move to the front row, a RS comes in for them.  At the same time when a RS moves to back row, a S comes in for them.  I think it was Degnan/Schaefer as Steve notes and then the RS were McNelis and Carlson.  

This means the Setter (S) is always in the back row and can set 3 players in the front row: OH, MB, RS.  In TMVL when the setter is in the front row he can only set the OH and MB.  I think the strategy here is that we want the Setters in the back row (and they can only serve as back row players) which means the RS players in this scenario don't serve.  

The stats from Saturday show you that the 2 setter approach yielded (in this case) an equal number of assists for both setters. Also Max had 4 as the Libero.

YES, I try to get into different spots each match to get some different angles and backgrounds.  I have 2 cameras and 3 lenses I use and I move around a bit...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 21st, 2024 at 11:46 PM
Augustana Vikings part 2

I've just watched the game against  Concordia Wisconsin Falcons: a few points I picked up.

The Falcons were stronger than Augie's previous opponents - it didn't matter, the Vikings were hot.

Max had some great defensive plays, one great dig was from a tough serve that Max controlled leading to winning the point and the second set. Aiden Bolen's serves - wow!

Substitutions: I noticed two patterns, the first is like TMVL. Augie's MBs were (I believe) Ty Heater and Ben Schultz. Liberos don't serve here so when Heater served Max was off court. When Augie lost the point Max replaced Heater. Over the next service changes Max moves from I to VI to V. When he's to move to IV he goes off, Heater comes back on and Schultz serves. Max replaces Schultz when his serve results in a losing point.

The other was a double substitution. Augie have 2 setters, Degnan and Schaefer.  It seemed to me that Degnan and Carlson always came on together to replace Schaefer and possibly Moreano. Degnan always came on in the #1 spot to serve immediately. I'm guessing he replaced Moreano (a poor server?) He didn't replace Schaefer as he served. I never really noticed when Schaefer and presumably Moreano came on but it didn't seem to be to serve.

I enjoyed playing "Where's Al" who I spotted in 4 positions and there would be at least one more out of camera shot.

If you haven't watched a game and still don't get it, I'd recommend it. Augie's next game is Thursday 25th January. I believecthey are streamed live but this could be late for UK viewers. The games are on YouTube the day after anyway.


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 21st, 2024 at 9:37 AM
Augustana Vikings

I'd just finished watching the Vikings' game on YouTube when my lad came into the room. Jacob asked why I was watching basketball and, after I corrected him, he asked if my team won. I said Max plays for the team and showed him TMVL again explaining that Max has the Scarecrows and his dad has Quincy, showing the logos. Jacob said, "I bet that's Max" pointing at the player wearing the helmet. I couldn't see Max so moved back on YouTube to where the teams exchanged handshakes and spotted Al, Amy and Kelsey. I showed Jacob their photos for confirmation and he said "I like the Chihuahuas the best."


Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 2024 at 6:47 AM
Reverse Cup

I'd go with that idea, reckon the Panthers would take it easily. 😉 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 2024 at 1:30 AM
Reverse Cup?

Seeing as how John and Steve "matched up" in a D+ v. D+ event this past weekend...I'm (not seriously, but hear me out) thinking of a new cup.

In high school me and I guess some weird friends would play giveaway chess at lunch.  You won by LOSING all your pieces.  If the opponent was able to take a chess piece they had to.

Fast forward 40 years to Columbia - Sheboygan...D+ v. D+.  Sure John won the match, but SORRY JOHN you lost the point total.

Do we need a new comp where you advance by losing?  Hey, my team is worse than yours?  Tell me I'm crazy...  😎

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 8th, 2024 at 10:13 PM
WGM bracket

Seems very unbalanced with 8 very strong teams (historically or currently) on the right hand side : Quincy, St Charles, Baton Rouge, Cincinnati, New Orleans, San Jose, Nashville and Pekin.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 1st, 2024 at 12:10 AM
Happy New Year & Catching Me Up & Your Overlord Reminder

Happy New Year to All!  I wish you all the best in 2024. If you need support or someone to lean on please feel free to reach out to me.  I have some things to work through this year too and am hoping to make progress.  None of us go through life undefeated...

Hopefully we will see Micki back soon.  Maybe we need a letter writing campaign.  Would that help Phil?

Oh and thanks for starting the naked mascot thing Phil.  That call you are about to receive is from TMVL Human Resources...

Onto more important matters...I like to remind my friends who to focus on.

Below are your top T-7's for this coming week, also known as your Overlords...

#1 Portland - Paul has built a juggernaut.  

#2 Pekin - Rockin' Roger is off to a slow start, but look out!

#3 Cinci - Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

#4 Nashville - Welcome to the SEC...where all y'all are 3 games behind the Pandas in conference play

#5 Columbia - As they say, Steve Turner does not rebuild, he reloads.  Another strong team and start for Los Crazies


Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 31st, 2023 at 7:37 AM
Mascot Attire

Let me just say that I regret ever breaching this topic. It was not worth the 5 RP's it garnered. Please let it rest in peace.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 30th, 2023 at 12:52 PM
as for the Sasquatch

we don´t want to imagine it at all................

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 30th, 2023 at 12:51 PM

and we miss her hats!

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 24th, 2023 at 4:47 PM
Naked Sasquatch?

On the subject of nude mascots, our Sasquatch is only shown from the chest up, so you'll have to use your imagination. What kind of pants (trousers) is he wearing, if he's wearing any at all?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 24th, 2023 at 4:37 PM

Perhaps she could return some time in the future. I miss her barbs.

Merry Christmas everybody.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 24th, 2023 at 4:37 AM

...the banana's wardrobe is appealing.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 24th, 2023 at 4:19 AM
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all, but especially Steve Turner. Hang in there! Some of us don't have a CP/XP plan to lose! 🤪

Glad you weren't injured. Micki still talks about Steve as her favorite part of TMVL.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 22nd, 2023 at 10:57 PM
BIG-8 has three of the Top-4 for T-7

A lot of hyphens in that subject.

Sorry to hear about Steve's car situation and I'm glad he is okay.

Will coaches take advantage of Steve this weekend?

In the meantime here are your top 5 teams for effective T-7.  Look at that BIG-8...Q-City is nowhere to be found (sigh)...




Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Dec. 20th, 2023 at 6:38 PM
Now's your chance

Last Friday my car was written off in an accident. I'm ok as it wasn't a hard hit but they're scrapping the car as too old to economically repair. We have a free hire car until a week after the insurance pays up. Unfortunately that looks like being very soon as the other party's insurance has agreed the price. We aren't rich and would like a nice car so my wife has putbinbfor extra hours to help pay a credit agreement. We have no idea what our budget is or if this car goes back during my holiday. Nightmare at the moment.

Also Monday my phone looked like it was not going to charge so I prepared  a spare  phone to transfer essential apps. Then it was suddenly ok. Then last night as it was going flat I put the charger in only to find it wouldn't go in. So a couple of things I hadn't transferred were lost including my CP/XP plan. Yes I can redo them but Christmas is around the corner and spare time is at a premium.

So take advantage this weekend as I don't know how many games I need certain players to play.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Dec. 20th, 2023 at 7:58 AM
Articles of War

And the Manatees are just showing off

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Wednesday, Dec. 20th, 2023 at 12:41 AM
Articles of Clothing

It must be noted the vast majority of mascots in this league aren't wearing nothing at all, including a twister, and a mushroom, and a banana.

Well, fair, the banana is arguably wearing gloves, but the mushroom is fighting bare-knuckle.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Dec. 19th, 2023 at 9:34 PM
PAC 8 and West Coast vibe

It appears the PAC 8 mascots are all sans vestments.  It's a West Coast nudie vibe thing, apparently.  At least the chihuahua is wearing his collar.  Then again, it appears the Big East is similarly non-clothed.  Perhaps Phil should petition to move to the well-dressed Big 8 (St. C, Quincy, Portland) and request a new mascot.

Or not. Because that might open the door to conference realignment and the PAC 8 might be dissolved entirely within 2 seasons.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 18th, 2023 at 12:33 PM
Lucky for that naked Chameleon

being all green they can still be mistaken for a Shrimp. ahhhh but they are pointless in PAC8. maybe not then.......

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 17th, 2023 at 8:35 PM
Emporers Pants

Maybe the chameleon is wearing pants but they're camouflaged to look like lizards legs

Or.some unscrupulous seller sold your mascot pants and claimed they were invisible 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 17th, 2023 at 9:21 AM
Why is my Chameleon NAKED?

Other mascots have clothes, why can't I? Even the manatee gets a tank top, and he's just a fat fish. Mule has un ugly Christmas sweater, hound dog has pajamas, and even Bananaman has gloves. I want PANTS!

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Dec. 12th, 2023 at 8:29 PM

I'd like a Cup as well please, just for you know being me 😇

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 11th, 2023 at 4:40 PM
XP Audit Cup

Thanks for noticing Al. I await the XP Audit Cup being added to my Team Awards 🥳

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 10th, 2023 at 5:51 PM
XP Audit

During my XP audit to make sure teams used them...  

There was something I noticed this time around.  The players with the MOST XPs were:

1) Tommy Ryerson (MB Pekin) 87

2-tied) Geordi La Forge (OH T-Town) and Bill Stearn (MB San Jose) 86


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 20th, 2023 at 10:58 PM
No one is suggesting that...

...the commish has created a new "pay for no kiss of death" promotion where the commissioner agrees NOT to advertise a team's win streaks (some call it the "Al Kiss of Death") should that manager provide a donation to support web hosting costs...

Again, this idea has not been discussed...

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Sunday, Nov. 12th, 2023 at 6:38 PM

I was trying not to break the simulator in case it was using unsigned 16-bit integers to store its data...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 12th, 2023 at 5:01 PM

There's a few comments on John's bid for Klein and I mention it today but it is likely to be lost .

65535 isn't as random as it looks as it is 2^16 - 1 or FFFF in hexadecimal.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 12th, 2023 at 4:58 PM
Maximise XP

I would always prioritise XP over winning unless it was something to play for, such as the Nationals or Conference title. I realised I might have a problem with Dave Dohm so played him twice last week and had the possibility of having to play him twice this week or next week. However I was fortunate to get enough sets played and won, and checked calculations on CP and find I don't need to play him again (though he will play today against Manitowoc)

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 11th, 2023 at 4:49 PM
Late Season: to Win or to Maximize XP?

I am always interested in this part of the season, where there's a struggle between getting XP where it needs to be for max effect after the season vs needing/wanting to win. I find myself looking to play some lower skilled players more than in prior weeks to get the extra sets and bump the XPs to where they need to be. Yet I want to win, haha. To quote Al in his famed paraphrasing of me...where is my stuff!?

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 10th, 2023 at 11:54 PM
What to do with unmotivated players

I'll take them off your hands if they're any good Brian 😁

Brian Beerman

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 6th, 2023 at 9:06 PM
What Can I Do With Unmotivated Players?

Is there an equivalent of non-league sales if you don't want to retain a players services?

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Thursday, Nov. 2nd, 2023 at 8:07 AM
Believe it or not

Thanks for the heads up Steve. If only more coaches could be open and upfront about what side they're putting out this would be a much easier game to play 😁

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Nov. 1st, 2023 at 8:59 PM
Believe it or not..

Columbia have a 66.7% record. If we T7 and win every Conference game and every Nationals game and lose every TMVL Shield game then we still finish with a 66.7% record 26-13

However if we T7 and win the Conference and Shield games and throw the National game against Pekin we finish with the same 26 wins but only 10 losses for 72.2%.

So, if you're listening, Roger you can take it easy in our National game and concentrate on your Conference and TMVL games.

James White

Recent Entries
Thursday, Oct. 19th, 2023 at 7:28 PM
Is this a good advert for the game

I learned some new terms , pancake and joust !!

Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 2023 at 4:15 PM
Re: Will these teams spend any RPs this week?

Don't worry about the Hounds.

We're still this bad that every walk-on helps.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 2023 at 10:52 PM
Will these teams spend any RPs this week?

At the midway point of the season I'm getting concerned about a Tax Man visit for certain colleges...

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 25th, 2023 at 8:34 AM
Reason for bad session

Here is why the bad session for Kentucky,  distracted 

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 24th, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Thanks Steve..

...for clarifying.  I only have access to the data for later seasons.  

Agree with you that 2000+ RPs could be reached next session.  Brehme will be dominating defences for years to come - and I can only imagine the disappointment Coaches would feel if they lose out by a few measly RPs trying to be parsimonious with a bid of only 1700 or 1800.  

As you can probably tell, I'm gutted to miss out myself but, sadly, having recruited Flores last season, a megastar OH just isn't on my shopping list this year.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Sep. 21st, 2023 at 4:41 PM

The most expensive was Iker Zubizarreta of Baton Rouge, a 5* setter with max SET +2. He went for 1701 RP but this was before we settled into the current system so I don't know how much RP was about back then.

I think the record will be broken - I don't think the OH will go for 2000 RP though.




It will be more.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 18th, 2023 at 7:16 PM
The sky’s the limit

Way back in Season 6 the Red Pandas snapped up Sean Berryhill, MB (Max +2 Blk) for the princely sum of 1562 RPs.  He remains the most expensive player in TMVL but as a perennial feature in the Team of the Week has surely proved to be money well spent.

Which brings us to the Session 4 commits.  Huge interest in three 5* players - Sheridan S (Max Set), Brehme OH (Max +2 Atk) and Idaho MB.  Is the record about to be broken?  Brehme looks most likely (and I reckon it'll be Roy again) but even at 2000 RPs he would definitely be value for money. 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 17th, 2023 at 11:48 PM
THAT Quote...Let's Blame Roy. :-)

My friend Roy said:

Nashville appear to have done well, but as Steve pointed out if you recruit 5 star players instead of 3/4 you will have higher SL.

So as usual I'm just quoting my friend Roy.  I had to laugh at the "5-star is better than 3 or 4 star" implications in a Spinal Tap "these amps go to 11" sort of way.  So once again I'd like to blame my friend Roy.  😎


Pierre van Rossum

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 17th, 2023 at 6:40 AM

Thanks Steve for your explanation. It will helps me to understand volleyball and/or this game better. I've used the-libero-instead-of-the-MB before, but not with fully knowing the impact. 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 17th, 2023 at 6:37 AM
That quote

Libel. I've been misquoted or misrepresented or it's been taken out of context.

I saw that Roy mentioned it but I want to know when I supposedly said something so obvious.

The nearest I can think of is that 5* players cost more to CP than 3/4*

You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 11th, 2023 at 2:09 PM
What could I have done better?

Pierre asked this after his 3-0 loss to Columbia despite a 6 point per man advantage (80% chance of a win based on Kev's post about this last season.)

Al gave a good answer about the setter/OH combinations. He neglected to mention that we were probably lucky.

We were 6 points worse because I had a weak MB and weak OH. Fortunately this didn't hurt much as the OH was next to a better ATK RS - so when the software had a choice and picks the better of the two the RS received the set more often. Also the MB didn't get many attacks and this was probably fortunate that when he was at the net there wasn't a good receive/pass.

But the biggest thing I spotted was the libero not serving in any of Mendon's games. In all three he was a better server and defender than the weaker MB. The libero is on the court all game apart from when a MB serves. The Libero can serve for one of them. If the MB serves he will also be on court when the ball comes back on your side and he might have to try and dig the ball.

If the Libero is a better server and defender than one of the MBs always play him to serve for MB. If he's weaker at both then never do this. If he's stronger at DEF but weaker at SRV then it's a judgement call. It is very unlikely he will be stronger at SRV and weaker at DEF (1* freshman L and 5* senior MB maybe) but again a judgement call.

It doesn't matter about the MB's ATK or BLK because in the server position #1 he won't be able to do either.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 13th, 2023 at 7:32 AM

Last chance for recruiting this session and I've only managed to secure one player...desperate!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 31st, 2023 at 5:55 PM

Mrs Sellers going to get a 5* Libero at minimum price or will Christer get his orders in? Or maybe Keeley make a last minute bid?

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 24th, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Big 8 going down to the wire

As of this post, we have a three-way tie on record between Pekin, Dallas & St. Charles, and they all still play each other over the last three sessions.  Will we have one team dominate and ride to victory, or will they all knock each other around and let one of the two teams lurking just a win back overtake them?  Is there a Dark Horse (or Mule) that is the favorite in the race if anyone falters?

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 22nd, 2023 at 8:56 PM
Big East

Five Big East teams in the National Championship tournament, including three of the top four seeds.

James Tucker

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 19th, 2023 at 3:08 PM
Hall Hat

Surely Vick's is the best of all.  I think it is a hat - it is just so big, that the picture doesn't capture it all.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 16th, 2023 at 9:33 AM
Love the tucker hat!

It seems Phil finally has another rival  for who has the best hat job.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jul. 13th, 2023 at 8:06 PM

I laughed at Kevin's remark.

I never tinkered playing PBM Diplomacy (Well once I posted my orders). Not much tinkering cab be done with 3 or 4 units.

Even with PBEM I probably only changed my moves once or twice. But I was on the computer every night as a GM anyway so knew I'd be able to send in last minute orders.

But this online stuff is terrible lol. Though I've noticed I tinker less recently - maybe that's why Columbia is doing so badly.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 12th, 2023 at 9:52 PM
Why does CB Care?

I'm enjoying the posts on PBEM, good stuff.  I think we were two week sessions back in the day when I ran the original MSWL in 1989 and entered/printed everything on a Commodore 64.

Thanks John for the nice comment.  

James: 6-8 weeks a turn, that would be brutal!

Kevin: Ha!  Yes, I'm not sure Steve would have had as much tinker time...


Slight delay this week on the "Why Do I Care" segment this week, but its up now and includes this gem from Craig on the WGM Cup Final...

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 12th, 2023 at 3:17 PM
Play by Mail woes

I imagine that as often as Steve T tweaks his orders each week, having to play by mail would either drive him crazy as he couldn't amend what he sent out last week, or else bankrupt him as he sends out Next Day Air Mail posts every day leading up to the deadline.

James Tucker

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 12th, 2023 at 12:55 PM

When I (and familiar names here) started this Play be X journey it was PBM and snail mail.  Results every 6-8 weeks.  Anticipating the arrival of the zine.  Panic at trying to catch the postman to make deadlines and early deadlines.  None of this dashing out some orders with a few minutes to spare, before results. Simpler and slower days!

A whole TMVL season takes the same time as 2 sessions would have been.

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Tuesday, Jul. 11th, 2023 at 3:48 PM
The rise and decline of play by email

Interesting to think that play by email games are in decline, which makes sense - I think one of the reasons OLMEC has done so well is that it has a slick non-email design and keeps the manager base hooked for a long time...

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 10th, 2023 at 11:30 PM
Dutch PBEM

Thank you Eduard for looking into it.  

Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 10th, 2023 at 3:17 PM
The lost history of early Dutch pbem Volleyball

On popular demand ...

Around the late 90's a guy named Rien Kooy adapted some United concepts (aging, market etc) to the game of Volleyball. Only e-mail then, no web site.
I've played a couple of matches in an experimental proto season - my data got lost though.
It didn't quite click with me, so when he started for real, I didn't continue.

So I don't know how long it lasted, but I would be very surprised if it was still running. Some quick web archeology at least showed no results.

Pierre van Rossum

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 9th, 2023 at 5:24 AM
Welcome Eduard

Welcome to the game Eduard. Nice to see you have a lot of experience with other games and a Dutch volleyball game. I even didn't know we have had a pbem volleyball game in the Netherlands. 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 5th, 2023 at 10:58 PM
Website Updates - WGM Cup & Conference Tournaments

A couple of minor upgrades to the tournaments that are wrapping up: WGM Cup & Conference Tournaments

Both now have:

  • The competition name clearly shown
  • A listing of the defending champs (so you know who REALLY wants to win this competition)

Conference tournaments now have logos which I "borrowed" from the internet. 

I'll integrate the features to the others eventually.

I need to bracket the TMVL Cup/Shield.  Its on the list.  

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jul. 4th, 2023 at 9:55 PM
Welcome Eduard

Thanks again for joining us Eduard.  I had "coach bio" section on the team page for the football/soccer leagues.  Maybe I'll have to add that.

PLEASE send me a link (or info via email) on that Dutch Volleyball game you mentioned.  I'd like to learn more.

Also, a warning for everyone.   It is very clear Eduard is a quick learner and has a strong background in these types of games so as he notes: enjoy your easy wins...for now.  😎

Also be aware that with one more win the past session the Hounds would be on a 4-match winning streak...

Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 3rd, 2023 at 2:56 PM
Short bio and welcome

Another veteran incoming.

Born and raised around Düsseldorf / Germany. 
Graduated in CS and subsequently made some money from computers in several ways, currently mostly by consulting.
Initiated way too long ago with German style United games, I've pretty soon moved on to mainly EEFL style leagues.
I've even visited Ultra Cricket and - seriously - a short-lived Dutch Volleyball pbem. Yes, TMVL isn't the 1st of its kind.

After the decline and disappearance of many leagues, I've looked around what was still alive and running. 
And so - Al conscripted me to get the TMVL Bloodhounds on course.

Alas, Starkville's glory days might be in some very distant future.

So, for now, enjoy your easy wins.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 3rd, 2023 at 12:33 AM

Back in season 5 the Crazy Tomatoes had a 34-4 season. It was a perfect storm for me as I'd gotten the game as my team was very strong and all the new teams were added. I wasn't sure itvwoukd ever be beaten.

But halfway through the season we have New Orleans on 19-1 and Cincinnati on 18-2. Surely one of these teams will do it.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 2nd, 2023 at 3:28 PM
The Likely Lads...

I will add this to my list this week to watch the episode you guys mentioned.  

I think I like Steve's optimism though...just a slight downward streak lately, to be corrected hopefully soon.  😎

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 30th, 2023 at 10:45 PM

I found the episode on YouTube, Roger, (Season 1 Episode 7 No Hiding Place) but it wasn't fog but a flooded pitch.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 30th, 2023 at 9:15 PM
Take two

With thanks to Al - photo now up Steve. I think it's from the very episode you remember.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 30th, 2023 at 3:50 PM
Likely lads

Pity the picture isn't showing. 

I used to enjoy watching but only remember one episode: Bob and Terry spend all day trying to avoid knowing the result of an England football match sonthey can watch the highlights. Only to find out the match was cancelled due to fog.

As for me and Terry - we've both suffered from poor recruitment and bad luck with those we have gotten. But we'll be back.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 30th, 2023 at 3:43 PM
Whatever happened to the likely lads?

Photo: Steve and Al watching Dallas storm to another Conference win

Something strange is happening in Big 8.  Normally at this stage of the season Columbia and Quincy are sat at the top of the standings miles ahead of the opposition (except occasionally for St. Charles) and in pole position for yet another match up in the Conference Tourney Final.  While it's probably still unwise to bet against Bob and Terry, I mean Steve and Al, pulling it out of the bag, you've got to wonder if this is the beginning of the end for the Likely Lads.

(with apologies for those too young or too American to get the cultural reference)

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jun. 29th, 2023 at 7:29 PM

What a heartfelt blog by my Darlo 'friend'.

Was a tear shed? No, no, of course not, I had something in my eye, nothing more

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jun. 27th, 2023 at 12:14 AM

Rivaly in sport has many faces most often born from locale and competition for trophies/league placings. There are cities in the UK where you'll find families split supporting 2 local rival teams - Liverpool/Everton (Merseyside), Celtic/Rangers (Glasgow) etc - where the fanbase has a more divisive split you can get a bit more animosity (there's usually a religious element). But you also get great camaraderie and respect.

There's also a great sketch by stand-up comedian Jason Mansford (A mancunian) about rivalry.

I will paraphrase a great routine - talking about rivals you have the red side of Manchester and the blue side. But what about Merseyside? Well yes, if it's a battle of the great North West powers, then red and blue will stand together. Ok but what if it was East vs West? Well then we'd stand with our scouse brother vs the Mackems & Tackems of the North East. Southerners? Well yes, then men of the North we will stand together against the soft southerners. Scotland? Well obviously the English are united against the Haggis eaters. Europe? Didn't we leave them recently? Well the good old red, white and blue will stand firm against the Europeans. Our transatlantic cousins? Well there's the golf. We'll take our little white balls and see them off. The rest of the world? Ok we can do that. The universe? Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!

You more often than not have more in common with your rival team than you might like to admit. Which brings me back to Pools. In 2009 Darlington went into administration and was trying to find a buyer for the club. They decided to put on a charity match to raise funds to try and help save the club. I went along with friends and family and we decided to sit in the end usually reserved for away fans as we aren't usally allowed to sit there. As the stadium filled up we noticed a family sitting a couple of rows in front of us all wearing familiar blue and white striped tops - Pooly fans. They had come to support their local rivals put their hands in their pockets to help save the club. The tannoy mentioned that their were fans from other teams in the ground and mentioned Hartlepool. The fans waved and got a round of applause.

We still went into administration but it was a very heart-warming moment.

So when Dallas beat St Charles last weekend and stayed top of the Big 8 it reminded me of last season when with 2 sessions left to go Nashville was joint top with Baton Rouge and I suddenly thought "Can we win this?" So rivals yes, but against the powerhouses within the Big 8 I'm siding with the local boy.


Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Monday, Jun. 26th, 2023 at 2:59 PM
Re: Welcome Eduard

And best of luck!

Appreciated and definitely needed.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Jun. 26th, 2023 at 12:58 AM
Website updates...

Welcome again Eduard!  And a big thanks to Eduard for jumping in right away to get some orders in within a couple of hours today.  He has already mastered the "play your freshmen against us" approach.  😎

I've added a couple of website updates today:

1) Conference Tournament Bracket (I still have some work to do but its a start).

2) Added link to conference bracket from the preview page.

Good luck this week.  Please wish me good luck.  I really need it.



Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 25th, 2023 at 8:10 PM
Welcome Eduard

And best of luck!

Eduard Habermann

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 25th, 2023 at 3:42 PM
Bloodhounds under new management

I've just adopted the Starkville Bloodhounds (on very short notice) - so please have mercy with the new guy.
It's still time to play all freshmen against us.

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 24th, 2023 at 7:23 AM
Standings correct

I've realised that the Panthers spot in the SEC ladder is actually correct.  I'm from Australia sometimes called the land down under,  so being at the "bottom" of the world puts me looking at the ladder from a different angle and shows the Panthers at the top. Makes perfect sense 😇

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jun. 15th, 2023 at 11:27 PM
New Preview...Preview

Here are a couple of examples of the new preview match page I've been working on for the past 3 weeks. The first 2 weeks were mostly data gathering (like what you saw with coaching records) to help get some numbers for this and future things.  Now, I'm finally getting to the payoff part of adding stuff.  The bottom left TEAM STATS is a work in progress (still some stats to go/add).  The bottom right category (obviously) will be replaced by something else.  I have in mind some player stats from each team.

Please spot check me on numbers.  If something looks off, call it out and I'll investigate as there are/have been a lot of moving parts here...thanks.  

For the tournaments we will have a link to competition info and a bracket (as I have time to add it) as you see below for BRB-AA.  Can I say that the CCT-DAL looks like two Top-5 teams (look at all those top ranks for team stats!).

Is Rob really 3-3 at home versus Senator Mike?






Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 9th, 2023 at 9:48 PM
Cardassian in the auction

Be warned, there's a Cardassian in the auction! Lot #1, MB Gul Dukat will try to take over and then ultimately destroy whatever team he is recruited onto. You are all warned! He is a false emmissary!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 9th, 2023 at 9:40 PM
Roger's RS & Christer

I see Roger is helping his fellow coaches know who they can and cannot sign at RS...what with the large Pekin RP War Chest and all...

And then I needed to post Christer's comment:

I love the words from Christer (more threat than proclamanation).  I am SO GLAD I do not have to play the Squirrels this week.  Good luck to Aires, Dr. White, and Senator Mike versus Schenectady.  You will need it.  


Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Jun. 5th, 2023 at 7:26 AM
Getting on the Right Side

There seems to be a lot of recruiting interest in Right Sides at the moment, especially CJ Hawke who looks like he's going to be a cracking player.  

In the spirit of openness and transparency, I thought I'd give you a heads up that a top quality RS is number one on Pekin's shopping list and we're fairly confident of getting our man later in the season. So if you're after a great Right Side, to avoid disappointment in the future, now might not be the best time to skimp on your bidding. 😁

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Friday, Jun. 2nd, 2023 at 6:03 PM
Fuji Pan Sentient Butter Rolls

In case anyone's looking for a new team nickname, look no further than this Japanese sentient butter roll:

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 2nd, 2023 at 7:35 AM

I don't think luck is zero sum. For instance on June 18th Dallas will be lucky to win a set when we beat them.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jun. 1st, 2023 at 9:48 PM

To be clear Paul, Mrs. Sellers does not mean "everyone".  She is really only wishing a handful or less of teams "good luck".  I've gotten used to her sarcasm over 30 years to know what she really means...  😎

When you see "good luck everyone" it really means "good luck 'everyone'"...

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 30th, 2023 at 10:39 PM
"Good luck to everyone"...?

Is that possible?  Isn't luck zero-sum?  If some people have good luck doesn't that mean that others must have bad luck?

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 29th, 2023 at 4:03 PM
Welcome back!

Good luck to everyone! 

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 28th, 2023 at 7:12 PM
Morgan cup

Yes, I have Rob. I think Al has stitched me up big time. Oh well, always next season!

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 28th, 2023 at 5:57 PM
Morgan Cup

For once, in any league, I'm not going to argue that I'm in the group of death... has everyone seen Group A? WOW!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 27th, 2023 at 10:40 PM
Walkon/Recruit Names

Thanks Steve, John, and Jason.

I will add those to my list for next season, although with my condition the Len Nicodemo may hit a little close to home...

Thank you!  Please keep the ideas coming...and yes I know John has a very random, random name generator available if I need it.  🤠  

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 27th, 2023 at 9:52 PM
Recruit Names

No Bob Sacamano, either. But I do see Tim Whatley, Jackie Chiles, and David Puddy.

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Saturday, May. 27th, 2023 at 9:35 PM
Recruit names

We got a Crazy Joe Davola but no Len Nicodemo or Jay Riemenschneider...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 27th, 2023 at 8:17 PM
Recruiter names

I was just perusing the list of players and noticed a couple of Next Generation names, two from DS9, one original Star Yrek, two from Battlestar Galactica and a couple of so-so United managers.

I expect there's quite a few I've missed from TV I've seen.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 23rd, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Just under

I thought Al's clarification was triggered by my earlier question about the rules - does the 2500 cap hit before or after media and competition bonuses. The new drafting clears this up.

I was actually over the cap at season end but chose to pick up a 17th squad member through the walk on process so I didn't lose the RPs.  Starting the season with 2497 would have been nice though...

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 23rd, 2023 at 1:42 PM
RP Limit

I like the new wording. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Roger unaffected by this? Even if the media bonus were added, he'd still be at 2,497 (and, therefore, just under the cap).

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Tuesday, May. 23rd, 2023 at 1:00 PM
2500 rule

It seems unfair to implement it this season just for Roger. I know the bank tax in MSWL is after session 7 or 8 - perhaps we could implement the tax after session 4 or 5 or 6?

We don't want teams stockpiling RPs, but we also want to incentivise RP collection, so this would force teams to use excess RPs in the first few recruiting periods.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 23rd, 2023 at 2:00 AM

New wording reads clear and concise to me.  Therefore, there were clearly no lawyers involved in the scripting of this revision.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 22nd, 2023 at 5:37 PM

I'm no legal expert but your proposed new wording on the 2500 limit is much clearer Al.

Not quite so sure about the drafting below though - no competition finish bonuses for Pekin this year it seems! 🤣


"...Roger gets his 500 RP bonus that we all get, but we also get competition finish bonuses..."




Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 21st, 2023 at 10:00 PM

Those are not random numbers. They are where my friend Roger starts the season on RPs.  Roger is the leader (by 400+ over Derek who is in second).  

Please take a minute to review this rules snippet:

At the start of session 1, (after receiving their 500 RP) a team with more than 2500 RP gets their total dropped to a max of 2500 RP.

I think this was John's suggestion back in the day.  John also had a CP for RP or RP for CP scheme (sort of like how you can trade X reward points from your credit card for X points for your airline) that I didn't implement so maybe it was tied to that.  I'm not saying it was a bad idea.  I think it was a good idea.  We've just never made it very close.  

Anyway, in hindsight, I need all you lawyers to help me rewrite the above.  I was monitoring it as one of my end of season tasks.  It is a little vague like, well, Roger gets his 500 RP bonus that we all get, but we also get competition finish bonuses (and maybe a media bonus if it works/worked).  So would it be better stated as:

At the start of session 1, a team with more than 2500 RPs gets their total RPs dropped to 2500 RPs.

Also, let's not fall asleep on U2 1st Division leader and tactical genius CB over there with his big RP war chest...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 8th, 2023 at 7:08 PM

I've been looking at some of the team stats.

Not surprisingly Cincinnati top most of the attacking stats but what I find unbelievable is that Columbia are 2nd in Set% when I consider our Setters average at best. We did have some great attackers in Gallo (MB) and White (RS), the former way better than the 2nd placed in % and the latter very high in kills/set though only .500 overall. These two carried the Setters.

One other thing I found surprising was the digging stats. Manitowoc topped digs/set, Burlington and Albuquerque top Serve receive %.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 8th, 2023 at 7:22 AM
Good work, Roy

Can I point out that you got the TMVL Cup and Shield mixed up and that Columbia also finished with a double win.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 7th, 2023 at 10:31 PM
Final Session

I'm getting better at working out who to vote for and where to find the results. (Just found the Shield final session under Score) so here's my round up of the final session and who could be up for consideration (Nashville) if you're going to vote:

San Jose won the National Championship final, they had already wrapped up the Pac 8 division

Cincinnati were runners up in the NC final, however the did win the TMVL Cup and had already wrapped up the Big East division.

St Charles won the Holyoke Invitational trophy. They finished the season with three 3-0 wins.

Nashville were runners up in the Holyoke and finished joint top of the SEC division.

Baton Rouge finished joint top of the SEC division.

Columbia won the TMVL Shield final

Antioch were runners up in the Shield final

Mendon were runners up in the TMVL Cup final

Quincy won both their matches and had already won the Big 8 division

Also finishing the season with a double win:

Carlsbad, Tucson, Burlington, Teutopolis, Albuquerque and Spokane (who finished 3rd in the Shield)

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 7th, 2023 at 4:20 PM

Thanks Steve, that's helpful. The rules are clear that the 2500 limit is after the additional 500, but I wasn't sure if it was before the final media bonus / prize money.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 7th, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Close games

The TMVL Cup, National and Holyoake finals all featured teams with very close average ratings (86-89). I assume all teams played T7 in these games and it shows how close teams are. 3 points is nothing in these games where I've seen 10 point differences overcome  and I think Quincy lost a game this season with a 13 point advantage. That's 13 points per player - or something like all As vs all Bs.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 7th, 2023 at 12:01 PM

Yes that is correct - although I'm not 100% sure when the 2500 RP cap is applied.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 7th, 2023 at 7:51 AM
End of Season RPs

Can anyone clarify whether I am right in thinking that the following happens to our RP totals (in this order) before the start of Session 1:

1. Cost of any walk ons is subtracted

2. Any media bonus / prize money is added (but this session we don't get the standard 140 RPs)

3. End of season 500 RPs is added

4. Any balances above 2500 RPs are reduced to 2500

5. New season starts

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Apr. 25th, 2023 at 1:59 PM
A New King

With Quincy, Columbia, and Teutopolis all falling in the national quarterfinals, it is now guaranteed that someone will get their first-ever National Championship. Good luck to Pekin, Cincinnati, San Jose, and whatever the other team is (I can't remember).

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 9th, 2023 at 6:17 PM
National Championship/Holyoke - Seeding/Schedule Bug

The National Championship bracket chooses the Top 16 in this manner:

- WGM Cup AND Conference Tournament Winners

- Remaining 11-12 teams with best overall record: Win Pct, then Set Win Pct, then Points For/Against are the tiebreakers

This session we had a team (Denali) win a Conference Tournament and they should have received an automatic bid as a Top 16 team.  They did not.  The code looks like it did "some" of the analysis but in the end it did not schedule Denali in the National Championship bracket as it should have.  So I've done a manual update.  Here's what changed since an hour or two ago:

Alton was a #16 National Championship Seed.  They move to the #1 Holyoke Seed.

St. Charles was a #1 Holyoke Seed.  They move to the #2 Holyoke Seed.

Denali was a #2 Holyoke Seed.  They move to the #15 National Championship Seed.  The Conference Tournament win over Tucson means they get the automatic bid to join the field in the National Championship. However, their 12-12 record is the worst of the 16 teams, hence the #16 seed.  





Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 8th, 2023 at 8:40 AM
Jason's suggestion

There may be a danger of reducing TMVL to the level of a wargame....

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 1st, 2023 at 3:34 PM
Jason's suggestion

Does this get into the realm of BRBs for this game? I'd be in favor of something like that. 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 30th, 2023 at 11:28 PM
Jason's Game Upgrade Suggestion - A Proposal

Jason suggested a "Fan Intimidation" element


1) Each team gets two "special" home games each season where they will have a MASSIVE fan base that impacts the match.

2) Currently for home court the only difference is that the home team gets +1 for each player's SL in ATK, BLK, and DEF.  This addition would allow the home team to get the added benefit of their massive crowd harrassing the away team when they serve.  So the away team's players would all get a -1 for their SRV SL in the match.

3) Each team gets to type in a text box to "name" their special home match night.  Such as: Senior Day, Mrs. Sellers Day, Green out, Kiss of Death Night, Beat My Brother, etc…

4) Obviously, we'd probably need some code so that no team could use this against Quincy because that would be unfair.  😎

5) #4 is probably a joke.  But seriously I like the idea of selectively using it so the away team will feel like a victim (or I will remind them they are) and get vengeance later.  🤓

We will talk about this one a bit more though before moving forward to potentially add in a future season.   I've added it in to my task list as a future idea.  


Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 30th, 2023 at 2:12 AM
Game Upgrade

Al, your post about Mrs. Sellers's imposing presence at Max's match gave me an idea. What if we coded "fan intimidation" into the game? Home court advantage is one thing -- being comfortable in your surroundings, such as the light, the temperature, and the overall feel of the gym, etc. -- but maybe a coach could spend RP or CP to have a loud fan really knock the opponent off their game and earn an extra point or two per set. I'm definitely not being facetious here.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 27th, 2023 at 12:37 PM
Bit harsh… make the family play Monopoly just because they interrupted your volleyball watching Steve 😉

Max Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 26th, 2023 at 11:14 PM
Thanks for watching Steve!!

Thank you Steve for watching the matches this weekend! As for the ceiling question, if you dig a ball and it hits the ceiling and lands on the other side, it is the attacking side's point. That has happened to me a lot about it recently.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 26th, 2023 at 8:23 PM
Vs North Central

I saw a bit of this game, part way through second set (when I saw the email) to part way through the third (Monopoly with family). Some very good defence on both sides with long rallies and Augustana played better than yesterday. And I noticed they did swap ends between sets.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 26th, 2023 at 5:36 PM
Mrs Sellers

One thing I did forget to mention: the announcer said that normally the Augie support is easily the loudest (in the conference?).

Also I was surprised that the teams didn't swap ends between sets but having just thought about it, the subs and coaching staff would also have to swap unlike in American Football where they are on opposite sidelines.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 26th, 2023 at 3:20 PM
Augie at North Park - Thank you Steve

Thanks for watching the match Steve!

Ha! Yes, Mrs. Sellers said she could not say "Go Vikings" during the match.

Also, when a North Park server clearly stepped on the line when serving (line judge did not see it/call it) that player became a target for Mrs. Sellers wrath.  Every time he came up to serve Mrs. Sellers was yelling:


That server missed a lot of serves after that.  Everyone knows Mrs. Sellers is good for 2 points a set when she's in the building.  😎

You are right on with the serving Steve.  North Park was effective with their serves and I believe had a bunch of aces (9 aces, 10 errors).  Our serving wasn't too bad for us, but 0 aces and 7 errors makes a difference showing North Park was way better.

The other thing about their serve was that when we passed the ball we often made our setter chase it (so like a 1 or 2 pass) and then its difficult to put a hitter in a good spot to attack for a kill.  That was a key challenge along with the fact that North Park played GREAT defense.  When we had great attacks they were able to dig almost everything.  No free points for Augie.

The ceiling plays an issue in these smaller gyms.  That happened a lot.  The home team always knows about it (home court advantage) and knows how to play it off the ceiling.  For us, I think we didn't always spot it.

For your Scenario on if we hit the ball, it hits the ceiling, and goes over the net in bounds...what happens?

That's considered out of bounds (ceiling can't 'help' the ball) and the other team gets the point. 

If you hit the ceiling on your side and the ball stays on your side to continue getting your 3 contacts, then that's fine.

This is a team we played a 5-setter against last season.  They played much better than we did.'

Thanks again for watching Steve!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 26th, 2023 at 12:25 AM
Augie at North Park (spoilers)

I watched all this game and so a few comments.

1. Excellent video feed though the camera could do with zooming out a little to show both baselines, which themselves were hard to see until I spotted the back(?) judge(?).

2. Good commentary and not too unbiased - confusing at first as both teams were Vikings.

3. North Park's serves were awesome in the first two sets and Augie just couldn't handle them - they just didn't seem ready. Augie also served too many errors.

4. Augie blocked pretty well it seemed to me.

5. I don't know if it was poor setting or bad timing by the attackers but a lot of Augie attacks had the player getting under the ball too much and not being able to get his hand over the ball so hit the ball too long, or hitting too low into the net.

6. Augie never got going, the 3rd set was close, and I was hopeful, mainly due to poor North Park serving. Augie got a run of four points in that set but that was the only time, often lucky to get consecutive points.

7. The ball hit the ceiling at least three times with that causing the team to lose the point  due to timing. These were all on the same side of the net as receiving/digging team. What happens if a player hits the ball so hard that it hits the ceiling, goes over the net and in?

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 25th, 2023 at 1:46 AM
Everyone take a vacation

I'm putting out a request for everyone to take a vacation from recruiting in the next couple of weeks. Antioch is low on RP funds, but we still have a couple of areas of need. If folks can take a break for a few weeks, and then, when I've gotten a few cheap recruits, you can all pick back up. Sound like a good plan? Yeah? cool.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Mar. 24th, 2023 at 8:19 PM
I suppose

I better get my orders done otherwise I won't have time to tweak them with family down for the weekend.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 19th, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Will be exhausting

Four matches this week and the last one is against my son in a tournament in which I am suprised to still be playing.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 6th, 2023 at 5:39 PM
Odd scheduling/seeding

We play Dallas away in both the Conference and WGM next up. Quincy play Ames at home in both competitions. 

The winners of the WGM games (Ames and Dallas based on coaches' pessimism) play each other in the next round.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 26th, 2023 at 8:37 PM
Did Christer Take It Easy on you? Yes he did...

Per Steve's suggestion I've added the player rating at the end of the player's page.  So if you go to your team page and click on a player name you'll get to something like this where Christer's Libero was a PERFECT (even the Russian judge loved him) 10.0.

You might notice that Christer rested his top Libero this he'll be even better for the rest of the season!

And then there's our poor Rabid Biting's a typical player rating thing for us...

We are lucky if we get a rating in the 4's...



Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 2023 at 12:05 PM
The Fit Bit

What Steve didn't say was that one of those teams that spent all their CP on fitness was Al's Quincy. Although neither of the other Sellers had the same tactic.

The one to watch in the Big East Cincinnati raised the fitness of their senior players.

My own tactic is to rest my freshmen in the first session of the season, bringing all their skills up to a slightly more competitive level. This also means the T-7 are all out for the first session hoping to bag some points early doors. Obviously with 4 OHs and 4 MBs in a 3 match session you can rotate 3 of them to rest the 4th.

So that's my fitness tactic for now. Doesn't cost any CP. Although I see the benefit of spending CP the Freshman's fitness levels as it costs less.

Pierre van Rossum

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 2023 at 8:36 PM

Looking at the blog post of Steve, I was curious how every team has focused on the fit +1. 

Looking at all the teams there is a range of 0 until 12 players with +1. 
The most teams have got 2 players with +1 (6 teams), 3 players with +1 (4 teams) en 4 players with +1 (5 teams). 
The average amount of players with +1 after 1 session is 5.1 players with 19 teams below average (I've counted 5 players also as below average) and 13 teams above average. 





Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 20th, 2023 at 10:41 AM

Some interesting tactics out there in the first session. I haven't looked at all the teams but have spotted two that used all their CP on Fit and nothing on skills. One of them has their T7 all Fit +1, the other only 5 of them. As for Columbia, I could have gotten T7 to Fit +1 but decided I wanted to get my best but weak Setter's SET skill up as well as the player's Fit.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 19th, 2023 at 3:52 AM
Ready to start up the new season!

I hope I can do better with my recruiting this year now that I am starting to understand it better.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 19th, 2023 at 2:30 AM
Welcome to Season 8

We're ready to get Season 8 underway! Antioch is angling to make this season the first season where we hook a trophy in one of the competitions. Unlike the mighty salmon though, we are not the greatest at swimming upstream. 

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Feb. 18th, 2023 at 12:48 AM

i only spotted the three better call saul characters, Howard Hamlin, Mike Ehrmantraut and Nacho Varga. so now we need to look for others!

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Friday, Feb. 17th, 2023 at 11:41 PM
Ex-wing Mates

Just spotted Biggs Darklighter and Jek Porkins in the first Recruitment draft.

Nice little nod to two Star Wars characters who both died flying X-Wings on the attack on the first death star

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Friday, Feb. 17th, 2023 at 7:25 PM
Probably Sometime

I am also working on it....

Colin Scott

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 2023 at 10:48 PM

 Not this season but soon my friends, soon. Keep the faith

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 2023 at 11:27 AM

No it's not.

Sorry Roger, we're fighting a losing battle.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 2023 at 8:46 AM
Should we rename…

...the Big 8 to the Big 3?  Whilst Columbia, Quincy and St. Charles sweep all before them - Ames, Arlington, Dallas, Pekin and Portland have a combined trophy score of zero. Is this the season one of us finally breaks through?


Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Feb. 11th, 2023 at 5:01 PM

Micki kicked my butt in our final match, and that meant that we were part of a four-way tie for first in the PAC 8! 

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Saturday, Feb. 11th, 2023 at 8:51 AM
Spoilers (not a spoiler)

I like spoilers, it saves time, and it's always nice to be spoilt occasionally

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 2023 at 11:22 AM
Of Course....'re not (doing it right).

I recommend stopping posting spoliers.

It is beyond you.

Put the keyboard down and just stick to buttering up the Olmec Gods and delivering Kiss of Death quips as these are two areas you excel in.

Rolls eyes

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Feb. 7th, 2023 at 12:11 AM
Congratulations JT! (Am I doing it right CB?) Oh...Spoiler!

Congratulations to James Tucker on winning the BIG EAST!

Oh and I like this SEC vs. BIG 8 rivalry between Senator Halpin and Olmec Steve!  😎

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 6th, 2023 at 9:25 AM
You Can't.....(spoiler)

You can't shout spoiler then congratulate those involved in the same subject heading lol :)

It would mean reading the word spoiler then immediately averting your eyes.

Only my eyes roll that fast

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 6th, 2023 at 12:19 AM
(Spoiler) - Congratulations Micki, Amy, Martyn, and Vick!

In a TMVL first, we have a 4-way tie for conference champions.

Santa Clara, Tucson, San Jose, and Albuquerque (I've been to 2 of these cities; its not a competition) all finish at 8-6 and will each a conference co-champions title!


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 5th, 2023 at 10:33 PM
SEC the best?

I think with the National Champions, the WGM champion, 2 of the top 3 NET/ELO/Overall standing as well as 1st and two 2nd= in the non conference BIG 8 has a food claim for the best conference.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 5th, 2023 at 8:20 PM
Congrats, Co-conference Champions, New Orleans!

Demonstrating why the SEC is the best TMVL conference! 

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Feb. 4th, 2023 at 5:20 PM
Why, Oh Why?

Why, Oh Why on this last weekend of the season do I have to face the two youngsters (Micki and Max) that I root for when we are not playing against one another?

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Feb. 4th, 2023 at 12:58 AM
Wacky Races

Muttley was my favourite character and I think I did want Dick Dastardly to win at least once.

I quite liked the Ant Hill Mob.

The Slag brothers Rock and Gravel drove the Boulder Mobile and they were the inspiration for Captain Caveman

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Friday, Feb. 3rd, 2023 at 11:40 PM
Wacky Races

I believe their names were and I'm happy to be corrected but Captain Caveman and Son ring a bell.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Feb. 3rd, 2023 at 8:20 PM
Correct and Question to All

Both Colin and Steve are spot on - Dick Dastardly said 'drat and double drat' in Whacky Races.

So, for those who remember Whacky Races....who was your favourite?

Mine were the cavemen...soz, can't remember their actual names but I'm sure you know who I mean :)

Colin Scott

Recent Entries
Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 2023 at 8:22 PM
Whacky Races

Aye, I’ve done something similar myself this season. Too late to fix it now and gives me a challenge next season.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 2023 at 10:45 AM
Drat and double drat

Without googling I'd say Dick Dastardly.

I did the same thing with my freshman right-side.  Too late I realised there weren't enough sessions to fill all the slots I wanted.

It's a fine balance between coaching players and Fit. I decided not to coach my junior OH and save the CP for Fit. Next season he'll be my 3rd OH anyway and was never going to be a superstar.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Drat and Double Drat

Firstly, name the reference in my subject ;)

Secondly, a bit late in the day now but just remember for next season to have at least a loose idea of what you need to do to max out your budding stars of tomorrow with CP use.

I've royally cocked mine up.

All I did, as far as planning its use, was think back to last season where I had CP to burn and found myself trying to find where to spend them in the last couple of based on that, I decided to burn a load of CP on FIT this season and as a result I won't max out some of my star players.


Colin Scott

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 31st, 2023 at 10:15 AM
My friend

A friend of mine was telling me how he had fallen out with a work colleague at Tesco while were chatting over a pint in the pub. One of the local hard men overheard us and asks my friend who the guy at work is and when the name is revealed the goon says he knows him too and he would sort him out for a pound. A pound? my friend asks. Aye, says big Arty, I normally charge more but seeing as I don't like him I'll do it for a pound. My friend hands over the pound and I go up the road.

Turns out big Arty did sort the guy out. He turned up at his place of work and throttled the poor guy. He then saw two folk watching and to avoid any witnesses he throttles them too.

I only know this information from what I read in the local newspaper which had the headline


Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 31st, 2023 at 12:32 AM

Beware of lumberjacks, they swing in all directions....  

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 24th, 2023 at 12:52 PM

Tomatoes can be considered a fruit and a vegetable - we're crazy that way.

Tomatoes don't hunt but just hang around waiting for the time to be ripe.

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 23rd, 2023 at 10:01 PM

A Panther is actually a jaguar or leopard

The Panther is a stealthy hunter

Panthers are incredibly quick and strong



Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 16th, 2023 at 3:15 PM
My mistake

There is such a thing as toad in a hole in the US of A but that is just an egg fried in a slice of bread/toast that has a hole in it.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 16th, 2023 at 9:30 AM
Re: holes and toads

I bet that gets the Americans googling.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 16th, 2023 at 8:20 AM
More Holes

Hole in the head I don't need

Hole in the toad is the wrong way round

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 16th, 2023 at 5:53 AM

Hole in One in Golf is Good

Hole in the ground can be good and bad

Hole in the bucket is not good

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 15th, 2023 at 8:31 PM
Getting Old

As I approached 65, I wet for a rare haircut, and was asked if I was entitled to a discout.  The very thought!  What an insult!

At my next haircut, I was asked the same question.  How wonderful!  What a compliment! 

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 15th, 2023 at 12:55 PM
Kiss of death?

Last session I confidently predicted Quincy to win the Cup, Columbia the Shield and Portland the Holyoake. Clearly Al isn't the only one with the power 👹  Although I'm not sure what went wrong with the Championship....

Martyn Hathaway

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 15th, 2023 at 6:43 AM
...and a quiet new year

New Year: when does it stop being new?  It could be when you wish the last person Happy New Year, as I have been told.  But you would never know when that was, would you? And what if you met somebody you hadn't seen for three years? Happy New Year, Happy Previous New Year & Happy New Year Twice Removed? And what if you met somebody you hadn't seen since school 45 years ago.  Ridiculous

Actually I really wanted to respond to Paul Cockayne's point about middle age and being old.  Nobody really wants to be old or at least to be called old do they?  And yet Society reinforces the message that you are old all the time.  I have been receiving my UK state pension for a few months - widely referred to as the old age pension which makes me an OAP - Old Age Pensioer.  When I turned sixty, I was initially chuffed to find that lost of places - cinemas, atttractions small & large etc - offer a discount.  Except that for sometimes a tiny benefit - say 80p off your £9 admission - you have to state your elderliness to some ticket seller who then, disbelieving, asks how old you are before disdainfully allowing the pathetic reduction.  And then there's the place in many forms when "for analysis purposes" you have to state which aged band you are in.  There is no consistency in what these ranges are but the cruellest has to be, for example, under 20, 20-40, 40-65, 65+.  That + is code for "really old" isn't it?

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 14th, 2023 at 6:41 PM
Cheese Based Mascots

I am sure we could find some difficult to pronounce towns in Wisconsin that could be Cheese towns, like Mukwanago Muensters. 

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Saturday, Jan. 14th, 2023 at 1:50 PM
Cheese-based mascots

During expansion, I really should have pitched the Leicester Roquefort as a bona fide internet volleyball team.

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 11:12 PM

In Volleyball the ball goes over the net

In Basketball the ball goes through the net

In Football (Soccer) the ball goes into the net

In Baseball the net stops the crowd behind the batter getting hit.

In Fishing there is constantly a hole in the net so the fish keeps escaping 😒

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 9:40 PM

The city of San Jose has banned prawn sandwiches. We don´t want to be compared to old trafford.

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 8:06 PM

If we're going to add a Sandwich division, we're going to need some cheese-based mascots.

Also, did John just call a hot dog a sandwich? Be careful wading into that debate.

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 7:36 PM
When the league expands again

There'll definitely be room for the Saint Donatus (Iowa) Sausage Dogs (San Diego is taken)

More importantly the Sausage Dogs would feature in the Sandwich Cup (mascots which when combined would make good sandwiches), especially when they would play New Orleans, which might be the top delicacy in TMVL.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 2:52 PM

Urgh, do I not like that.

My post should read 'an' English Bulldog not 'a''s because I typed British Bulldog the first time

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 13th, 2023 at 2:50 PM

Bulldogs are the best. Fact.

I have a French Bulldog and she is very funny.

Our next dog will be a English Bulldog - mega lazy so we'll get on well :)

Don't forget that Bulldogs are also the BEST at volleyball. This is also a fact.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jan. 12th, 2023 at 11:42 PM
Sausage dogs!

Thank you for confirming that I was right. I had heard it a couple of times, but Allan would not believe me and was kind of stubborn about it. It was his suggestion that we consult the UK experts. I told him now he should get me a sausage dog since I was right.  Just kidding, I have a few friends with them and I have heard in general that they can be quite stubbon and don't listen.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jan. 12th, 2023 at 12:53 PM
sausage dogs

sausage dogs is certainly how thy are known on this side of the pond

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 2023 at 11:15 PM
Silly animals with ridiculously small legs...

...are definitely called sausage dogs in the UK.  This is not, as is commonly thought, because they resemble a sausage but because they are about as affectionate as a frozen sausage.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 2023 at 9:30 PM
Thanks Colin!

Thank you for your prompt response.  If I had to guess, I would think that perhaps the large number of German immigrants to the U.S. probably had something to do with us using the term "weiner" 

Colin Scott

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 2023 at 9:51 AM

Sausage would be the correct term in Britain. Weiner isn't a thing here.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 10th, 2023 at 3:19 AM
Need UK friends to clarify an argument

To keep this fair, no names will be specified.  Need to settle a family dispute. A friend recently got a Dachshund puppy (very adorable) in the U.S. they are sometimes called "wiener dogs". One of us said to the other "in the U.K. They are called "sausage dogs". The other disagreed stubbornly and vehemently. Then in an Episode of Derry Girls there was a reference to "sausage dogs", thereby proving that person correct, but the other still disagreed and suggested we bring it to the blog for an answer. Who is right? 

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 8th, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Big 8 Big Time

Despite valiant resistance from Vick's Shrimps, Big 8's Columbia took the WGM Cup last session. At the same time, Dallas topped the Non Conference, closely followed by Ames and Portland in joint second place. In fact the eight Big 8 teams occupied the top 13 places in the NC table.

Looking ahead, Quincy are the top rated team left in the Cup. Despite the presence of a lot of top teams, Columbia must be clear favourites for the Shield. Quincy are #1 seed for the National Championship and Portland #1 seed for the Holyoke. What odds for a Big 8 clean sweep this season?

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 7th, 2023 at 11:02 AM
Tomato Showdown

Big session for the little shrimp underdogs this week as we face the Tomato Beasts of TMVL who rolled over some tough opposition in the Anglerfish away from home 3-0 to reach the WGM Cup Final. Now they are at home in the final and have better players than us in every position. It is not looking good is it, but the Shrimps have pushed above their weight to get here, beating both Denali and Cincinnati on the road to get this far. We should probably just enjoy the day and now concentrate on winning more achievable games this session as the Tomatoes have already vowed to put out their top dogs. Probably we should, but it is the final and the Shrimps do like a good scrap.....................

Bryce Kalmbach

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 4th, 2023 at 6:16 AM
Re: Bid Thieves

First of all, ouch...a thief?!

Second of all, on an unrelated note I just bought some of the quietest shoes ever and a nice black turtleneck.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 2nd, 2023 at 12:45 PM
...and a quiet new year

Following a quiet Christmas, more quiet at the new year.  A birthday to contend with though I find that I am counting in fives thses days.  Next year (or strictly, this year), I may be forced to admit to being old....or can I push "late middle age" out until I hit 75?

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Sunday, Jan. 1st, 2023 at 10:09 PM
Bid Thieves (spoilers)

Those on the national championship tournament bubble will have an eye on two matches: #5 Mat-Su v #2 Tucson in the Pac 8 and #3 Teutopolis v #1 Baton Rouge as well as the WGM Cup Final as San Jose play Columbia.

The winners of all these games clinch a spot in the national tournament.

Mat-Su and San Jose are currently on the wrong side of the bubble while Tucson and Teutopolis are on the "right" side.

The Mat-Su/Tucson winner will clinch a spot and with Mat-Su having a difficult schedule they probably need a win while a win would probably be enough for Tucson to get an at-large bid anyways but would still cement them in the tourney.

Same goes for Teutopolis - a win would secure their spot but would also basically clinch an at-large bid.

San Jose though are just off the pace and could would slide into the field with a win over Steve's Columbia in the final - another situation where the standings are so close a win would probably launch them into the at-large conversation anyways.

This leaves Mat-Su as the one "true" bid thief.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 30th, 2022 at 11:44 AM

I must say I LOVE Christmas. Definitely my most favourite time of the year.

Not only do you get presents, which is ace (yes, I am 12), but it is enforced relaxation with the family whilst eating and drinking too much.

It's also one of the only times of the year that family will play a board game with me.....but this year we didn't!! Booooo

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 26th, 2022 at 4:07 PM
A relaxed Christmas

Like Roger, grown up kids so we took a back seat at Christmas, nothing more energetic than throwing the grandkids around a bit.  Getting old has its benefits

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 25th, 2022 at 10:12 PM
Thanks Al

It's just past 10pm on Christmas Day here in the UK, and what better way to round off the day than getting Al's email to say results are in. Thanks Al 😁

Hope you all have had / are having / will have a great day. The weather in the States looks scary (if a little cool compared to the drab rainy grey day we've had in the middle of England. 

Steve - hope you got a bit of a lie-in. I'm glad my kids are all grown up, and not only sleep in but cook the dinner too 🍲

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 25th, 2022 at 12:19 AM
Still up

Asleep by 1 AM if I'm lucky. Awake at 6 AM I expect.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 24th, 2022 at 10:41 PM
My Turn...

to wish everyone here a very happy Christmas. 

It's a 100 minutes away from Christmas Day here as I type and we're just getting stuff out of the hiding places for the kids for tomorrow. We always hope for an early night but never get to bed before midnight.

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 24th, 2022 at 8:40 PM

It's Christmas Day here in Australia so Merry Christmas to you all. Enjoy your presents, food and drink and family and friends. Remember it's a time of more wins to the Panthers please 😁😁

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 24th, 2022 at 6:07 PM

I notice that Phil has failed to challenge my authority to the best hat throne. He has finally given up on fighting for it, so I am the winner! (You can't see me, but I'm gloating to Phil.)

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 17th, 2022 at 8:42 PM

Winner, Winner, Taco Dinner?  I think not. Micki's hat is far superior and substantial. I can't believe I am playing they McIntosh family this weekend. May the best hat win!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 11th, 2022 at 7:23 PM
Hat Fraud

Just like Craig said, that hat is a much more insignificant than my hat is. Micki will be winner. Micki is always winner. Micki is winner. Micki also has money and is willing to bribe the waiter to make sure Phil's grubby hands stay off my hat.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 10th, 2022 at 11:30 PM
Not Convinced

That looks like a significantly different hat to the one worn by Micki.

It is smaller and less impressive.

Therefore your claim is null and void.

Micki is still the winner

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 10th, 2022 at 7:11 PM

I have won. I have won the right to claim Micki's hat. Note the look of concession on her face. Winner!


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 9th, 2022 at 7:22 AM
Re: this part

I noticed this as well. Doesn't bode well as we have never reached the semi-finals of the WGM.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Dec. 8th, 2022 at 11:33 PM
This part of the WGM Cup Bracket...

At the bottom left side of the Round of 32 WGM Cup Bracket we have this:


The first matchup has the Big East 1st Place Burlington Bullfrogs playing the ALSO 1st Place Sheboygan Vampire Bats.

Aires vs. John

Mega matchup

Recent quotes by these coaches include:

Aires - Getting it done

JohnOnce again, we're way too high (is there a time machine involved and are the Bats following the Grateful Dead around the US?)


Then its Mad Max and the Crows versus Steve and the Tomatoes.

Just as with the above...MEGA MATCHUP

"Rebuilding Steve" won 3 titles two seasons ago and 2 this past season.  Can he make that 4th seed work for him in this corner of the bracket?  

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 4th, 2022 at 4:02 AM

And even if you claim that your hat is the hat of all hats (which is totally not true) mine still looks better. :)

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 4th, 2022 at 3:58 AM

Well, the thing is is that I wear my hat more often than you do! And they give free desserts because they like me better.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 7:23 PM

And, I actually own my hat. As opposed to someone who gets to wear their hat one day a year at the Mexican restaurant (or any other day of the year when she tells them it is her birthday to sneak a free dessert....she thinks they don't know, but Micki....THEY KNOW!!)

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 7:20 PM

Well, of course I'm not wearing my hat at this moment. Because I'm cleaning bathrooms. Including YOUR bathroom. By the way, you are welcome and this situation is about to change!

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 7:13 PM

Well, of course I'm not wearing my hat at this moment. Because I'm cleaning bathrooms. Including YOUR bathroom. By the way, you are welcome and this situation is about to change!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 7:05 PM
Hats 2.0

Oh, your actually wearing your hat today? I thought it was in your closet gathering dust.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 7:01 PM

Oh, I'm sorry Micki. Did I overlook your hat comment? 

I'll say it again, slowly, so that everyone understands. MY hat is THE hat in TMVL. I actually own my hat. And I love all the attention it gets. If I fail to respond, it is because MY hat actually speaks for itself.  And today it is telling me, "tilt me forward a bit down toward the nose. I'm feeling rowdy today."


Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 2022 at 6:56 PM
Blah blah blah

All this talk and nobody answers the question...


Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, 2022 at 12:47 PM
What's in a name?

Denali is the native word for tall mountain. The Russians used to call it the big mountain.

The word Sahara just means desert and the river Avon in the UK means river.

The word kangaroo does not mean 'your finger' but the Yucatan in Mexico does translate to 'I don't know what you mean'

Finally Canada means village, it's believed the first explorers knew this but still decided to refer to it as the Canadas region.

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, 2022 at 1:02 AM
Denali - Part 2

I'm realizing now I completely misread Roy's post and thought he was actually asking where it is. Oops.

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, 2022 at 1:01 AM


Denali is in Alaska. It's the name of the tallest mountain in North America, which was formerly known as Mount McKinley. Denali is also the name of the borough (similar to a county in the rest of the United States) in which the mountain is located. 

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 21st, 2022 at 1:26 PM
Another HOG question

This time they asked where in the US is Denali?

As Andy manages the Angry Wolves I had looked up where they were.

Would anyone else know in which state you would find Denali?

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 19th, 2022 at 4:03 PM
Quick Updates & Responses

Code Updates this week

1. An issue with MBs making an error but their team getting the point was identified and fixed.  Thanks to Steve for helping with examples.

2. Issues with setting assists/attempts were identified and I believe resolved.  Again thanks to Steve for his analysis here too.

3.  When I look at the preview sometimes it doesn't always hit me why the home team has a high winning percent (for the ELO part) when the ratings are close.  I added the "+145" to highlight it is a home match and its really the rating PLUS 145 that gets you to the higher chance of winning.


I'll try to add more strategy ideas but it may not be for about 3 weeks as I'll be away for a bit.  One consideration though is to think about playing 1-2 of your best players all 3 matches from time to time (obviously not this week).  It will cost some FIT/CP for FIT but may yield results.


When Steve says "You can't win every game" he means the "you" as in the other 31 teams.  Steve, in fact, CAN win every game as evidenced by his amazing 34-4 mark in season 5.  😎

Seriously though his analysis is of course exactly right.  It will be harder to have those types of seasons now that we have coaches who are gaining knowledge and building strong teams.  Good stuff!

Very curious though about those "two things" Steve is holding back though on strategy.  🤔


Good to hear TMVL is providing all the answers to House of Games.  That's funny.


That reminds me, I need to add some code to show people with hats for their photos more often...



Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 19th, 2022 at 3:58 PM
Trying to win everything

Craig, one thing I did two seasons ago was to look at the opposition and decide how much I wanted to win. Today we play Quincy and I've had to decide between T7 and throwing the game. T10 wouldn't be worth it, Against the Scarecrows last week I decide to throw that game and concentrate on the others. You play Quincy today and and in your place I'd probably throw the game - however Quincy play us and will want a home advanage in the WGM. Al won't T7 against you - but you won't let him live it down if you win 😁

Next weekend we play you and I'll decide if I can throttle back a little off T7 and still be favourites (and it also depends on my other games and if there's one I will throw). All this depends on today's skill and fitness levels.

Our second best Libero is 10 points better than your best after home advantage is taken into account. I could play Bianchi

My Middles are 9 points better, with 2 and 3 nearly equal. If I dropped my #1 MB we'd be roughly equal and that would be risky. Tough call.

My Outside Hitters are worse anyway so it's my top 2.

My second Right Side is much worse than yours so White would play.

My secont Setter is much worse than yours so Lam plays.

All the above assumes my priority is beating Dallas and expecting a T7 side from you. You have three tough games next week and I'd I'd expect T7 in one, nealy in the second and throw the third.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 19th, 2022 at 6:03 AM

OK, Phil is way overdue on a hat update. I mean, cowboy hats were SO last season. I don't think he has the guts to challenge my rein of the throne.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 18th, 2022 at 7:42 PM
Game On

Next week I wouldn't be surprised to hear a question asking which town is the series Last Man On Earth set? (Tucson) and in the final Answer Smash round they show pictures of cute animals including Red Pandas, Raccoons, Squirrels and Chihuahuas. The winner will take away a golden fondue set emblazoned with the Quincy Rabid Biting Mules logo...


I also like that this week they did a champions edition in which a former winner came back who had got engaged to the host Richard Osman since her first appearance on the show.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 18th, 2022 at 6:25 PM
House of Games

Is someone here secretly writing the questions for House of Games quiz on the BBC? As Roy pointed out they recently had a question on Liberos, earlier this week was one on an Anglerfish, and today there was one on the election slogan of H'Angus the monkey who became Hartlepool mayor.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Nov. 17th, 2022 at 10:46 AM
You can't win every game

I don't think my 34-4 record will be beaten anytime soon. Quincy had the best chance last season as they were way better than anybody else. I got lucky because my team peaked with A+ players everywhere but MB and it was the first season with all the new managers who took a while to get into it. A perfect storm you could say. Last season the new teams and managers were better so it was harder for Quincy than it was for us.

As for tactics - I've posted loads here and there and there's really only two things I haven't mentioned and I'm keeping them to myself for now.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Nov. 17th, 2022 at 9:04 AM
How Do I..... every game. Literally?

I'm looking at those serial winners.

I need lots of 'A's and 'A+'s yes but I want those tactical geniuses out there (yes, just like me) to share literally all of their tactical prowess and secrets.

In a forum or blog entry

For all to see

So I/we stand a chance of beating them

I'm doing this for everyone, especially us little guys

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Nov. 17th, 2022 at 8:47 AM
FAO Mr White

Any known health issues?

Do they like walks or not really fussed? (I've heard both! ie those that are quite up for it and those that hate it)

Training? Waste of time or does he love it?


Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Nov. 16th, 2022 at 1:08 AM
Tummy Rubs

For a moment there I thought James was talking about the St Charles coach

James White

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 14th, 2022 at 7:18 PM
FAO Craig Bucknall

His name is Max, which I thought was oddly appropiate for this game.

He is lazy which is just as well as he could probably run through the wall if he built up enough speed he is that solid.

Despite his looks (everyone thinks he is scary) he is a big softy that loves to cuddle in and get clapped and rubbed

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 12th, 2022 at 7:21 PM
My Browser is different than Rob's...

This official TMVL website statsheet has Max and I at 7th and 6th for Roster respectively Rob.  I'm not sure where you found your graphic.😎

Looks to me like Antioch is a solid 4th here...

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 12th, 2022 at 3:21 AM
It's a Sellers' Market

With the new player rankings system, is anyone surprised that the Sellers' boys have the top 2 teams in the league for T7?

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Nov. 11th, 2022 at 10:56 PM
Attention James White!!!

James! Is that a British Bulldog I spy on your photos??

If so, please tell me more!

I have a Frenchie and a Puggle but next on the list is a British Bulldog so feel free to tell me anything/everything :)

Thanks :)

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 2022 at 4:43 PM
Turning the Corner....or....

If Jason turns the corner, he will be round the bend....

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Monday, Nov. 7th, 2022 at 6:01 PM
Turning the Corner?

Is this the season Spokane's rebuilding process begins yielding results? It's unlikely we'll seriously compete for a National Championship (or any other trophy), but with a solid recruiting class and a mid-level T7, we can aspire to a .500 record. If we bring in a 5-star or two, as well, then we may really be in business next year. 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 6th, 2022 at 7:51 PM
Andy's Home Page Question

In United you can add a new article/journal from the Team Page but I don't have that yet for TMVL.  It is on my to do list.

You can add one from the Front Page Andy under the Team News section.

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 6th, 2022 at 7:15 PM
Team home page

Didn't you used to be able to do a team post blog from here ?

Has it been deleted or just missed off ?

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 31st, 2022 at 12:53 AM
Update, Thank You & Comp Summary

Thanks to Roy, John, James, Paul, and Aires for your post of thanks.  And thanks to the rest of you who sent me an email or also posted and I missed it.  I always appreciate the feedback in this and the United leagues I run so it is always nice to hear.

I've coded most of the scheduling items that I've been leaning on Steve and others to help me with the past 2 seasons when we shifted to 32 teams.  Thank you to Steve and the guys for helping!  So I think I have a good plan there to move that forward.  I do need to do a little verification.  I need to check my list for other things, but I think I'm on a trajectory to officially run things next weekend with a session 1 deadline of Nov 12th.

Roy: I love your story on liberos!  ?  Tell me more on your ideas.  Maybe you can help with an example or perhaps you see something similar in another league, website, etc that we could "borrow".  Even itemizing suggestions like (we need the home/away/neutral indicator on this page and that page and the indication of tournament stage on this page, etc) is helpful.

More to come this week.   

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 30th, 2022 at 9:01 AM
Competition Summary

A big thanks to Al and everyone who supported him running TMVL this season.

TMVL is currently my favourite management game to play. We have a quiz show on the BBC called House of Games and they had a picture question asking the contenders to identify the libero. From watching the video Al posted last season of the Women's Championship and knowing how the libero functions in the games I could pick out the player in the different coloured top. (None of the contestants picked this player and 2 of them picked the umpire...)

The one thing in TMVL I still feel a bit lost about is which competition is which. When I'm managing matches I know which is which, what I struggle with is to work out what competition other teams are playing in and doing well in - especially when it gets to the final stages when most of us are knocked out.

It doesn't affect the gameplay but when we're doing the voting for best coach of the round it can be a bit tricky to know who's done best and I know James' Alton missed out on votes in the final session despite winning the TMVL Shield.

I know you can select the Scores menu and then select the round to see what matches are played but it there a way to make it more accessible? Or.. could someone summarise any key matches coming up? CB likes to talk...


Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Oct. 21st, 2022 at 4:52 PM
On The Down?

Wall to wall crap this season.

Next season will be win everything.


Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 16th, 2022 at 4:15 PM
On the up?

An undistinguished season for Portland, but decent recruiting and hopes for better results to come

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 16th, 2022 at 1:13 PM
New photos

I already had beard envy over Jason, but Rob's latest photos definitely raise the bar even further. Top whiskers sir!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 16th, 2022 at 9:39 AM
Are Setters important?

Damn right they are. Someone asked why the minimum cost is more than other players.

I played T7 apart from my setter against Pekin thinking it would be an easy-ish win. Borowski's set rating for the game was only 11 but I played him to give me enough XP to increase his Attack rating - with hindsight 9 rather than 8 attack wasn't worth the risk.

Because of his Set rating he's setting a 1 or 2 a lot which means 2 or 3 blockers a lot. Pekin had 47 assisted blocks (adding up all the 2 and 3 blocker). Torres (attack 18) seemed to be the victim with 15 errors (blocks or hit out) and only 12 kills. He also had 12 attacks dug, pobably also due to poor sets -> more poor attacks -> easier to defend.


Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 15th, 2022 at 2:21 AM
Rob's Strategy

I use that same strategy, for the most part, Rob. 

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 10th, 2022 at 6:56 PM
`Use of CPs

Planning for best use of CPs is and interesting aspect of the game.  One can, of course, play younger players to gain them experiance that can be used to coach them at the end of the season. But is that an effective use of CPs?  Very hard to calculate, which, of course, adds to the interest in the game.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2022 at 3:39 AM

I tend to plan my CP expenditure out so that, at the end of the season, I can use XP to get the last coaching in place. So, towards the end of the season, I end up coaching up the Juniors more than anything because i focused on the underclassmen early in the season. But my team can't win anything, so maybe I don't have the right strategy... 

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2022 at 12:18 AM
Too many CPs

It is an interesting and rare dynamic that you can have too many CPs in an OLMEC-style game.

I found this to be the case during an extreme rebuild in MSWL-U. I stripped the team to the bone probably around season 18 or so and by the end of the season had "too many" CPs! The team was so youth orientated that playing the youth was enough to improve them and none of the other players were really worth levelling up.

There's probably some sort of game strategy where you could "bank" CPs that you don't spend for round one of the following season, but I'm not sure what that proposal would look like.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Thursday, Oct. 6th, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Too many CPs

I think that if people grumble about having too many CPs they should have them confiscated and donated to people who grumble about having too few.

I have too few, by the way....

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 2022 at 10:43 PM
Let CPing dogs lie..

"I suspect some managers may take it personally and try to win more games against Pekin."

Surely you underestimate the generosity of spirit that pervades this wonderful community Al?  I would imagine most managers would understand how difficult it is for Pekin (#32 out of 32 for roster strength) to spend CPs for long term benefit when all their good players are graduating at the end of the season, and sympathise with a rookie manager who has clearly mismanaged their squad. They'd probably see games against Pekin as a great opportunity to play all their Freshmen and earn the XP they need to make up their CP shortfall. Especially Kevin and Jason in our semi-final match ups....??


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 3rd, 2022 at 11:27 PM
Mo CP Mo Problems...

I absolutely LOVE Roger telling us that he doesn't know what to do with all these CP he has.  

I suspect some managers may take it personally and try to win more games against Pekin.  I don't know who those managers are, but I certainly will not.  ?

My answer is a resounding "NO" it is not a normal thing.   I wish it were.  I'm still trying to ensure I have enough.  But I have also used (overused?) some CP to support keeping some players at FIT +1 this season so that's my fault.

Personally I'd recommend picking the Freshman.  Turning OFF the Netflix and build him enough to be a player that can fill in a little next season.  

If you have 4 strong OH players you will be hard to beat.  I know for my team I have 3 and have one up in the stands watching Netflix.  I'd rather not have that, but that's the way it goes.  With the OH players playing all the way around (all rotations) and passing they are so important.   

You have an interesting team and it might be easy to say "just CP everyone".  Maybe another approach would be to only have 2 players on the roster watching netflix (max of 2) and the rest getting built up even if they don't have a ton of potential.  

Steve is (of course) right.  Get that RS Freshman built up so he can be the "reserve RS" for the 5-star you have signed.  

I'm still really excited about the subject line I put in this post...  ?


Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2022 at 6:49 PM
Too many CPs

Thanks as ever Steve. I realised I'd have a CP glut a few sessions ago and (reluctantly) began coaching Hall as next year's reserve RS. He won't make potential this season but it won't matter because he's going to spend a lot of time during Season 7 watching Netflix in the stands while I overplay Bonati (and pay the 4 FIT each session to keep him in top condition). I think it only works as a plan because Bonati goes straight into my T7 even if every dice roll he gets in the off season is a dud.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2022 at 5:26 PM
Too many CPs

Should that I be so lucky! I'm thinking I'm going to be short thanks to all the 3-0 wins and losses.

I would certainly have spent some on the Freshman RS. He isn't great but like you say you will waste them. 

Just use all you can and carry 15 over even if you think it's a waste.

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2022 at 3:58 PM
Too many CPs

Is it usual to get to this stage of the season and really struggle to know what to do with all your CPs?  I've coached all the players I want to, used tons on FIT, and I'm still probably going to just bin around 60 at the end of the next session.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 1st, 2022 at 2:45 AM
Strongly disagree....

with Rob's post below. Not worth bidding on that libero.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 1st, 2022 at 2:39 AM
Hot Commodity

Not to be a c-c-c-combo breaker here... but I want to draw everyone's attention to Eddie Kinslow, the 5-star L with Max+1 SRV up for recruiting bids this week. There are 6 eligible teams, many with deep pockets. I encourage everyone to max out their RPs on this massively hyped recruit!

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 1st, 2022 at 2:04 AM

Strength of schedule being a term of art (at least in the U.S.; it's meaningless in, e.g., European soccer, where everyone plays everyone else an equal number of times), I prefer reserving that term to something along the lines of what Kevin suggests.

Kevin's suggestion is a good start for SoS, but it would also help to see how an opponent's strength of schedule contributes to your own team's strength of schedule. For example, say Spokane's opponents have a combined winning percentage (sets won over total sets) of .550. You'd say Spokane has a high strength of schedule, right? But what if Spokane's opponents all happened to play a bunch of cupcakes? That would inflate Spokane's opponents' records and make it seem, possibly inaccurately, that Spokane is playing more difficult opponents. Granted, with the number of matches we play in TMVL, this effect would be diminished over the course of a season. But, you could probably get a more precise overall SoS number by weighting a team's strength of opponents together with the strength of the opponents' opponents. A calculation I've seen for this is [2(opponents' total winning percentage) + opponents' opponents total winning percentage]/3. 

I also think Steve's idea is very interesting. It's a metric of whether you overachieved, underachieved, or did about exactly what would be expected given the quality of the players your opponent put on the floor. I think comparing sets won with the quality of the opponent's players would be helpful, but comparing points won with opponent quality would be even better. Unfortunately, I'm not adept enough with statistics to come up with a workable formula for this. But maybe someone else will be inspired by the idea. 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 30th, 2022 at 10:04 PM

For an over all season strength of schedule I'd agree with Kevin but I was thinking about a session by session rating. We don't all play T7 every game but we could face three T7 teams in a session. When I pick my coach of the session I do tend to go simply on wins and try to guess which teams had it tougher to break ties. If a team goes 3-0 in a session facing 205 and another goes 3-0 facing 220 then I know which I'm more likely to vote for.

But also beating Quincy is worth more to me than a low team simply because it's brave to try.


Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 30th, 2022 at 8:06 PM

For a Strength of Schedule rating, seems easiest to take all a team's opponents and tally their total Sets Won and Sets Lost, and calculate the Opponents' Set Won %.  If you play a team twice, you count their totals twice.  Three times? Count 'em thrice.  That will give a reflection of opponent strength or quality, based on season-to-date results.  No need to reference any other current ranking system which might take a session or three to adjust.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 30th, 2022 at 3:56 PM
Team Overall Grades

I know this has been discussed before briefly but I've just been looking at the overall grades for everyone's T7, T11 and Roster and think there's room for change?!?


A raters = 7

A- raters = 11

B+ raters = 12

B raters = 2



A- raters = 3

B+ raters = 7

B raters = 12

B- raters = 8

C+ raters = 2



A- raters = 1

B+ raters = 8

B raters = 9

B- raters = 11

C+ raters = 3

So my question is, should there be more difference between the top and bottom teams or are we ok with how it is?

I must admit, when T7 plays T7 a team of A+ against a team of mostly A with maybe one B+ usually wins comfortably (I think?!? I haven't done the research lol) so imagine who it'd be if the gap was bigger?

I think I've answered my own question.

This is fake news. Sorry.

You may go about your business. Move along, move along.


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Sep. 29th, 2022 at 12:19 AM
Strength of Schedule

Steve had some interesting numbers in his wall post on opponents he played and their average overall rating.

How would we go about developing a "strength of schedule" type stat/number to show?  The NET rankings certainly show some teams with a small, medium, large amount of Quad I opponents for example.

Does anyone have some ideas on that and/or how we could present it (maybe show it on the rankings page and/or team page in rankings tab).

It certainly seems like some teams play very tough schedules...I'd just like to know who they are.  ?

Of course every team Quincy plays is a tough team.  

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 27th, 2022 at 5:03 PM
Cunning Plans

Three more losses for Portland, nine in a row now.  Only five sets won.  What I need is a cunning plan, or failing that, some better players.  

When I was studying for my finals in 1976, I became quite expert in drawing up cunning plans.  

I'd wake up in the morning feeling overwhelmed by the amount of revision I needed to do in a short space of time.  So I'd draw up a revision plan, timetabling exactly what I was going to revise each day, starting tomorrow.  Then, feeling much better, I'd go to the pub.

The next day I'd wake up and start on my revision, but ineviatbly would fail to complete the daily plan.  In my defence, 1976 was a very hot summer in the UK, and my efforts to revise were not helped by the heat, or by the Italian girl who sunbathed topless in the back garden, which my desk overlooked.  Or my laziness.  So, feeling a failure, I'd go to the pub.

I'd wake up in the morning feeling overwhelmed by the amount of revision I needed to do in a short space of time.....many a cunning plan did I write that summer....

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 26th, 2022 at 12:48 AM
Match to Watch...

While I was laid up this week I watched one of the women's college matches this week.  Texas (#1 in USA) vs. unranked Kansas at Kansas.  It shows what a fired up home team (of lesser talent) can do against, well, the best team in the USA at the moment.  

The women's game has a lot more rallys (back and forth during a point).  The mens game is more about power so more quicker kills/points.  

Here's the link.  If you happen to watch and have questions about certain points or what happens please feel free to ask.  The announcers are pretty good and typically have good insights to share.

One thing you will see is that volleyball is a big momentum sport.  Sometime things go well and a lesser skilled team gets unstoppable.  Sometimes a great team serves 4 straight into the net. Sometimes a called timeout "freezes" the opposing server and they miss a serve (similarly on a challenge call).  Sometimes a team playing poorly that has an "automatic kill" attacker gets smart and sets THAT player often to stay in a match.  

Boxscore is here:

Again, if you can watch a few minutes please ask if you have questions.  


Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 19th, 2022 at 11:35 PM
Not a Cunning Plan

Turns out I misread my notes.  I have a cunning PLANT!  A venus fly-trap, (Dionaea muscipula), which feeds off small insects and TMVL managers.  So maybe it doubles as a cunning plan....

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 17th, 2022 at 8:41 PM
Dedication #2

I want to apologise (British spelling) to the Queen for my poor showing that I dedicated in her honour (British spelling).  

Welcome to Wrexham. I can relate.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Sep. 14th, 2022 at 7:58 PM
Cunning Plan

My cunning plan hasn't quite come to fruition yet....

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 10th, 2022 at 8:56 PM

I dedicate my games this week to her Majesty the Queen. May she rest in peace!

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 10th, 2022 at 3:27 PM

At least I change my underwear.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 10th, 2022 at 2:23 PM

Ok, has ANYONE else noticed that Phil hasn't changed his hat in over a year?!?!?!?!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 10th, 2022 at 8:39 AM
Little things

Nearly a year ago John posted this table. If you have a 51% chance of winning every point then you have a 56% chance of winning the match

51% -> 56% chance of winning a match
52% -> 61%
53% -> 67%
54% -> 71%
55% -> 76%
56% -> 80%
57% -> 84%
58% -> 87%
59% -> 90%
60% -> 92%

It's pretty rare to win 51% of points on your serve - it really only happens if T7 meets B7. Even with New Orleans thrashing of Columbia they only won 33 of their 75 points on serve. But it shows how a small increase in your chance of getting a point gives a bigger increase in the chance of winning that match.

My most important consideration on line-ups is serve rotation. The player in position I will get more chances to serve than the one in II because the set could end before II gets his chance. Increasing SRV from 13 to 14 might not mean much but it increases the chance of an excellent serve from 51% to 53% and decreases the chance of the poorest two serves by 1% each. The chance of the serve being in goes up from 85% to 86%, the chance of serving to the weaker receivers goes up. If increasing your SRV from 13 to 14 means their next best receiver's RCV goes down from 16 to 15 it means their chance of a Pass 3 goes down from 59% to 56%. The worse the pass the worse the set, the worse the set the worse the attack (more chance of being hit out, of being blocked or dug).

Now this player only serves once every six man rotation and it's only a 1 or 2% increase/decrease but combined with having your best blockers at the net early in the rotation, having your best defenders at the back row early on, not having your setter at the net early on (he doesn't attack as well as your other players), having your better attacking MB at the net early on (in case the setter gets an excellent pass from the receiver) all add up.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 6th, 2022 at 7:55 PM
No roads through the Swamp

We wish the Anglerfish all the best of luck in the TMVL Cup this season.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 6th, 2022 at 7:36 PM
End of the Road?

Looks like this week will probably be the end of the road for the Anglerfish in the WGM Cup. We needed home court advantage the whole way, and Kevin Martin's squad was the only thing standing in our way of that goal. 

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 6th, 2022 at 11:48 AM
Portland's Future

I have a cunning plan....

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 5th, 2022 at 1:05 AM
Let's go SEC!

Good eye, Al. The four of us have been flying under the radar...

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Sep. 5th, 2022 at 12:23 AM
Don't Look Now, But...

...we appear to have an ALL-SEC FINAL FOUR over in the WGM Cup...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 3rd, 2022 at 1:35 PM

I can't see Mike bidding - he really doesn't need him so I think you got lucky here, James. Kinda wish I'd shown interest myself but am trying not to waste too much.

James Tucker

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 3rd, 2022 at 9:57 AM
Nate Payne

Recruiting is a game within the game.  Payne is ours to lose with Carlsbad and St Charles with both less than 500RP and only the Bananas with 935RP.   Mike already has an OH from earlier in the recruiting so probably doesn't want another - but is he willing to risk duplication to drive up the price?  Should I bid 936 and guarantee the win or should I bid just under?  If Mike were to win then that would affect his abilty to bid on players he and I have shown interest for next time and beyond.  Has he even considered this!!!

Am I double guessing myself?   Love the Recruiting mechanism, offers so much thought and strategy!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 3rd, 2022 at 3:29 AM

I think you'll find I've set a fair price - probably not as high as Mr Peterson.

This reminds me of a game I played years ago called Hols der Geier.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 3rd, 2022 at 1:10 AM

I will say that Antioch has set a VERY high price for Mr Blaser. So high that other teams just shouldn't even bother bidding.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 2nd, 2022 at 10:50 PM
Christian Blaser Shenanigans...

The commissioners office has received complaints from some coaches that certain coaches (well, two of them) may be trying to entice Mr. Blaser with illegal offers of a new car for his services.

On a related note the two teams with the most RP that are in the running to sign Mr. Blaser this week are:

1) Antioch - 2348

2) Columbia - 2266

Have we ever seen a 2000+ RP signing?  The media is reporting some verbal back and forth this week between Mr. Peterson and Mr. Turner.  Also noticing some "head fakes" as both coaches have clicked on RS's in upcoming recruiting sessions...  ?

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Aug. 30th, 2022 at 9:34 PM
One upsmanship

He might even be worth 1601... 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Aug. 30th, 2022 at 7:56 PM

Not sure he's worth 1600 RP to you, Rob ?

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Aug. 30th, 2022 at 6:32 PM
Blasing a trail

1 more RP than you Steve. ?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Aug. 29th, 2022 at 11:07 PM

Just curious how much you're willing to spend on Blaser, Rob.

Asking for a friend. 

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 27th, 2022 at 2:34 PM
Drumming up Interest

Three new players up for Recruiting today that should fetch extremely high up.

Cole Robinson S - ⭐

Miguel Villegas OH - ⭐ Max + 2 Rcv

Edson Merinho RS - ⭐ Max + 1 Atk

These 3 guys should fetch HIGH prices, so everyone should bring their big checkbooks today. 

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 13th, 2022 at 10:13 PM
Brink and Baldrick

With thanks to Al and Rob for helping drive up the price, I'm delighted to have secured the services of Michael Brink for the next four years. Just three more signings to go - and with hardly any RPs left it's lucky I have a cunning plan...

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 13th, 2022 at 2:29 PM
Brink on the Brink

Just calling out attention to the fact that one of the biggest spending opportunities in all of Olmec history is about to take place today. Everyone make sure they max out their bids, because SOMEONE is going to outbid you. You do not want to miss out on this. 

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 9:01 PM
Ahem #2

Micki, you are too cute for words! good luck, Missy!

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 8:57 PM
Will the Fur Fly This Week?

Every team I play this week has a furry mascot.  Hmm. 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 6:26 PM

Just for fun, I'm am going to trash talk. YOU ARE SO GOING TO GET YOUR B*TTS KICKED!!! Ahem. Ok, I'm done.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 12:05 PM
3-2 or 3-0

I've been thinking about this on and off this week. Is it better to win 3-0 or 3-2? (Lose would always be 2-3 I should think).

This could be construed as Gamesmanship if you think that way.

If you win 3-2 it's 5 sets towards XP which has to be a "good thing". However 3-0 is better for those tie breakers: WGM seeding, Nationals/Holyoake seeding, Conference tournament seeding, although for Conference seeding for the following season's non-conference games 5th could be seen as better than 4th.

But a lot here are obsessed with Rankings.

The Manatees are Power ranked 15 (+6) which puts them in Quadrant III if you played them at your place and Quadrant II for neutral and away games. Sheboygan are power ranked 16 (+4) which gives the same quadrants. It just so happened that they played each other at a neutral court with the Manatees winning 3 sets to 1. This gives Merritt Island 3 points and Sheboygan -2.  Now if Merritt Island had won 3-0 it's possible that they would have moved to 13th Power ranking making them Quadrant II  for your home game. New Orleans were at home to Merritt Island and scored 1.75 points. Moving Merritt Island to Quad II woiuld mean 2.75 points for New Orleans.

Still there?

What it means is that on average big wins gives your opponents more NET ranking points if they beat you or they lose less points if you beat them. Narrow wins gives them less ranking points if they win or they lose more if they lose.

Conversly big losses help the other teams less.

So if you know you're going to lose and want to have a better chance of a higher place in the rankings table then lose big.


Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 11:04 AM

Thank you Roy for your post. I had read the rules but must have got too focused on getting my lineups done. Mind you I've done the same thing this time around as well so see what happens.

 I did train a couple of players in fitness this time around though.

Thanks again 

Matthew Fowler

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 at 10:15 AM

Thank you Roy for your post. I had read the rules but must have got too focused on getting my lineups done. Mind you I've done the same thing this time around as well so see what happens.

 I did train a couple of players in fitness this time around though.

Thanks again 

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 5th, 2022 at 10:40 PM


I was on the site yesterday and couldn't work out where Al's comments had gone when he reacted to Matthew's "Nice Start" team news post. Then I saw his email saying posts had disappeared.

So I thought it might be useful to post the fitness rules for our newbies. Players start with 0 fitness, can increase it to 1 for a +1 modifier to ALL their skills or have it reduced by playing players 3+ games in a session. Matthew played his best 7 players in all 3 games for the first session and got some good results.

I don't know whether this was a deliberate tactics, but just in case it wasn't I've copied the section on fitness from the Rules:

Reductions to Fitness Modifier
If a player plays in 3 matches in a session, his Fitness Modifier reduces by 1 at the end
of the session.
If a player plays in 4 matches in a session, his Fitness Modifier reduces by 2 at the end
of the session.
Increasing Fitness Modifier
A player playing no matches in a session increases his Fitness by 1, unless it is already at the
maximum of 1. A player's Fitness Modifier may also increase through Coaching.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 5th, 2022 at 6:24 PM

I just came here to talk about the MASSIVE amount of interest surrounding Michael Brink in recruiting, and hopefully to make some comments to draw attention and drive up the cost. But I see several others have already beaten me to the punch there! lol

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Monday, Aug. 1st, 2022 at 8:30 PM
Zero Shock

Al said.....'Mind games and gamesmanship is my favourite TMVL phrase'

There is literally no news here at all.

It's a 'zero effort' blog for 5k


Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Monday, Aug. 1st, 2022 at 6:44 AM
Game Minds

Ouch! that accusation of gamesmanship stings Al :-)

The reality is that in my very short time in TMVL I've noticed how helpful, kind and generous everyone is.  And in that same spirit of love and harmony I thought it was my duty to try and stop my fellow coaches throwing away their hard-earned RPs on a player who clearly has his heart set on playing at Pekin next year... :-)

I guess there might be coaches out there thinking of wasting RPs to push the price up to prevent a top team getting another All Star, but I'm sure they're smart enough to realise that the rock bottom Peas and their rookie manager are no threat to them ;-)

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 31st, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Mind games and gamesmanship... my favorite TMVL phrase.

An interesting sentence from Roger there, let's break it down...

Many apologies in advance Steve.

Do the Pushin Peas intend to sign an all-star OH?  :-)

Roger Mendonça

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 31st, 2022 at 5:06 PM

"...10 coaches interested but of the other 9 only 1 has enough to beat me..."

Many apologies in advance Steve.  Unfortunately it only takes 1 and you did advise me to get an OH :)

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 31st, 2022 at 1:03 PM

Those top two recruits are totally awesome so no wonder there is so much competition for them. sadly i have nowhere near enough RP´s to compete so will wait for the crumbs to fall off the table in later rounds.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 31st, 2022 at 9:16 AM
Michael Brink

10 coaches interested but of the other 9 only 1 has enough to beat me. Are the rest willing to pay 50 RP just to oush the price up?

This might be "mind games and gamesmanship" or simply a public service announcement.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 10:02 PM
Welcome back!

Whelp! Could be a little rough as I have lost my really great Libero and rebuilding.  Good Luck to everyone!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 9:19 PM
Only 1?

Columbia have 3 F rated players. Boy do we have problems.


Mark Creasey

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 7:26 PM
Looking Forward to the New Season

We kick off / wrist off / volley off our 2nd season in TMVL today.

I have an " F " rated player on the team. 

Just how bad is that, and what does the F stand for (keep it clean)?


Dillon Lambert  OH  Fr  F

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 3:27 PM
*evil laugh*

Just so you know, I am SO going to dominate this season. You are all going to be calling your mommies by the end of the season! MWUHAHAHAHA!

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 3:13 PM
Racoon name change

Kevin hits on a great point...Maybe Albuquerque needs to be "Albuquerque Robust Racoons." ARR! Goes along with the trash pirate theme...

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 1:39 AM

That should be 4th, 5th and 6th

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 30th, 2022 at 1:38 AM
Looking Forward to the New Season

We kick off (is there a different phrase I should use for volleyball?) our 2nd season in TMVL later today.

The new recruits will be an interesting addition to the squad, we had some decent Senior players last season and trained up some decent Freshmen but out Juniors and Sophomores weren't so great so will see how that affects results.

Hopefully the Pandas can win an away game this season, but looking at the ficture list we face a tricky opening set of home games with Antioch, Baton Rouge and New Orleans our first 3 opponents. They rank 3rd, 4th and 5th in the T7 stats...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 25th, 2022 at 8:18 PM
Coach poll

12 people have voted and only 2 points between  1st and 3rd. I expect the poll to close when Al next logs on.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 24th, 2022 at 9:57 PM

here we go again with our opeming games against the evil McIntosh clan. Raccoons and Chameleons. Our poor shrimps will be up against it from the start.


Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Friday, Jul. 22nd, 2022 at 11:27 PM

Points for season 6 doesn't have the same ring to it. 

It doesn't really matter though, make my excuses early on either game. 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jul. 22nd, 2022 at 10:01 PM

It's points you need, not goals. United is over there.

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Friday, Jul. 22nd, 2022 at 4:08 PM
Season 6 goals

Angry Wolves won eleven games last season, so try and make it twelve this season. Tactic. Be more selective with team selection.

We only managed to win two recruits last season. Try and win at least three, one of which should be a five star. Tactic. Be more selective with my bids.

Recurring theme here me thinks. 

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jul. 20th, 2022 at 4:09 PM
Robust Raccoon Recruiting?

Perhaps Micki can weigh in and tell the rest of us whether or not she intends to flex her league-best Recruiting Points and dominate the early recruiting, snatching the early 5+ players while we all look on unable to oppose her recruiting acumen?  Three of expected league powers, Columbia, Quincy, and Baton Rouge, are surely all looking over their shoulders to see where the Raccoons are going to focus their attention.

Jason Halpin

Recent Entries
Monday, Jul. 18th, 2022 at 11:07 PM
Praise the Olmec Head

I know I'm bucking a trend here, but I'd like to thank the Olmec Head for giving most of my recruiters skill levels at the top of their star ranges. Now we have no excuses not to improve on last season.

Martyn Hathaway

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jul. 17th, 2022 at 7:10 PM
Journey into the unknown

So another season of a game I don't really understand is underway.  Last season went better than expected so I will just repeat those tactics

Oh, there weren't any

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 2nd, 2022 at 7:14 PM
Perpetually Next Year

Yet another season in the books with Antioch bringing home no silverware. We clearly must be using the wrong bait, because we can't catch anything!

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 2nd, 2022 at 6:31 PM
It´s not right!

I suspect santa clara can be proud of coming top of our conference by a mile and has boosted their rankins spot! hurrah

Martyn Hathaway

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 2nd, 2022 at 1:49 PM
It's not right

I know almost nothing about volleyball so how come I have finished fourth in the overall standings?  I would claim to know something about football [that's football not gridiron] and have decades of mediocrity, at best, playing United

In  fact all I really know about volleyball was that I wasn't going to play it other than very occasionally having seen what it had done to the knees of a serious-volleyball-playing friend only in his thirties

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jul. 2nd, 2022 at 4:25 AM

Great season everyone.......BUT, I am just going to say now that you all are SO going down nex season!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Jun. 20th, 2022 at 5:34 PM
First time for everything

I entered my orders on Sunday. I have just checked them and left them unchanged and can't see any reason to change them.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 19th, 2022 at 7:35 AM
XPs and RPS

I think it's the first headline that's confused you Christer.

XPs are used in session 13 to increase skills like CPs do,

RPs are used to sign walkons (apart from the first free 3*)

They are also used to get players in the competitive bidding like you could have last session so wouldn't have enough to outbid me for that 5* OH in session 12!

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 19th, 2022 at 6:42 AM
My english

Al I am reading you wrong when I read that I can use XPs to sign walkons, right?
What you mean and probably writes is I can use XPs to train players in session 13 and also sign walkons in session 13. Walkons signed with RPs.

Got me confused here.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 19th, 2022 at 12:25 AM
Session 12 // June 25 Notes (In advance)

A few notes and comments for the final session:


If you haven't grasped XPs yet (and it may take a season or two), please ask me and I will help and point you to some info.  XPs are a big part of the game and the sooner you begin to grasp their impact the better.

FIT and Session 12

You can play your stars in every match in session 12.  When we start session 6 all FIT is reset to 0.

But should you?  

The reason you may want to play other players is that you can hit your XP numbers and improve their skills in session 13 where you can use your XPs and sign walkons so you can meet all the roster minimums for season 6.


Great observations by Roy on the squad minimums.  And also glad that many of you are reading the rules.   :-)

The McIntosh's

Phil is at #6 and Micki at #14 as the tandem is doing pretty well with 7 of the 8 maximum competitive recruits signed.  

Session 13

After next Saturday you will be able to sign the rest of the recruits you need to hit the position and roster minimums.  There's not an option to NOT get your roster to the proper minimums and these session 13 walkons cost MORE than normal with one exception.  ALL teams get ONE free 3-star walkon.  After that you can sign 3, 2, or 1-star players at high RP levels (see the rules if you think you will only have 1 or 2 recruits after session 12 for more). 


As always, please ask questions on the site or feel free to email me.  Heck, you've got #1 Steve basically giving away his lineup strategy so that should tell you that we're all here to answer questions and provide help (special thanks to Steve for all his responses!).  


Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 18th, 2022 at 11:23 PM
A good week

I went 2-0 and surprisingly got a good OH for next year!  Time to celebrate!

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 18th, 2022 at 6:54 PM

To all of you who are fathers, I hope you have a happy Father's day weekend and enjoy yourselves. 😁

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 18th, 2022 at 6:23 PM
3 4 stars

You read it right. I have three 4 stars. Which can only mean one thing. I am SOO better than Phil! (And that you guys will have no chance of winning against me next season 😁)

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 12th, 2022 at 3:28 PM
Minimum Squad of 16

What was I saying about reading the Rules? I commented on one of Micki's recruits last night and then I read Al's follow up comment.

Squads need to have at least 16 players at the start of the next season. With 2 x Libero, 2 x Setter, 4 x Outside Hitters,  2 x Right Side and 4 x Middle Blocker = 14 players. Don't ask me why but I thought it would be 16. If you click on your dashboard it even tells you which positions you need and how many more are required. That Recruitment menu is very useful.

I'm hoping to pick up an OH soon which would complete the position requirement but leave me with 15 players, I can pick up one 3 star player for free after the season. Which is the advice Al was giving Micki.

So then I had a look at some of the other teams - Denali are like me they're currently chasing an MB but will still be one player short and have the option for the free pick up.

Schenectady need 3 players, they're currently chasing 2 five star players and have 1000+ RP but they haven't recruited and RS and will need to recruit one post-season.

Pekin need 4 players have almost twice as much RP as anyone else but have no current bids or recruited anyone this season.

Looking at the rules - after the free 3 star pick up and other recruits get expensive and any shortfall in player after your RP is used up will be made with 1 star players.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 11th, 2022 at 7:41 PM
Nervous about this week

No home games in Spikin' Saguaro Stadium. Hope our loyal fans show up to cheer us on in these imporant matches. 

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 11th, 2022 at 6:30 PM
0-11 AWAY

We got you by one one, Roy! 

Bryce Kalmbach

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 11th, 2022 at 4:18 AM
Re: Newbies Update

Some newbies have won some silverware this season already. Don't forget about Tucson and Cincy winning their respective conference tournaments!

Mark Creasey

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 10th, 2022 at 10:08 PM
Newbies update by Roy

Great write up and review from Roy earlier this week.

My spirits were lifted at at least one eye brow lifted when I read "So hopefully we may see a newbie lift some silverware this season..."

then crashed back to earth with the realisation that of the 16 newbies...

only Merritt Island sit rock bottom in their league!   🤡


Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 10th, 2022 at 8:45 PM
Recruiting has not gone to plan

Our recruiting policy has not gone quite to plan so far and with only two players signed up I am not sure where the other two are going to come from as there does not look enough RP in the bank. I guess the Shrimps might be happy to settle for 3 decent players but it is not setting us up for a great next season.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jun. 7th, 2022 at 5:52 PM
The Unwanted Accolade

The Pandas are currently 0-10 for their Away game stats.

There are still a couple of other teams without an away win this season, but I believe we're the only ones into double digits

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jun. 5th, 2022 at 11:30 PM
And Then There Was One...

I'm not sure when all the other teams lost their first home game, but I can report that only one team still stands undefeated at home this season.  Your Cincinnati Winged Hogs...

Mr. Tucker's Hogs are 11-0 entering the final 3 seasons with two home matches remaining:

Session 10 - hosting John's Bats

Session 12 - hosting Christer's Squirrels

I don't have the historic stats on home court compiled yet but this is an amazing achievement for James.

If the Hogs run the table in their final 3 matches they will be the Big East Conference Champions.

HOWEVER, they are tied with the Squirrels at 8-3 and Sheboygan/Alton are 1 match back at 7-4.

The Winged Hogs have to play ALL THREE of the above to finish the season (Screaming Eagles on the road).

Should be interesting over in the Big East!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 4th, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Obviously Phil is scared of the power that me and my hat hold. He is currently to afraid to challenge me for the power that me and my hat hold.So unless he speaks up, I am the true winner!!!

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jun. 4th, 2022 at 12:13 AM

I've been curious for a while who joined TVML this season and who's been around longer. You pick up the odd comment here or there about past seasons, but I finally got around to checking out the history links of each team.

Here's the list of the newbies to TMVL:

In PAC 8 there is Denali, Mat Su, San Jose and Tucson.

In SEC there is Kentucky, Merritt Island, Nashville and Starkville

In BIG 8 there is Ames, Arlington, Dallas and Portland

and in BIG EAST there is Alton, Cincinnati, Manitowoc and Spokane

The average league placing for newbies is between 4-7.

Cincinnati and Mat Su however, you could argue, have excelled so far this season taking 2nd place in their leagues.

And only Merritt Island sit 8th in their league.

In the rankings Cincinnati are the highest places newbie in 9th place and then you have Dallas 12th and my Nashville 13th and so on sporadically down the list. League placing appears to have almost no impact on the rankings. Nashville are currently 7th in SEC but rank above Mat Su who are 2nd in PAC 8.

Cincinnati have used fitness well to boost their performance with only one player on 0. Adding the fitness would increase a players value from B+ to -A (for an example see Nashville v San Jose pre-match comments for this weekend).

So hopefully we may see a newbie lift some silverware this season.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jun. 3rd, 2022 at 10:07 PM
Like and Dislike

I like this new end of season schedule with the Conference games rather than Non-conference. It makes the choices harder which is a good thing.

I dislike the fact that I haven't tweaked my orders for two days and can't see me doings before the deadline. Worrying times.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jun. 2nd, 2022 at 3:07 AM
Pac 8

I really hope that this week breaks the log-jam, 4-way tie for 3rd in our conference.  We have been stuck in this pattern for a while. 

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 28th, 2022 at 8:31 PM
My vote

I like Micki's hat

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 23rd, 2022 at 5:07 PM
Don't know what losing means

9 of my players (team of 7 plus extra L and RS) haven't played a losing game this season. Maybe I should play them against Quincy for luck. Of the other 8, 6 were in both losses with 2 in single losses.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 21st, 2022 at 7:36 PM

Yes! We should do a poll. Beacause everyone knows that my hat is the greatest, we should make it official.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 21st, 2022 at 7:08 PM
Hats hat IS everyone's favorite hat.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 21st, 2022 at 7:07 PM

Maybe instead of a coaches' poll, everyone can post a picture with their favorite hat and we can vote. 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 21st, 2022 at 2:13 AM

For the record, I know Phil has only wear that hat ONCE. Me, on the other hand, had worn my hat at least 7 times annually.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, May. 17th, 2022 at 11:13 PM
Disappointment in Phil's Hats

CB...I don't think I've seen a new hat photo of Phil in at least 12 months...sad!

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Monday, May. 16th, 2022 at 3:06 PM
Cowboy Phil

Is this Phil? Or his brother/son?

Brandon Flowers shows off his comedy skills in The Killers new album


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 15th, 2022 at 12:55 PM

Almost another 4-0 session. We did just enough to beat Carlsbad and Antioch and Pekin brought their D team so that was an easy win. Then it was Schenectady in a close game, the type of game that we have won in the past when slightly the weaker side. 

The difference in stats was small, a couple of kills or aces here or there. We did better on blocks and especially excellent passes by the serve receivers but this didn't translate into more assists by the setter. Disappointed not to progress but not outraged at the result. 

The upside is that we don't have to try and win 3 games next weekend as the TMVL Cup starts up and we own that competition recently.

Mike Jaffe

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 15th, 2022 at 12:12 AM
3-0 this week!

The Hounds were howling this week! Haven't had a week like this before.😃

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 14th, 2022 at 7:52 AM

Explains why it looks a bit bent then if you have been sleeping on it......

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 14th, 2022 at 4:14 AM

Psst....that's not Micki's hat. It doesn't belong to her. 

I own my hat. 

And proudly wear it to bed every night.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 14th, 2022 at 3:38 AM
Hats and Hats

If I'm not going to be number 1 at volleyball, then I will be the ruler of the hats! With a very large hat that can smush any opponent, I think, sorry,I KNOW mine is the best. If anyone objects to this they will face the hat of death. And remember, I'm just a sweet, innocent child.😁

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 7:21 PM

Hoping for some Mother's Day mojo, since that is probably all I have going for me.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 4:43 PM

Which game? I looked on Augustana site but couldn't see any games after April 1st.

And we won't win every game - your dad saw to that. It's Mike that will win every game if we aren't careful.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 4:40 PM

Max Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 4:04 PM
My message to Mike Jaffe

Thank you for congratulating me on MVP I appreciate it big dawg!


I would just say the Tomatoes are expected to win so all of the pressure is on them to win!

So why not pull off an upset to stun the whole league!

We can't have Steve win all of the games can we?


Mad Max

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 1:48 PM

Before the expansion to 32 teams we used to all play 4 matches for sessions 1, 2 and 5. I would play T7 in two games (one being the home conference game and the other depending) and B7 in two. It worked OK until I got the hang of things. For a season and a half I always referred to the lineup suggestions which I printed out.

Mike Jaffe

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 12:26 PM
I need Max’s advice

Heading into our session 16 clash with the Crazy Tomatoes in the WGM Cup, what does a coach tell his team who has no shot at winning? Spike 'em boys!? Serve up some attitude!?
btw, congrats,on the MVP award!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, May. 7th, 2022 at 2:47 AM
Number 1

I may not be number 1 in the league, but I am the "Best Hat Owner in the League". If anyone would like to challenge this statement, do so now.

Mike Jaffe

Recent Entries
Friday, May. 6th, 2022 at 11:44 PM
Thanks Steve!

Good advice for us newbies! Thanks!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, May. 6th, 2022 at 6:13 PM
PSA addendum

And the same goes for Clark in the show interest section.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, May. 6th, 2022 at 6:11 PM
PSA - Attention Mike Jaffe

I could be wrong here so someone please tell me if I am.

Mike, you are the only one able to bid on the setter this session. If you do then he's yours for 400 RP. This means you don't need to pay for a visit for the other setter (I'm on the phone so hard to check names) unless:

1. You want two 4*  freshman setters (if so why?)*

2. You want to make Shenectady bid higher than 400 for that setter as he's the other only one to have arranged a visit so far (and run the risk of getting him)

One reason why is to have a better chance of a good roll if the dice.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, May. 6th, 2022 at 3:42 PM
Small Weekend

With no chance of winning anything whatsoever it is a small weekend for the Bulldogs.

A nice, lazy weekend of walks and Netflix in the stands.

Who needs a 'Match 16' anyway? Just means more brain power used and less melting in front of Netflix.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, May. 1st, 2022 at 5:19 PM
Big weekend.

Next weekend is an important one for many teams. 

Apart from the WGM sweet 16 and the first round of non conference games we have the final conference matches that decide who gets top seeding for the conference tourneys.

Up to now we've only had 3 games per session which allows you to leave out your 4th OH and 4th MB, unless you played T7 in two of the three games and/or wanted to earn XP. 16 teams have 4 games which means playing all 14 players (yes we have 16 but 2 of those never play). There's going to be several weak lineups out there.

For the conference games apart from trying to top yours by the end of the season for a decent RP bonus there's home court advantage to think about.

Baton Rouge can afford to lose both games on Saturday and still get #1 seeding. Their non conference game is against Columbia and could decide the final overall top team. We are tied with Quincy but guaranteed #1 or #2 seeding but neither side will want to give ground in the conference. And all 3 will want to play strong in the WGM.

For many teams the non conference games aren't important as there's only 15 RP for winning but it gives the little teams a chance to get some wins and maybe get into the Nationals rather than Holyoake.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 30th, 2022 at 9:13 PM
Fingers Crossed

Still don't think I know what I am doing, but I have two home matches this week, so maybe that will help? 🤷

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 30th, 2022 at 7:28 AM
Dad Joke

I took Micki to the daddy-daughter dance, and I rented a limo for $500. It didn't come with a driver. Can you believe that?  All that money and nothing to chauffeur it.

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 30th, 2022 at 1:07 AM
Dad Joke

What did the mountain say to the low flying cloud?

You cannot be cirrus.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 29th, 2022 at 10:15 PM
Recruiting - Order of operations...

Steve asks a great question about the Order of processing recruiting relative to your RPs. I'm 99% sure it works like this.  

1) Step 3 - Commit phase is processed first.  The total RPs you have to start the session is the maximum the program will let you "bid" in order to commit a recruit in Step 3.  For example, let's say you have 500 RPs coming in and you spend 480 RPs to commit a player. 

Another way of looking at this is that, for Step 3, you cannot go below 0 RPs. 

2) Steps 1 and 2 are processed last.  This is a total of the players you have either shown interest in, or they visit your college, or both.  Right now there is nothing in the code that says:

- you spent ALL your RPs on a recruit in step 3

- so we're going to NOT allow you to spend RPs on step 1 and 2.

So in theory I believe you could go below 0 RPs  with Step 1/2 choices but you'll very likely be back above 0 when you get the 140-180 RPs which comes after recruiting is processed.  That would be too much for me to check and then "decide" which step 1/2 players NOT to process.  In addition, there's really no advantage as I see it to the team that committed a great player in Step 3 but spent all their RPs.  Going below 0 means the RPs you used in Steps 1 and 2 may not result in getting a player in their Step 3/commit phase due to your low RP count.

Again, I'm 99% sure this is the way it works Steve.  If you see some teams fit into this "used all their RPs in step 3" scenario please take a look during the season and let me know if you see something different.  I've made a note to update the rules with this, but will await some real examples.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 29th, 2022 at 9:35 AM
Recruiting question

I don't know why I never thought of this before.

On recruiting does the "showing interest" and "arranging visit" RP come out before the bid for signing players?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 29th, 2022 at 9:32 AM

He's worth less than Perez so we won't be bidding maximum. Certainly not putting all our eggs in one basket but will be cock-a-hoop if we get him.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Apr. 28th, 2022 at 11:56 PM
Emilio Gallo - The 5-star MB (with Max +1 ATK)

5 teams can lay claim to a 5-star MB this session:

  • The Crazy Tomatoes (1831 RPs)
  • The Swamp Rats  (1879 RPs)
  • The 'Jacks  (475 RPs)
  • The Bananas  (1582 RPs)
  • The Chihuahuas  (1054 RPs)

Which team will it be and should teams bid their maximum amount of RPs.  Some people say they should.   Is the author engaging in any "shenanigans" with this post?  He probably is not...  ðŸ˜Ž


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Apr. 26th, 2022 at 11:59 AM
Now it gets interesting

This weekend is the first knockout round of the WGM Cup. Winning this gives you a chance to XP up more youngsters in two games and go for T7 wins in the other two games (next weekend is a 4 match one with the first of the non conference games).

The little teams might think they have no chance against like likes of Quincy, Baton Rouge and Columbia (other top teams are available). But the big teams might concentrating on the Conference, hoping for a title and/or home court advantage in the Conference tournaments. On the other hand they might be after the WGM itself giving little teams a chance to pull off a Conference upset.

Any T7 can beat a B or C team - the trick is guessing which game(s) to T7.

Amy Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 23rd, 2022 at 8:18 PM



LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!  ðŸ˜ðŸ¥°ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜»â¤ï¸ðŸ’•

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Apr. 20th, 2022 at 10:11 PM

Still a lot to play for even if it's avoiding playing the top seeds. Top of each group will be seeded 1 to 8 and guaranteed home games in the next two rounds (if they win the first round). The rest will be seeded 9 to 32 and 3rd in a couple of groups could be better than 2nd in a couple and that means a home game as well for the 1st round.

I think the draw is fixed after the knockout with winner of 1 vs 32 playing winner of 16 vs 17. The better seeded team always plays at home.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 5:55 PM
Micki Wins!

I think Micki is the winner of the recent daugher-dad dustup on the Blog.  Extra points for the sarcastic double-quoted "hip" dad jokes comment...

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 4:31 AM
Ahem, Ahem

Well, considering that "Ol' Dad" is sitting right next to me while he types in his "Hip" dad jokes, he could be telling me this in person right now.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 4:27 AM

That's the kind of talk that got you grounded from the iPad. Which begs the question....if you are grounded from the electronics, Miss Micki, how are you posting on the blog? 


(You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on ol' dad!)

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 4:27 AM

That's the kind of talk that got you grounded from the iPad. Which begs the question....if you are grounded from the electronics, Miss Micki, how are you posting on the blog? 


(You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on ol' dad!)

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 4:24 AM

Well, since my hat can practically smush yours, Ali think my hat takes that spot.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 18th, 2022 at 4:23 AM
One Hat to Rule Them All

This league isn't big enough, even with expansion, for more than one hat. My hat is enough for us all.

Matt White

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 17th, 2022 at 5:12 PM

Never read the rules that is a bit like looking at tree plans for flat pack furniture. Takes all the fun away

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 17th, 2022 at 12:59 AM

It's more fun if you're been drinking but harder to remember.  

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 16th, 2022 at 5:05 PM

Yes, reading the rules is a lot of fun

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 16th, 2022 at 4:05 PM

I think I need to read the rules, preferably before the season ends.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 16th, 2022 at 8:32 AM
Dear Rocky

Good luck with the comeback! I will do my best to trample over Phil´s hat, but yours is certainly the most spectacular.....

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 15th, 2022 at 8:55 PM

Ok, so the beginning may have gotten off to a rocky start, but I know we will make a comeback. Trust me, it won't take long. Oh, and my hat looks better that Phil's.😋

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 15th, 2022 at 1:09 PM
Oh now I get it!


I was probably thrown off by Mr. Turner's phrasing as (of course) all my pre-match comments are factual*.  ðŸ˜Ž


* Note that all of Al's pre-match comments may not be factual.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 15th, 2022 at 10:09 AM

I'm sure everybody knows but just in case...

I'm taking Al's comments with a pinch (or grain for my American friends) of salt.

Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Friday, Apr. 15th, 2022 at 9:34 AM

...I think I'll pass too and leave it to Steve :)


Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Thursday, Apr. 14th, 2022 at 1:46 PM
Spice up your Life

I might leave this one to CB, unless he is suggesting you liven your comments up a bit next time!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Apr. 13th, 2022 at 11:07 PM
This is usually Vick and CB territory, but...

...Steve keeps responding to my factual match comments with things like:

"Can somebody pass the salt, please?".

Can someone please translate Steve's "English"?  What does that mean?  ðŸ¤“

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Apr. 12th, 2022 at 10:20 PM
Schedule Unfair to Rabid Biting Mules...

I just want to point out how unfair this schedule is to me.

Last session: Big Ben (5 sets), Mad Max, and the lovely Mrs. Sellers.  I was lucky to go 2-1.

This session: CB, Steve, and Mr. Halpin.  Likely 0-3

I'm pretty sure all six managers were/are out to get me.  Very unfair to Quincy and I'm sure you will no doubt have sympathy for me...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 10:31 PM
Re: coaching

Yes you can CP when the player isn't playing (as in United)

Maximum Fit is +1

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 10:27 PM

just a couple of quick coaching questions.

1) Can you coach players who are resting and not playing?

2) What is the max fitness players can attain?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 10:03 PM

No spoiler for which game but in one of my games the score in the viewer went from 24-21 to 26-21. In the viewer the point didn't show (the winning point is always repeated).

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 5:04 PM
Perez (again)

4 hours to go and I still don't know whether to withdraw interest as three teams can outbid us or stay in and at least make sure he goes for a premium price wasting 50 RP 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 4:31 PM

Okay, before you rookies find out the hard way, I'm TOTALLY going to win this thing. And all the "grown ups" think that I'm just a small 11 year old. But I'm 12, so.....HA! Oh, and also, I bite.

Andy Shaw

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 4:18 PM
Round 1

Orders are set and hopefully we will make a winning start. 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 10:39 AM

Looking at Paul's photo and what Roy said I really need to look for a photo of me that was taken Christmas 1979. I think it's in the loft but if so could be anywhere.

Paul Cockayne

Recent Entries
Saturday, Apr. 9th, 2022 at 10:36 AM

Looking forward to the games later today, hoping we can manage at least one win

James White

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Apr. 5th, 2022 at 3:14 PM
Still Unbeaten

Every extension / delay to Al's road trip only extends our undeafted record

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 4th, 2022 at 11:51 AM
Disclaimers et al

Or should that be @ Al.

Just to be clear and advice I give to the new managers will not be mind games. The rest of you take it as you will 😉

As for Perez, unless one of the four teams richer than Columbia show interest in him then there won't be a new record. This stands at 1700 RP. Columbia only have 1382 and, assuming I take away interest in the other players and get the full 40 RP participation each session (and there's a reason Al caps this at 40 RP), then I can only force the price up to 1697 RP.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 4th, 2022 at 2:22 AM
THAT Disclaimer...

I was looking for this disclaimer* at the bottom of Steve's blog post on Perez.  I don't see it, so we're in trouble on getting this 5-star OH Perez.  Maybe we should bow out now?  ðŸ˜‡

* This isn't gamesmanship or mind games

PS - Now on Day 5 of our 7 day road trip.  2000 miles logged.  1500 to go.  Mesa Verde National Park on Monday...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Apr. 3rd, 2022 at 9:08 AM

Not surprisingly there's a lot of interest in this future star player. Quincy will surely be the favourite to get him as they have the most RP. I wouldn't be surprised if he broke the record for RP spent on a player.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 28th, 2022 at 10:55 PM
Gamesmanship and Mind Games

I had to laugh at this last Blog post from Steve.

I LOVE how Steve tells Vick his thoughts by prefacing it with: "This isn't gamesmanship or mind games...".

Does that mean when Steve doesn't provide this disclaimer it usually IS "gamesmanship or mind games".  ðŸ˜Ž

Oh and Steve is 100% right in his comments too. Be selective about who you go for in STEP 1 and 2 (no need to throw RP on a player that other teams have more RP to get).  But also if people aren't going after players you need and its 5-star or 4-star, by all means go for it.  

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 28th, 2022 at 9:50 AM
Re: recruiting

This isn't gamesmanship or mind games but I agree with Vick. Perez is a top player and will go for over 800 RP maybe 1000. New teams only have 500 plus a bit for answering quizzes and will get 360 more if the participate for the full 40 RP each session (to be honest everyone should get this easily). 

I wouldn't waste 50 RP on the two rounds of pre-bidding for this player.

Take a look at the recruiting History tab for last season's prices and also look at what recruits are coming up.

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 28th, 2022 at 8:52 AM

We were tempted to make Perez our first signing but seeing as to how much RP's those tomatoes, bananas and mules have I suspect we will have to plump for the less choice plums hanging from the recruiting tree....

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 27th, 2022 at 2:28 PM
TMVL Rules - Season 5

The rules have been updated and are online at the Rules link at the top menu.

If you have questions or identify an issue please let me know.  Thanks!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 22nd, 2022 at 11:43 PM
Bog standard home banker

Bog standard home banker = guaranteed home win that doesn't require any effort beyond the norm :)

According to CB...

I'm saving this off from a CB post-match comment so I can use that at some point, maybe? (or more likely have it used against our poor Rabid Biting Mules)...

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 20th, 2022 at 3:18 PM
Christer's Question & Amy/Max Strategy Session

Christer: Practice games will not count toward season 5.  These are just purely for new coaches to get familiar with the setup in a non-official game way...

Max and Amy having a strategy session just now...

Amy referred to "splinters sitting on the bench" for players she won't be playing.

Also Amy calls bad players "splinter material".  She was a 7-sport athlete in high school folks, so...


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 20th, 2022 at 1:02 AM

I would never ignore you Micki. You just haven't said anything to annoy me yet.

Nice hat by the way, much more impressive than your dad's.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 20th, 2022 at 12:42 AM

I think Steve's ignoring me because I annoy him and he just doesn't want to admit it.😁

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 19th, 2022 at 5:26 PM

I think you'll find that the slate will be wiped clean of everything.

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 19th, 2022 at 2:15 PM
Pre-season does it count?

Maybe I have missed some info but will pre-season be kept when season proper starts?

Mostly interested in if the training will be saved or not.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 19th, 2022 at 12:13 AM
Coach and Team Names

Good question Roy.  Yes, I can put something together.  In the meantime, please click Stats at the top menu and that should help. 

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 19th, 2022 at 12:01 AM
Can I suggest?

Is it possible to have a list/menu tab of coach names? Like there is in MSWL.


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 12th, 2022 at 10:24 PM
Can I suggest?

In my opinion the best way to check your results is through the Viewer. Just above the row of matches it days Session 1 Match 1 Match 2 etc. Click on match 1 and select viewer for your game here. You can pause, speed up.or slow it down. You can see both line ups here and see if you have a chance based on the ratings shown. Viewer only gives the server and who made the final kill/error.

The other two are Summary and Report. I could have these the wrong way round but I think Report gives you stats from the game. Surprised you lost? Maybe your weaker OH hit too many errors.  The header for each stat has a tool tip if you mouse over that explains what the stat is. If you use a phone or tablet and can't guess then ask away.

Summary is a hit by hit report on the match. Ratings (0-3 - see the tutorials) are given and it's more complete than the Viewer. There are some bugs here  with bits missing but not many.

When done go back to the Home Page and pick Match 2. Do NOT go to your team page if you don't want to get spoilered.


David Campbell

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 12th, 2022 at 8:33 PM

Hi everyone, good to see some familiar names from other Olmec games, and nice to meet everyone else.

Looking forward to getting started and as a newbie to the game of volleyball its been interesting watching a few videos and learning a bit of the game over the past couple of weeks.  I had no idea it was such a popular sport.  

I played a little volleyball at school but this was 25 years ago and I was truly awful at it - my experience of playing any sport at school is if you werent talented you just got shouted at a lot rather than being taught anything that might help!

Good luck everyone!  


Craig Bucknall

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 12th, 2022 at 6:49 PM
Is It Me....

...or does a certain TMVL manager look a bit like an older version of The Killers very own Brandon Flowers?!? 😆

Who could I possibly be referring to?!

Answers on a postcard....

(Hope this works.....)

Pin on Smile Like You Mean It

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 12th, 2022 at 5:03 AM
Team names

When I look at the new team names, here's what I see on a few of them:

The Kentucky Fried Kittens

The Ames Choking Artechokes

The Arlington Antbeaters

The Manitowok Gargling Gargoyles

And The Tuscan Fighting Saggypants

Vick Hall

Recent Entries
Friday, Mar. 11th, 2022 at 8:55 PM
karma karma karma chameleon

Just who do these carlsbad critters think they are trying to impersonate the town of a million shrimps. get back to your poxy little backwater swamp we say and prey you don't have to meet the shrimps anytime soon!

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 10th, 2022 at 6:59 PM
San Jose/Calsbad logo

I cant see why Phil is concerned that San Joses logo is similar to Carlsbads. Carlsbad can not loose anything by that. San Jose on the other hand have a case here.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 10th, 2022 at 12:27 AM

All Managers: Yes, "rookies" beware of Phil's daughter Micki and the Raccoons...

Phil: Yes, we intentionally kept you from getting a cool team name/logo.  

Matt: Yes, and good luck!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Mar. 9th, 2022 at 12:20 AM
Sorry Roy...

...guilty as charged.  Found that one on Facebook.  I wanted to lend some class to the website to offset all the Phil McIntosh hats...😎🤠

Roy Rolsten

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 8th, 2022 at 2:04 AM
Pandas Turn to Firefox

Google Chrome did not open the Blog entry option so the Pandas have turned to the Firefox to open up the box.

I am curious where my profile picture came from though as it's not a photo I'm using on any of the SOS or Olmec sites.

If I remember I'm going to get my old school yearbook out when I visit my parents tomorrow to see if I can use a photo taken in college.

Matt White

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 6th, 2022 at 8:11 PM
Looking forward

Looking forward to the new season and hopefully a mining season for the swordfish. Looking at some of the new squad it is not going to be a walk over. Need to get my head around recuitng yet so must do better this go around. 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 5th, 2022 at 5:24 PM
Starkville Mascot Reminds Me of Sat a.m. Cartoons as a Kid..

Hanna- Barbera's Snagglepuss | Favorite cartoon character, Cartoon, Old  cartoons

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 5th, 2022 at 5:14 PM
Attention all rookies!

Well, to begin, I'm Micki McIntosh. I may be young, but I come with a kick. You can ask Steve Turner about that.😁 Anyway, you rookies better watch out because I am going to dominate this league! So in the end I am really just saying, FEAR ME!!!

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 5th, 2022 at 5:13 PM
Team Names...cont'd

...and why did Al name a team "Shamrocks?" Could we not find any real rocks?

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 5th, 2022 at 5:05 PM
Team Names

Was Mr. Sellers holding out on us? Did he intentionally save all the cool team names for the second wave of managers? I mean, c'mon, man. Denali is cool no matter what the mascot. But add to that the Bloodhounds, Red Pandas, Pekin Peas (who are, I might add, actually peakin' in their team logo). We are already preparing our litigation for copyright infringement against San Jose. Teams will forever be confused by the identical nature of the two designs and color schemes, which the league office no doubt did purposefully and to cause irreparable harm. To my team. 

Now, for the rest of this practice session I will practice wearing my hat.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 14th, 2022 at 1:00 PM
Oh and I forgot

We play the best of 5 sets...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 14th, 2022 at 12:54 PM
Who came up with this terminology

Because I knew we were expanding (but not when) I thought I'd try and write some articles about how to play (not how to win) TMVL, especially for those who aren't sure if they want to play, but also for coaches like me who didn't know what was going off half the time.

According to Guinness World records, the word with the most entries in the Oxford English dictionary is "set". I actually knew this but it's a right pain when trying to write this stuff. 

When your OH receives the serve he tries to pass to your Setter but if the serve was good and the OH didn't do a good job it might go to the Libero instead. So when I'm mentioning that if the setter is at the net he might attack rather than set I'm having to distinguish between the Setter and the setter who might be the Libero.

Then of course there is the setter's set skill which determines the set rating when he sets the attacker which determines blocking and attacking.

Matt White

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 31st, 2022 at 3:50 PM
Best of Three

Looks like the Bullfrogs and the Swordfish are playing a best of three games series at the end of this season as we play them for our last three games.

Will they all turn out to be 5 set thrillers like the first game???

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 29th, 2022 at 5:14 PM
Going down (I mean YOU)

Well, you all may now call me the best recruiter because I am and always will be. So basically Fear me!!!

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 29th, 2022 at 2:23 AM
Not Just You

Definitely not just you. I do a snap set of orders just to make sure I have something in. Then I go back two or three times during the week and reevaluate.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 28th, 2022 at 11:48 PM
Is it just me?

Or does anyone else change their orders several times? Saturday or Sunday I enter preliminary orders, setter at I, outside hitter at II etc. picking T7 if I want (like last weekend versus Sheboygan). I do this for two reasons: 1. well you never know I might not get back to the keyboard/phone so wont NMR and 2. it avoids being called out by Al.

Then I start swapping a few players, especialy now where I'm trying to maximise XP gains. And then it's a bit of fine tuning - do I want my best blocker at IV so he's at the net longer even though he's one of my best servers - if so where does the setter go?. Do I want my rubbish attack middle blocker next to my setter in case it's a pass (3) while the latter is at the net.

I just wish I could tweak my recuiting better 😄

Aires Martins Jr

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 26th, 2022 at 8:23 AM

Very Excited to announce that the Bullfrogs pulled in two 5 star recruits for next year!  Future is looking bright

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 23rd, 2022 at 12:43 AM
Recruiting (Spoiler)

With 4 (FOUR) recruits in competitive recruiting, Micki has ABQ looking good for next season.  Her signings:

1) Check all the boxes for graduating seniors

2) Include one 5-star and THREE 4-stars

3) Put the Raccoons to be on the map to build if they focus on growing each of these players next season...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 22nd, 2022 at 8:25 AM

You might have a chace against us today because I might need to concentrate on gaining XP for my younger players.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 22nd, 2022 at 3:22 AM

To my fathers sadness, no, my mom won't let him take any money from my bank account. Anyway, its been a long time since I've trash talked, here it goes. Honestly, you all are going to loose against me. Okay. Thats all I have to say.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 17th, 2022 at 11:58 PM
Micki, Steve, and Mike H

Micki: Does your dad withdraw from your allowance if the ABQ defeats the Chameleons?

Steve: I love the bidding updates and all the mischief!  :-)

Mike: Forum post added.  Please ask any follow-on questions for anything I missed.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Monday, Jan. 17th, 2022 at 1:54 AM
End of Season Recruiting for Season 4


Could you go over again how end of season recruiting will work for this season? I've read through the rules, but am not clear on how it will work.



Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 16th, 2022 at 10:09 PM
Recruiting and tactical bidding

When I realised Columbia was likely to be the only team recruiting Jeremy Payne next session I had to make sure we'd have enough RP for him. Hence the bid we made. I suppose I could have withdrawn the visit of Dominic Hunter and bid 25k more but I wasn't risking any more than that.

I've looked at all the other teams and reckon that Hunter is wanted by all five teams. Unfortunately we can only afford 576 RP and I'm sure he'll go for more than that. In fact I know he will because I like to cause a bit of mischief when I can.

Pineda on the other hand is really only needed by us and the Ninjas (I think). Will Pratham bid 577 RP? Will it be enough.

After all we need an OH and an MB more than we need an L.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 16th, 2022 at 10:36 AM

So I need three more recruits but can only afford two. I have the libero as the other two teams have their four already so he's mine for 350 RP. That leaves me with 626 RP next session after paying for the libero visit.

So do I:

1. Cancel the visits for the OH and MB this session and have all 626 to bid on the MB. If that fails I'm stuck with two recruits.

2. Arrange visits for both and then only have 576 RP for this session's MB. At least then I'll have the chance of with in session 9.

3. Just arrange for the OH (more important I reckon).

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Thursday, Jan. 13th, 2022 at 3:18 AM

I think I am going bannas. That loss was just plain sad. *sigh* Well, at least I beat the cowering Cameleons!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Jan. 11th, 2022 at 6:06 PM
Player Stats Update

The Player pages should now have all the stats updates (separated by offensive and defensive).

I've also revamped the main Stats link at the top menu and added:

  • Player Offensive Stats by Season 
  • Player Defensive Stats by Season 
  • Player Offensive Stats by Match 
  • Player Defensive Stats by Match 

All of this includes the newer stat categories we added in season 3.  

Now that I think we have some good visibility one of the next areas Max and I thought about doing was adding something like a "Top 5 Offensive Players of the Week" and "Top 5 Defensive Players of the Week" .

This would also then have a "Offensive Player of the Week" and "Defensive Player of the Week" type honor.  

Two final points on stats:

  1. If you can think of other interesting stats we're not tracking or we are tracking but not showing please call those out.  
  2. There is a bug with the OH players when they set.  The bug is we aren't counting ALL of their setting attempts.  So their "pct" of successful sets that become assists are inflated a bit.  We'll fix that one soon I hope.

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 8th, 2022 at 4:42 PM
Trash Pandas

For all the butt-kicking Micki is always boasting about, I sure am glad Antioch doesn't play Albuquerque very much!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 8th, 2022 at 3:56 AM

I just wanted to stop by and say that anyone who is going against me this weekend is going to get their bu** kicked.😈

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 1st, 2022 at 12:18 AM
Happy New Year

It's a few minutes past 2021  here in the UK and I'm still awake and sober so I'd like to wish every one here a very Happy New Year 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 24th, 2021 at 11:11 PM
Merry Christmas

I hope everyone gets their Christmas wish! (Except the people going against me. They will never win those matches against ABQ.)😜

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, 2021 at 10:04 PM
Christmas Puzzle

You never need 6 & 9 at the same time.  Turn it upside down to get one or the other as needed.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 20th, 2021 at 12:46 PM
Christmas Puzzle

We have one if those countdown to Christmas things with two wooden blocks that you arrange to show numbers from 24 (assuming you start on Dec 1st) to 1. One idle day when I wasn't trying to work out how to beat the Raccoons on Jan 22nd I wondered how it was done.

Two cubes have 12 faces. You need all the numbers from 0 to 9. You need two 1s to show 11 and two 2s for 22. You also need two 0s for 01 to 09 as you can't get 1 to 9 on one block. 0 to 9 is 10 faces plus extra 0, 1 and 2 makes 13. 

So how do you get the 13 numbers on two cubes?

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 20th, 2021 at 12:40 AM
Oh Steve...

Thanks for saying I am polite, but in this case I am offended. And I also noticed that you have no recruited players so far. That's sad Steve. Just plain sad. What do you have to say for yourself? I think crabs put themselves in self-isolation for too long. They all have become hermit crabs. Who brings presents to young crabs? Santa claws!

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 19th, 2021 at 7:09 PM
re: Ahem

Nasty cough you have there, Micki.

Sorry for being rude and not replying sooner but I've been rather busy with the run up to Christmas and sorting out my very, very annoying stepdaughter. Unfortunately you are too polite to be annoying but I'm sure that will change in a couple of years 😇

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Saturday, Dec. 18th, 2021 at 5:59 PM
Origin story

I don't know if Al knows this but I used a version of OLMEC to simulate my own leagues when I was a kid. I had a couple fictional five-division football leagues and OLMEC was the engine - I'd simulate round by round. I changed tactics and teamsheets annually. Later when SESL had an opening I jumped in there and since completely transitioned to MSWL games.

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 17th, 2021 at 9:24 PM

My MSWL history is not that long that others, and long from as successful. I joined with Sheffield in U1 some seasons ago. Not sure exactly but the stats say I have lead them  for 626 games now. Then a few seasons after came U1 and then TMVL.

But this is not my first game. I started with a league I cant remember the name of. It was postal and you had to wait for that letter with all results to drop in the mailbox. It must have been in 1996 or so. On the web one of my first leagues was L&AEFL. It had a very interesting twist with known skills and unknown "talent" on the players. So you had to figure out why they performed bad or good for you in games. I loved that game. As it foulded Peter Babcock started SAEFL with the same rulesets and the fun continued some seasons more. But it died...

I then tried a few games and am not sure how I ended up here, but I love this game and the community even if its most americans ;-)

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Dec. 15th, 2021 at 4:05 AM

I love how Steve is still being quiet. Now I KNOW that I am more annoying than his stepdaughter.😁 Anyway, if you haven't noticed, I have gone up a rank in the rankings. And I have already recruited a player and am about to get another one. You guys are so going to be surprised when I reveal my plan.*Pauses to laughs evilly* So you dogs keep on chasing your tails and be ablivious to what I am doing.🐶

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 13th, 2021 at 10:10 PM
League leaders

Anyone else noticing how the current league leaders are Max and his teammate, Pratham?  Maybe the guys currently playing collegiate volleyball know something we don't.  Perhaps it's time to start showing some sincere flattery (i.e. flat-out imitating whatever they do).

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 11th, 2021 at 4:10 PM
Both Heroes and Villains have Origin Stories

I absolutely love reading everyone's orgin stories. 

Mine is linked to the esteemed Mr. Halpin's, as he related getting our dorm unit into Diplomacy in college. We did play a few games, but not many people's hearts were in it like ours were. And then Mike got me into Diplo2000 shortly after college. It was a great game that I enjoyed very much and wished was still running in some fashion. I was never as good as Mike or SteveT because I wasn't as underhanded and shrewd as they were. I actually took people at their word, trusted them, and kept my word (largely). But it was a lot of fun.

Around that time, I found the "MSWL community" - I'm not sure if I found MSWL first, or PsychoS[h]occer, but I was on the waitlist for MSWL for a while, but did get into PSFA in it's inaugural season. It was a custom version of MSWL run by a guy name Tev or Tal (21 years ago, can't remember exactly) - the big differences that I recall were that a number of the multipliers were ratched up (injuries, cards, more types of injuries). I was asked to help run the league after the first season, and took over shortly there after, which is how I got to know Al. I asked a LOT of questions early on about how the simulator ran, and how to handle certain situations. Surprised he put up with me LOL. One of the things I really liked about my time running PSFA was converting all of the statically generated HTML files and turning things into an ASP driven website. There was nothing that anyone ever had to email me, and all results for everything (auctions, matches, off-season stuff) was all processed and posted online. Kids today are probably like, "well duh, how else would you do it" but in circa 2002, that was quite the achievement! I was also quite proud of my team, the Boston Mythos - a team built around various mythological figures from Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology. I ran PSFA until the Psychozine site itself folded. At that point, I had gotten into MSWL, SESL, TheManager, and probably some other stuff. 

Simultaneous with PSFA, as Mike mentioned, we got into TheParisTribune, an En Garde! email based RPG. That game was a lot of fun, was definitely different than any other game I had played till that point, but those all slowly died out over time too. That's another game that, if it were to start up, I would play in a heart beat.

Once Al graciously allowed me into MSWL, I really got to know the larger community. I think my team was the Boston Stars there - filled with all American soccer stars from past and (then) present. Sadly, the Boston Stars were about as successful as American soccer to that point. 

Then United 1, then United 2... then The Max baseball league (which I would love to see make a resurface at some point hint hint Al!), and now TMVL. Volleyball is my least knowledgable sport, but Al's provided some good guides and strategies... I just haven't put it all together yet. 

There was also eWFL too - an online football simulator. Using real NFL players' stats, it was VERY in depth, detailed, and required a TON of time to really do well. Eventually, the time required to stay competitive was just too much and I had to step down. Sadly, that league is no longer running either.

Along the way, I'd dabbled in trying to create my own basketball simulator, using a lot of the principles that's made United so successful. I just never had both the time and programming knowledge at the same time to get it really together. 

I've been VERY happy about the MSWL community I've found myself in. I know my wife would initially roll her eyes or make fun of me for my "online nerd friends" and initially was like, "who's this Al guy?" but now she just knows it's a part of our life LOL. I'm also happy about the folks I've brought into the community, either directly or indirectly.

  • MikeH - TMVL
  • MikeC - United, The Max, TMVL
  • Brent - eWFL
  • Aires (via Mike) - United, The Max, TMVL
  • RobB (via Mike) - The Max
  • Abe (via Mike) - United

And we all have Al to thank for this. -- Thank you Al!

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 11th, 2021 at 6:10 AM
MSWL Origins

It's a great story. You'll get your money's worth on this one. The Inaugural Season of MSWL took place in the early '90's. There was an earlier incarnation of the game, but there were only three or four teams and games were played bi-annually and outcomes determined largely by "drawing straws." THEY (whoever "they" are...ok, twist my was Al Sellers, Jeff Bagby, Jay Patrick Wilkins whom everybody feared because he didn't cut his hair for nine years and apparently didn't wash it either) wouldn't let me play the game. They feared me already. Al had seen my abilities on the tennis court in Champagne, Illinois, and the others feared my analytical skills and press abilities. BUT, when the game got a reboot they welcomed me with open arms. I think there were 8 teams in the league. I remember myself, Al (Memphis PHAY-roads...why Jeff called them that I do not know), JPW (New York Trash Talkers...and his press lived up to the name), Jeff (St. Louis Archies)...there was a manager from Hawaii--Rainer Buschman who had the Screaming Tribesmen and taught me how to say Mele Kalikimaka. We played by snail mail back then, and we would receive the thick packet of results precisely every two weeks. 

The key to this whole "inaugural season" story is to understand the significance of the "inaugural season." In the inaugural season, everything is equal. The teams, the players, the SL...everything is square. EXCEPT the one single solitary lonely factor that would set the teams apart: MANAGERIAL SKILL. That's the only variable, folks. 

The season got off to a HORRIBLE start when my starting GK broke his leg the very first session of the season. Out for the year plus a loss of SL for the next season. Now my team was no longer equal. It was clearly subpar. Now I knew I would have to dig deep for extra managerial skill to overcome this newly uneven playing field. Well, folks, it was a long season.  Did not win every game. I think I barely won half my games. Jeff's SLA team was dominant but Al's team was right there with him. My team limped along with two back up GK's and just kinda "hung around to see what happens." If I remember right, my team got hot late and won some matches, especially the last one. SLA and MP.squared off in the final match and stumbled their way to a draw when Jeff Bagby's star missed a late PK...allowing my team to leapfrog the pack and walk away with the inaugural season title.

MANAGERIAL SKILL...that was the only variable, folks.

(I need to pull out my newsletter from nearly 30 years ago and see how much of that I got right...)

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Dec. 11th, 2021 at 3:52 AM

I wonder why Phil has not said anything yet. I think he has just lost his touch. Anyway, I think Steve is trying to avoid me...he seems awfully quiet...I think I have proved my self more annoying than his stepdaughter.😁

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Friday, Dec. 10th, 2021 at 3:22 PM
Awaiting Phil's post

Any moment now I'm expecting Phil to post his origin stories reminding us all of how he pretty much won season 1 of every online game he's played.  I can't remember all of them, and I think half of them may have been back from when the Internet was called ARPANet.  He will, of course, need to refresh our collective memories.  Looking forward to it!

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Thursday, Dec. 9th, 2021 at 10:55 PM
Way Way Back. Nostalgia turned up to 11

I love the Wayback Machine. Here's the page from the En Garde! game:

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Dec. 9th, 2021 at 5:41 PM
Mr. Turner, Halpin, and Peterson...

One of the interesting things about the Internet is the "Wayback Machine" where you can go to old websites and see what they looked like "back in the day".  ðŸ˜Ž

Here's a link:

I'm please to confirm that the right honorable Bananas coach is telling the truth!  ðŸ˜‡

I did cover up emails...


Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Dec. 9th, 2021 at 10:46 AM

I'm afraid I don't remember the American Governors or most of the other teams. I did a search for Diplomacy 200 and found this: which I don't remember writing. 

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Thursday, Dec. 9th, 2021 at 4:08 AM
Another Coach Origin Story

I was glad to see Steve put his entry in about himself, and thought it was a pretty good idea to maybe put one in for myself! I don't have the 50 years of gaming in that Steve does, but it starts in a similar place. My brother and sister and I were always playing board games as kids, and when I was in high school, I had three or four friends that would get together on a regular basis for them as well. Axis & Allies and Risk were our global dominations games of choice until we, too, discovered Diplomacy. We were amazed you could have a game of conflict and cooperation without having to worry about unlucky dice. We were never quite able to get full seven player games, but just after college I stumbled on Diplomacy2000 where we could play by email online. I believe I may have crossed armies with Steve once or twice there, but I may be misremembering, and the records aren't online anymore as far as I can tell. I told Rob Peterson about it. I think he and I and some others tried to get games going while we were roommates in college as well. In return, Rob introduced me to Psychos[h]occer, where I ran the "American Governors" football team. (As Al knows, I'm a bit into politics.) From Psychos[h]occer, I think Rob and I also got into The Paris Tribune, a game of En Garde!, but all that sort of ran its course and I fell away from online board/rpg gaming and stuck to PC and console gaming.

But then Rob pulled me back in! I think he knew I enjoyed soccer online, and knew I played volleyball in college, so it was the perfect fit!

I'm not the type of coach that can work out the spreadsheet and dig into the algorithms, but it's been good to get back into a community like this and just play around with some top level strategy.  Thanks to you all for a great couple seasons so far.


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Dec. 7th, 2021 at 9:33 PM
Olmec Steve & Christer's Question

Steve:  Great post. It is a lot of fun reading about others backgrounds and how they arrived here, thanks!  ðŸ˜€

Christer: I had a broken query where for the players that should be an F weren't getting the proper grade after session 1 was run.  So I had to: 1) Fix the query, 2) Do a manual db update and that has resolved it in advance of session 2. 

C was the "default" so that's why it was appearing (Steve pointed it out to me).  The summary is that while it showed your grade higher than it should have been that didn't impact your 6 skills which is what the simulator uses.  The grades are just there to represent the overall player strength.  

And you are quite right, not all freshmen are "F", many have some pretty good numbers.

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Dec. 7th, 2021 at 6:59 PM
Freshmen not developing in TMVL

What has happend to the new class of freshmen?
From last week to this 17 of them have dropped in grade to F.
Why is that?
Some of them from grade C to F. A big drop.

At the top of freshmen we have Gibson of Burlington at B. And Douglas of Schenectady at B-.

All those F-grades are a bit funny (=strange)

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Dec. 6th, 2021 at 3:09 PM
Olmec Steve - 50 years in the making


Well around 50 years anyway. Me and my siblings always had board games as kids and sometime after we moved in 1970 to where my mum still lives we met Owen from up the street. He also liked board games. So much that he bought a magazine that was around those days called Games and Puzzles.
I read them and there were often articles about a game called Diplomacy which intrigued me. I found a book in the library about board games and there was a chapter in there also about the game.
Jump to the early 80s and somehow I read about postal Diplomacy and magazines (zines) dedicated to playing postally. I managed to get a game in one but the zine folded before the game started. I gave up.
Forward to 1987 and I overheard a work colleague and guessed the subject. He was playing postal Diplomacy in a zine called Springboard which he'd found as flyers were put in the boxes. Springboard was for beginners who had never played postal Diplomacy. I got a  couple of games then moved on to other zines. Both of these eventually folded and one of the games was rehoused in Spring Offensive. But by then, 1990, I was in a relationship and let my subscription lapse.
Fast forward to 1999 and I'm single again and decided to get my first PC. I discovered newsgroups and one of these was a Diplomacy one. And in there I found a message that Spring Offensive was now online. I emailed and got a game but suddenly all his games were transferred to Tom Tweedy's Diplomacy 2000. 
Whist there I tinkered with the software that was used to adjudicate the games. Tom used to create maps manually and save them as JPGs. The map that came with the adjudicator was rubbish but I was able to add another much cleaner map that could be saved as a GIF using less memory. This was in dialup days so quite useful. It also meant other GMs could run games and create maps saving Tom a lot of work.
I was also able to create variants and this caught the attention of Mike Dean who played on Dip2000 and also ran his own online zine. He wanted me to create variants for his site, Psychopath.
Also on Psychopath was Psychos[h]occer ran by Rob of Antioch Anglerfish. I eventually, in 2004, applied for a game. There wasn't any easily obviously available rules but the software was there. I could load it into a text program and worked through it finding out how it worked, creating spreadsheets that calculated everything. The beginning of Olmec Steve I guess.
A game called MSWL was often mentioned so I looked for that and got on the waiting list. Mark Creasey at SESL and Kev Hull at SaSo saw my name and got me in their games first. I still play in SESL. Then Al gave me a team in MSWL.
I left all but MSWL in around 2009 but MSWL also stopped. Al was creating/developing United. I tried but didn't get it (or I'd tried and left before 2009) but joined United 2 later after a proper read of the rules.
And of course that led me to here - my favourite so far.

Martyn Hathaway

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 5th, 2021 at 5:07 PM
Sleeping giant

Seven games in, all lost, five by 0-3. Not sure that I am really getting to grips with this game

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 5th, 2021 at 2:29 AM
Just a regular blog post

This is most definitely not a regular blog post. Because instead of a blog post like Steve's, mine actually has trash talking. While a crab is very low on the food chain, a raccoon is much higher on the food chain than a crab. Very often raccoons come by the beach and eat some crabs for a bit of light eating. (They are trying to go on a diet)

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Dec. 5th, 2021 at 12:55 AM
Recruiting and Other things

Steve is spot on.  Mr. Dorsey is attracting a lot of attention with Mav Lambert just behind.

Today I listened to the Illinois Women's team beat Kentucky (defending National Champs) on the radio.  The Illini won AT KENTUCKY (did I mention I'm an Illinois Alum?) to advance to the Sweet 16.

Anyway, the radio announcers were actually really knowledgeable.  So knowledgeable that I had to ask Max the meaning of a couple things they said.   

The funniest comment though was after Illinois won, the announcer said:

"The Kentucky Wildcats are suddenly available to hang out with their boyfriends."

😎 🙏 🤔

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 28th, 2021 at 11:35 AM
William Dorsey

Seven teams interested - expect him to go for quite a lot over the minimum bid.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 28th, 2021 at 11:31 AM
Re: oh really

Ok a bit younger than my step-daughter so nowhere near as annoying yet.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 27th, 2021 at 6:59 PM
Oh Really….

Ok, first of all, I'm 11. Second, it's pretty sad that I am trash talking better than all of you old people. I also wanted to say that none of you old men scare me one bit. Oh, and by the way Steve, expect me to be way more annoying than your step-daughter.😈

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 27th, 2021 at 4:40 PM
Every new beginning...

Last season ended very poorly for Antioch. For the 3rd straight season, we brought home no silverware, no accolades. We did manage to pull in a gold mine in recruits, so we're hoping for a new beginning to this season... that culminates in actually winning something. 

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 2021 at 3:35 PM
Re: Micki

I have a step-daughter about your age so you don't scare me young lady. Even if I am the old man of the game.

Aires Martins Jr

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Nov. 24th, 2021 at 9:36 AM

Calling us old man for not trash talking.....Can I get an accurate age on Micki before the trash talking starts. LOL  

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, 2021 at 12:48 AM
Chat Time

Ok. We all need to have a little chat. The only reason I am playing this season is to give you guys a second chance. The trash talking needs to improve dramatically. You guys are talking like 80 year old men. PLEASE become more exciting. I am literally going to die of boredom. That is not a good thing. 😒

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Nov. 21st, 2021 at 5:05 PM
William Morgan Cup

Surely Group 3 is the Group of Death.😏

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Thursday, Nov. 4th, 2021 at 12:59 PM
(Bad) planning

I play one or two of these games and do best when I plan ahead rather than "play each game as it comes". So in SESL (a soccer game coded by our Mr Sellers for those that don't know) I do well. I've just taken over a bottom side and rebuilding - this will take two years real time to get competitive in the top division. This season is nearly over but I've already planned next season's coaching and spending. The other two similar games are not so good - I play each it comes (well maybe look to see if there's a cup game).

However in TMVL I haven't planned anything yet. Season 2, my first, I really didn't have a clue. I realised just in time about XP so I didn't waste CP. But I recruited two good OH when I needed just one and a MB. So the MB turned out to be a walk on 3*.

Then this season I forgot who I'd recruited and just acted on what I saw each week. My 888 RP 4* OH freshman was forgotten until too late. I wasted 29 CP on him and played just 6 games. My other OH was lucky as he's got enough XP for the top five skills. But not enough CP was used. I only realised after session 9 that only OH and L receive and I hadn't even used CP there.

Then there's Torres. He has 47 XP and I need 50. He played in match 6 (to allow my second best RS to get fit) and then march 22 onwards. All he needed was one more match. I threw the first two away games and he should have played there. But I didn't plan ahead 

Apart from getting recruiting right I think I'm set right for this game now. I'm not saying I'll be good at it but at least I know what I'm trying to do.

So watch out in season 5 (next season is a rebuilding season 😇)


Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 30th, 2021 at 5:03 PM
The Final Countdown

Final matches of the season in just under 4 hours... Antioch is REALLY hoping for some good fortune to balance out what has been a rather disappointing season. 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 2021 at 6:35 PM

Tip o' the cowboy hat to Micki. Undisputed press champ thus season in TMVL!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 2021 at 4:12 PM

I just wanted to say you all had a great season and.....lets just get to the point. I am determined to win these next 2 games so...warning, Micki will beat you.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 19th, 2021 at 10:25 PM
Worst Receiver and MB-L combos

I'm not sure of the best analogy or even word here, but think of your two MB and one L as "symbiotic".  

For the MBs, when they rotate to the back row, the L plays for them in the back row.

When the L would rotate to the front row the next MB comes into play front row.

The exception is this:

When the MB rotates to the back row to serve, one of two things can happen:

1) The MB serves

2) If your orders indicate the L should serve for one of the MB then that may happen (or the other MB serves)

The advantage of having the L serve versus the MB is this (and I've seen this strategy used in real volleyball)...

When the MB serves (assuming they get it in) they may then need to be in a position to dig an attack from the other team's attackers (which would use the MB's DEF rating).  

When you look up and down your lineup (hey use that cool Javascript sort feature), who has a better DEF rating?  The MB or the L?  (hint: its the L).  

Back to Steve's question:

Regardless (or irregardless?) of whether the L or MB serves...once they lose the point, the MB goes out, the L is back in (if they aren't already) and we're back to the 2 OH and 1 L on serve receive (RCV aka passing).

Yes, the L plays anyway when back to that Steve.  Please ask further if I missed something.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Oct. 18th, 2021 at 11:59 AM
Worst receiver

In the early days I didn't understand liberos and if mine wasn't a great server and wouldn't have a substitute for MB ordered.

Having read the algorithm I see that the server can pick out worst receiver and you only have 3: 2 OH and 1 L. If i don't pick L replacing MB does this become an ace? Or does the L play anyway?

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 16th, 2021 at 4:39 PM

I think Phil's scared to trash talk me since he's volonteering other people.🧐

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 9th, 2021 at 8:28 PM
Who will challenge Micki in the press?

Where is JPW when you need him?

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Oct. 9th, 2021 at 7:41 PM

Why am I the only one trash talking? There should definitely be more trash talking. The only conclusion that I can up with is that you guys are just to scared to take me on....

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Oct. 1st, 2021 at 11:05 PM
My list of “Maybe…”

Maybe...I should be nice to you

Maybe...I should let you win just to be nice

Maybe...I should stop trash talking

Maybe...I should stop being annoying

Maybe...I should stop picking on Phil


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Oct. 1st, 2021 at 10:56 PM
Are there Strategy Tips from The Game Designer?

Just a reminder on these that Max has in the rules in case you want to optimize a lineup...

6. Strategy Skill Strategic Tips for starting lineup

Serve - Best Servers possible in the lower number zones.

Receive - Best receiving OH starts at zone I or II

Block - Best MB starting at zone IV or V.

Attack - Best pin hitter (OH or RS) starts at zone IV or V. Separate good pin hitters from good MB hitters.

Defense - Have Liberos serve for a middle for more digging opportunities. Best digging OH starts at zone I or II.

Setting - Start in Zone I for less chance of setter dumps 


Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 26th, 2021 at 7:05 PM
Away win !

Did I really see us winning away???

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 25th, 2021 at 5:02 PM
My list of “I Won’t…”

I won' nice

I won't...hold back

I won't...lose

I won' defeated

I won't...feal bad for you

I won' any sympathy whatsoever to Phil

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 25th, 2021 at 6:19 AM

Blog entries are hard because you need a large vocabulary. 

But I have the world's worst thesaurus. It's not just terrible. It's....well...terrible.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 24th, 2021 at 11:17 PM
Recruiting - Reminder

With the 3-step recruiting system the end of recruiting can catch up on us all.

This session (session 6) is the next to last STEP 1 of the season.   So if you don't start a recruiting process (Step 1/2) this week, you have one more session to start that.   We're down to the final players.    

Good luck to all!   😎

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Sep. 19th, 2021 at 3:39 PM
New Editor...

Trying out a new editor here to see how it goes...


Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 18th, 2021 at 5:25 AM


"Where there's a will...

...I want to be in it..."

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 18th, 2021 at 5:17 AM

You know what they say...

"Where there's a will.....

...there's a way."

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 17th, 2021 at 11:37 PM
My list of “I Will…”

I my recruiting

I my lineups

I will.....harass you

I will......annoy you


I will.....then have cake after my victory

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 17th, 2021 at 8:40 PM
Thanks, Al!

For the 4-0 neutral site jinx, as that stat is now 4-1.  The Swamp Rats fear no twister.  Hurricanes on the other paw...

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 11th, 2021 at 4:05 PM

Hey, I hadn't thought of that, you are stressing me out, Al!

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 11th, 2021 at 3:55 AM
Hello There

Well, we all know that I'm gonna win this weekend, so I'll spare you the details. Anyway, just wanted you all to know that you are going to get your b*tts kicked this weekend!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 4th, 2021 at 9:56 PM
Pattern at Teutopolis?

Is there a pattern at Teutopolis?  It seems that way.

The Twisters have played 10.

In 9 of the 10 they have either won or lost in 3 sets only.

The lone anomaly was a 3-2 win over Santa Clara in match 2.

Is C-Ball leaving XPs on the table this season?  

Should we be prepared for a one-sided 3-0 loss at Teutopolis in Match 13?  

Many questions to answer here...and here's another question...

At 4-0 in neutral site matches does that bode poorly for Mr. Kevin Martin in the T-Town/N'Orleans TMVL Cup clash at the end of session 4?  

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 4th, 2021 at 8:54 PM
Put Entry Here

If anyone asks, no, I have never rcieved a red card before. But Phil on the other hand... I think he has gotton one once or twice.(From Me)

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 PM
Mendon Peels Three Sets from the Bananas

Baton Rouge had a strong performance in conference play last week, putting them at the top of the standings. Unfortunately, though, Mendon was too strong and the Bananas couldn't come back in any of the three sets against them.

With two tough, but winnable home matches ahead, the Bunch are poised to maintain their first place position in the Western Conference, but anything can happen in this league, and Coach Halpin warned his squad not to take anything for granted.

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 3rd, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Enter Title Here

The only cards I recall getting in soccer as a coach are gift cards for Dairy Queen a the end of the season for a job well done!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Aug. 31st, 2021 at 10:27 PM
Phil? Red Card?

Agreed John on the Blog Subject issue...

And agreed John and Christer about a red card?

Phil:  Did you (please say yes) get a red card in a youth soccer match or something?  Is there video?  Were you wearing THE hat?

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Monday, Aug. 30th, 2021 at 10:37 AM

With VAR the first offendent can also get redcarded

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Monday, Aug. 30th, 2021 at 3:29 AM

But it's always the second one that gets caught for the card!

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Sunday, Aug. 29th, 2021 at 8:55 PM

I didn't see the incident involved leading to a red card, but I think everyone involved has earned a red card for posting blogs without a title.

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 28th, 2021 at 4:45 AM

Well, Mr. McIntosh, you also get a red card for argueing with the ref. Anywho, I bet you are cowering over our game this weekend. Even the thought of it probably nausiates you. 

Phil=<         Me=<

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 27th, 2021 at 5:49 AM

Micki => 

Can't wait to see outrageous press from Micki Mac.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, 2021 at 3:12 AM
Baton Rouge off to strong start in conference play

In their first week of action, the Baton Rouge Bananas took home three victories, including two against conference opponents, Normal and Burlington. The results put the Bananas on top of the conference standings, tied with the Albuquerque Racoons. Solid play from MB Keegan Olson, and superior passing all around, helped keep the starting bunch in control.

Although the Bananas has less success in Round 1 of the TMVL Cup, the team held their own against Columbia, keeping the Fighting Crabs within reach and stealing away the fourth set.

With plenty of volleyball left to play this season, Coach Halpin remains optimistic about the team's prospects.  

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, 2021 at 12:04 AM
Utterly Disappointed...

...that members of this league are not posting memes of Squirrel players throwing Christer "under" the new Team Bus after Session 1.

Christer: I'm not sure how well this all translates across the Atlantic but when things go bad here in the USA, people usually throw the coach/manager under the bus.

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Aug. 24th, 2021 at 5:52 PM
New teambus

The mighty Squirrels have invested in a new teambus. After last session terrible results the players complained they were very tired when arriving at the venue away from home. And with four games away from town (two neutral ground) manager Christer are dissapointed of the late arriving of the new bus. "I ordered it early in off-season but delivery was late due to covid"

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, 2021 at 10:12 PM
Squashed Bugs

The bugs mentioned around CP, RP, and Recruiting have now been stomped.  Please keep an eye out for anomalies and email me after we run session 2.

Matt: I've added the recruiting code just for you.  It could have some bugs though...  

Matt White

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, 2021 at 4:40 PM
Recruiting Bug



All looks fine now. Have you put the extra code in that only lets The Swordfish recruit the top players this year!!!!!!!





Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, 2021 at 1:16 PM
Recruiting Bug Update - Please Review

Matt found another issue (data issue) I needed to correct for session 2 - STEP 1.

For STEP 2, there was a display bug that I've resolved.

Please take a look at both sessions and if you spot any anomalies, let me know (email a screenshot and issue).

As I said, I believe this is all taken care of now.

Matt White

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, 2021 at 7:16 AM
Recruiting Question

Loooking at the recruiting page I showed interest in 2 players which has shown up in the official visit section which is fine. When i ticked the box to make the official visit it has also highlighted the next player down on the list for an official visit, which I do not want. I have tried saving it several times but stays the same. Also this turn I ticked one box in section 1 and it highlighted interest in two players. This will just spend points I do not have any reason why this is happening.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, 2021 at 1:03 AM
Tracking Two Bugs

Max and I saw two bugs we will fix:

1. On the CP/RP logs there were some totaling issues.  I manually updated the totals for now.  Will have a fix for next week.

2. On the recruiting page the step 2 recruiting shows the proper check box on what was selected in step 1 (and the proper RP cost).  However it may not be showing your logo correctly to the left of all the players.  If you have a question or other observation please post or email.  This one is more cosmetic from what I can tell and will also be fixed.  

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 21st, 2021 at 4:29 PM
Big Expectations

Expectations are high in Antioch as the fans feel that the team should have won every trophy available last season as they were one of the top 3 team in either conference. The team will not consider it a successful season without some silverware. Expect agressive spiking, taunting, and distractingly high cut shorts (the kind Phil would have worn back in the day). The Anglerfish will eat all competitors this season, sparing no one. 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 21st, 2021 at 6:31 AM

Era of Albuquerque? Where does she get this stuff?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 21st, 2021 at 6:28 AM
Orders in

I think I've forgotten more than I've remembered but I'm sure Olmec will help out.

BTW has Phil changed his hat for this season?

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 21st, 2021 at 4:02 AM
Upping my game

Hello everyone! Just thought I would stop in and tell you all how my team is doing. They have grown much stronger than last year. So much, in fact, that last session is a distantant memory. In fact, I have so much faith in them that I am naming a new era after them. "The era of Albuquerque". I wish my opponents good luck this session. You'll need it.

You<  Me<

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 20th, 2021 at 10:46 PM
Application of +2 RCV

You are absolutely correct Christer.  As a 5-star Libero Jared Pruitt will normally be in a 10-11 range for receiving but at the end of season 3 when the actual skill number is assigned he will be either a 12 or 13 for receiving.  

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 20th, 2021 at 10:39 PM
max +2 rcv

Remind me here. Does Jereds max +2 rcv in the recruiting mean he will get +2 on his recieving when stars convert to ability?

So he is 12-13 instead of 10-11.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 20th, 2021 at 1:59 PM
RP strategies

As the only teams starting over 1000 RP, will Schenectady and Burlington bully(frog) their way to the early 5-star recruits?  Or will they squirrel away their points for a coveted recruit later on and overpower the rest of us then?

The rest of us will have to ration RPs more carefully, particularly those teams that can barely afford to even scout multiple players right now!

Should be a very interesting season on the recruiting front, and look nothing like last season's early free-for-all and multiple 1000+ recruiting bids.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Thursday, Aug. 19th, 2021 at 1:56 AM

With a fresh class of recruits, the Baton Rouge Bananas look to build on last year's successful conference season, while improving their somewhat disappointing tournament play. "We're a talented team, and have some great team chemistry," Coach Halpin said. "We just need to put it together for the long game."

An exciting incoming class of freshman look to prove their skills in support of their veteran upperclassmen. Stay tuned for their first big conference matchups against Normal and Burlington.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Aug. 18th, 2021 at 9:56 PM
Match Reports - Viewer and Summary

The Viewer and Summary pages for match reports have been updated to include the Effective Grade.

Essentially that takes into account any +/- for FIT and the -1 if the away team.

Rearranged the page a bit to put the comment entry at top of page as we widened the summary report to use the width of the page.

Considering some ideas for a Preview Page and open to ideas on what to put there.

Martyn Hathaway

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Apr. 6th, 2021 at 7:20 PM
Santa Clara success

Considering how little I know what I am doing, not finishing bottom of the league represents auccess.  I shall build on this by trying not to finish bottom next season but perhaps that's asking too much

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Monday, Apr. 5th, 2021 at 11:52 AM
First season

I wasn't sure where to post this as there isn't a team journal kind of thing here.

My first season in TMVL is over and despite some early frustration I've enjoyed it. I don't know where my team ranked over all at the start of the season but finishing with a 16-17 record and a bit of silverware seems decent enough for a rookie coach. I appear to have spent more RPs than anyone else and messed up in getting two OH players. At least I will only need to recruit 3 players next season (I think). RP might be a problem, so I'll check how much I might need by the end of the season.

I can see areas for improvement on spending CP.

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Friday, Apr. 2nd, 2021 at 3:45 PM

I don't know why a redshirt wouldn't just be an Active=N, Year=0 (if the current Years are 1-2-3-4) or Year=-1 (if 0,1,2,3), and use the same CP rules as juniors. But I also didn't write the code :)

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 30th, 2021 at 11:56 AM

With all the discussion of redshirt and 5th years (and March Madness happening right now), I wonder if there also might be a place for transfers in TMVL. The real-life NCAA "transfer portal" is putting lots of players out there, and it's changing the ways teams are constructed and built year to year. We have recruiting here in TMVL (just like real schools) to gain raw recruits/incoming freshman. I wonder if there would also be a place for transfers -- experienced players from other teams/progtams who become available. Perhaps this could be done with RP spending, just maybe at a different "price level," due to transfers requiring some recruiting energy, but likely not as much as a from-scratch recruit. Since it is the players themselves who decide to transfe (not the coaches), perhaps there is a randomized process that elects mid to lower level players (but more experienced than real freshman) to enter the transfer process (thinking stars would like stay put with thier existing teams, and it would be rough to randomly lose a star you have built up). Just thinking. Tx, C-Ball

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 29th, 2021 at 5:12 PM

I love the concept (having formerly been a redshirt freshman for my college soccer team), but it does mean we'd have 5th year seniors to work in as well. 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Mar. 28th, 2021 at 11:21 PM
Effective Grade & Redshirts

Kevin: I have added to my task list to put in the FIT aspect (and maybe more) per your note in reports.

John: Handling Redshirts would require a lot of changes at a basic level to make it work well.  Right now we have web and simulator queries that evaluate a roster/team based on a Y/N active field.  I think we'd need a third variable like 'R' in that equation to make it work and again that's a change across a lot of areas of the game.  

Conceptually though I like the idea.  I could see where you pickup two OH players, for example but want to offset them by a year...

Are you saying though that I could update skills as a Redshirt freshman and then update them as a normal freshman, sophomore, junior after that?

I've added a task list item to evaluate this for season 4. If you have more ideas, please share...might need a forum post on this to get more ideas and usage...

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Thursday, Mar. 25th, 2021 at 12:34 PM

Any chance of being able to red-shirt recruits?

I'm thinking you can redshirt any freshman D+ or lower in skill before the start of each season, they would have to sit out the season and you could only improve each skill once that season, like a Junior. When aging occurs they become a full fledged Freshman.

Kevin Martin

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Mar. 17th, 2021 at 9:23 PM
Fit in match reports, please


I like the idea of showing the players skills ratings and Fit scores.  Maybe just in the match report, under the diagram of the Net and starting lineups?  Maybe a table with Player, Fit, and the 6 skill areas on each player?  That might allow managers to both see the impact of Fit on a team as well as better gauge how their top guys are stacking up against other teams' top guys.  Why didn't my best attacker do well?  Look at their Blk & Def ratings.  Would also let a manager be able to see how the better teams are building rosters and lining up their guys, so they can emulate what successful managers are doing.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 16th, 2021 at 10:05 PM
Bubble-Watch Update

Thanks for the ideas John.  I've created a task on my end and will hopefully get something ready for next season.  I like your ideas...

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 16th, 2021 at 2:58 PM

Haaaaaaa, now that TEU are YOUR WESTERN CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS, we will scramble back to skills coaching. We actually didn't realize how far behind we were on skills coaching until a couple weeks ago. Then we freaked out and got it moving. That said, the allure of trophy bling is still too much to overcome for us. The cabinet looks so nice and shiny with all those cups in there. Even if it comes at the expanse of a "rebuilding year" (trademark, Allan da Commih Sellers). On to coaching our Yutes!

John Holden

Recent Entries
XPs - 11/24
Tuesday, Mar. 16th, 2021 at 9:13 AM
Bubble watch

I was just thinking of an overall standings page, sorted by whatever criteria you use to sort the best eight teams, and then on the right, a column or check boxes which show how teams qualified (conference winner, conference tourney winner, WGM Cup winner). I know MSWL updates team cup rounds pretty instantly on the team history page, so I was thinking you could reuse that advanced technology

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Mar. 16th, 2021 at 12:32 AM
A few quick Comments Wall notes/responses PLUS C-Ball...

1) Great analysis on the home court situation John.  I would have thought 78% on wins but not 53% on points...

2) John: tell me more (maybe some design examples) on your bubble watch ideas.  Session 8 DID come at us fast and I would have liked to preview who may/may not get in based on earning the National Championship slots...

3) Can someone find a photo of Boston Rob, put it on a Sports Illustrated cover and post a headline?  Maybe these rankings are a curse for the Anglerfish?

4) For the viewer/boxcore type reports should we go further?  We show the grade "as if" your FIT is 0.  Well if FIT is 2 you are more effective.  If it is -2 you 'actual' grade is lower.

Home court is sort of a built in home team should win all things being equal (at least for now).  But what doesn't show up is the FIT.  And you've got people like C-Ball over there with the "Damn the Torpedoes, I'm not spending any CP on skills, it all goes on FIT" approach.  

Thank you for the comments/feedback everyone, it is appreciated.


Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 11th, 2021 at 11:58 PM
Strategy Tip -- MB SRV Follow-up

How you handle the MB/L serving situation is completely up to you as there can be some different strategies here.

For my team , some of my MBs were already strong in SRV so I may have built it up a little but not a lot.  At the same time with my Liberos having a lower SRV number, why build it up when the MBs are already better servers.

The "con" of that approach is this.  When the MB serves, the receiving team can get the ball back over the net to your side on an attack, right?   The skill that your team on defense needs is the DEF SL to dig the ball.  If the MBs are a 6 and the L's are a 13 on DEF, guess which one will do better to dig the ball (or allow the opposition to simply get an outright kill).

This is definitely a nuanced situation, but it is a choice every match.  In our game it would be optimal to have the L serve and be in a better position to dig the ball when it comes back over the net (so building the SRV for L and you already are/should have a high DEF for the L).


As an aside that pretty much no one cares about except me, Max, and his mom...

In the NCAA and NAIA (college in the US)...for the women's game liberos can serve.  In the Men's game, Liberos can serve ONLY in NAIA (but not NCAA Div I, II, or III).  Max plays in NCAA D-III.  Max is playing mostly a defensive specialist role this season so he does get to serve (usually subs in for an OH or RS when they move to the back row).  But when he gets a chance to play at Libero he won't be able to serve.  

Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Thursday, Mar. 11th, 2021 at 6:06 PM

Given that you bring a L into a match to serve for one of your MBs, does it stand to reason that you really only need 1 MB with good SRV rating?

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Mar. 8th, 2021 at 1:06 AM
RPs - WHEN do I get them...Recruiting Strategies within...

Great to see Ms. McIntosh back on the blog.   More please!

One question I had personally is WHEN do I get my new allotment of RPs each session.  BEFORE...or AFTER recruiting has been processed for a given session.  The answer:


So if you want to sign that player but are counting on 125 RP above what you see on your team page..don't.  It won't be there for that session.  

Example: I have 126 RPs.  I'd LOVE to get a Libero this season...I need one!  But at 126 I can't affort David Puddy this session (min 280 RPs).  THEN in session 9 I will not be able to afford Kamron Savage.  I'll have 251 RP.  He will be a min of 350 RPs.  So I'm done with recruiting.  It makes no sense for me to spend any more RP on competitive recruiting.  I'd be throwing it away.  

I want to highlight this for you all so you are in the loop on this and spend accordingly (and also look at your 'competition' for a player).

One thing I'll add is this about the "Discover Recruits" process.  I plan to process this after session 11 (last session with matches).  So any RPs you earn through the end of session 11 can be used to get those discovery recruits you couldn't get in the competitive recruiting we do from sessions 1-9.  

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Mar. 6th, 2021 at 3:44 PM
Hi again

Ok, the one blog entrie I messed up. But anyways, all you guys are going down this session. I have a card up my sleeve and I intend to play it. Well, I hope you guys are prepared for what's about to happen. I will be in first place before you say, superkalafragilisticespeallydocious. Good luck. You'll need it.



you=     Me=

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 21st, 2021 at 4:38 PM
Questions- Please see Serve Receive and the RCV Ratings Post

Please see Forum post for additional thoughts - Serve Receive and the RCV Ratings:


Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 21st, 2021 at 1:58 PM

I am not sure about how to analyse the matches but it looks as if your team were uneffective in attacks. Or my team goo din defence.
When you attacked we picked it up and could attack backa and then win the points.

But how to change that for next week? I dont know.

Looking at the grades your team is stronger than mine. But I am not sure the ratings reflect the player skill accurate.
I have two 15ATK and one 14ATK players. (rested one in our game).

The game is complex and I have not really taken the time to analyze it so much.

But homecourt is a big bonua. I have 6-0 at home.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 21st, 2021 at 12:26 AM

Completely baffled this week.  Threw two games. T7 two games. 1-12 in sets.


Also - in my 4th game (and maybe the 3rd as well) my Libero appears to have played. He has the biggest number in the D (digs ?) column but I didn't have him down as playing.


I thought we had the stronger team in game 3 but maybe home court advantage played a part and just the stronger team in game 4 where I hoped home court advantage would see us through. So maybe I just put the players in the wrong positions, in which case I need to look at the game more sometime. Or maybe the curse of Olmec which I don't mind.

Matt White

Recent Entries
Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2021 at 9:06 AM
Swordfish do not travel

I think the Swordfish should be allowed to play every game at home with an 80% win rate they would be doing ok. They do not travel well with no wins away or at neutral courts. Something for the team to work on. May need a few tweaks to how we set up away from home.

Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Sunday, Feb. 7th, 2021 at 4:38 PM
Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back?

I just noticed Gabe Kotter is in Stage 2 of recruiting. How many here are old enough to remember "Welcome Back, Kotter" on TV? Can Vinnie Barbarino be far behind?

Max Sellers

Recent Entries
Monday, Feb. 1st, 2021 at 12:02 AM
Thanks Mr. Halpin

We really appreciate the post! This game took a lot of time and effort, so this comment made my day! I am happy you are enjoying it and connecting back to your college days! 

Thanks for playing!


Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 31st, 2021 at 12:12 AM

I didnt take the opportunity to say this last season, but thank you Al and Max (and others!) for setting all of this up. It's a fun distraction during a tough year, and it gets me thinking back to my time playing VB in college.  I haven't played since grad school, when we played pick-up games at the Y.  This sport at its highest levels is as graceful as a ballet and as full of power as a boxing match. It's cerebral, and just pretending to play as a keyboard warrior has been a wonderful time!

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Jan. 27th, 2021 at 12:51 AM
Team Awards Are Up (just for C-Ball)...

The Team Awards feature is now on your team pages.

A couple of notes:

- Multiple titles awarded for ties for conference (league) titles - so you will see co-champions awarded (just like Big Ten basketball)

- Last season's Grand Championship translates to the going forward National Championship

This was done quickly so C-Ball wouldn't need to tell you in each WGM group match that he is the defending champs!   

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Sunday, Jan. 24th, 2021 at 12:04 AM
Follow-Up for Mr. Turner...

Hi Steve, here's some analysis in case it is helpful:

vs. St. Charles #1 - Home game so you start with a real advantage.  Max didn't throw everything at you (A, 2-B, 3-C, 1-D) but Columbia had an uphill battle with 1B, 3C, 1D, and 2F.  Three fairly close sets.

vs. Carlsbad - COL had 3C, 2D, 2F.   But Phil had 2B, 3C, 2D.  Home court advantage is currently "extra strong", so that's where you had some help here.   There was likely also some Olmec Loves Steve Turner magic at play as well.  

vs. Sheboygan -  (Neutral Court) John came to play.  All players at A/B level.  Your team wasn't too far behind with the same A/B players and two C players.  A couple of close sets, but that's a match John should win.  

vs. St. Charles #2 (Neutral Court) - STC with 2A, 3B, 2C.  A pretty good lineup.  Fighting Crabs counter with 1A, 3B, 2C, 1D.  Scarecrows were still a littler better. 

I'm probably over focusing on the grades here, but they can tell a tale as they get to the quality of the players on the court.  Positions also matter a lot.  In that last match against St. Charles the Setter matchup was A- for Max and you had a D- setter.  With setters taking that second ball and the quality of that set resulting in positive or negative attacking outcomes that's a big deal.  Because Max knows more about volleyball thank all of us, he has put in algorithms to try to make this as realistic as possible and this is a good example.  Your top setter Korben Li rested and when he plays in the next season that will likely more a more positive impact.  

You elected to spend some CP on FIT this session and that will some of your players for next session.   It is still a game of building players through CP so that will no doubt improve things moving forward for the team...

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 at 11:10 PM
First matches our the way

I have no idea if my team is just bad or my tactics. It probably didn't help playing Max twice but in games where I thought I played my strongest side I pretty much got thrashed. 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 at 8:19 PM

I don't want to alarm anyone, but Micki is in at her craft table making little dolls and preparing to stick them with pins at appropriate points this season.  So far she has a Rob Peterson doll and a John Holden doll.  For the Rob Peterson doll, she has him decked out in Jets garb.  I told her, "I think he is a Giants fan...". She laughed maniacally and said...."I know."

Christer Kallin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 at 12:44 PM

Welcome Steve,

I think playing out of position is not possible in this game, since when doing orders you dont get to choose position for the player only area/zon he plays in.

The orders page will help you get a legal formation aswell.

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 at 9:26 AM
Another question (sorry)

Can players play out of position? and if so what is the penalty?

Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 2021 at 8:44 AM
More complicated

Yes when I was at school we had the rule (I think universal) that you only scored if you were the serving side. We stood pretty much is set positions and rotated when winning the serve. We were supposed to dig the ball  to the setter who passed to one of the attackers. 

I once realised the server was serving low over the net where I was so just jumped and blocked it back. "Good idea" said the teacher "but we're supposed to be using all three hits". 

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 22nd, 2021 at 8:16 PM
Reply to Steve....

Thanks for joining Mr. Turner.  Volleyball was ALSO my favorite PE sport.  I remember in high school having a lot of PE tournaments and loving it.

Onto your questions...

If you look at a court from the endline you will see two antenna (aka pins) on the edges of the net (image below).

The antenna are essentially out of bounds if the ball hits them as they line up with the out line on the floor.  

Pin hitters are the players who are positioned in the attacking roles so that includes Outside Hitters (OH) and Right Side (RS) positions.  The MB players play in the middle and attack but also have a focus on blocking.  

A setter dump is when the setter sends the ball over on the 2nd contact.  A typical play is a pass/dig then set then attack.  Sometimes the setter will send the ball over deceptively on the 2nd sequence.  

This link might help with some of the terminology too:

Competitive volleyball is way more complex than the PE version we experienced.  But it also has a lot of nuances with a focus on positions and skills.




Steve Turner

Recent Entries
Friday, Jan. 22nd, 2021 at 12:45 PM
Hello all.

New coach of Columbia here. I used to play volleyball in PE in school and to be honest it was my favourite of all PE/Games activities. I was one of the shortest boys and couldn't kick a ball to save my life. But I was the best server in my year (we played in a small gym so I didn't have to hit it too hard and we had to serve underarm). I was also one of the best diggers. However I couldn't set very well and certainly couldn't block or spike. Anyway I've read the rules and have a couple of questions.

In 6.Strategy: Best pin hitter. What's this? Is it just the player with the best Attack? Then it says separate good pin hitters from good MB hitters. Different line ups? 

Setting. Start in Zone 1 for less chance of setter dumps. What's a setter dump?

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Nov. 14th, 2020 at 8:55 PM
Next time

Hi guys! Where are all of you? Did you leave because I kept beating you? Well next time I will bring it all I got, and you don't want to see that do you. I. Will.  Bring. You. Down.



Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Oct. 20th, 2020 at 9:12 PM
Viewer Update

Below is an update to the viewer I made to show a letter grade signifying the strength of the player.  This uses an algorithm that takes into account their key skills at their given position.  This will be added to more pages for next season.


Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 25th, 2020 at 2:05 AM

The Baton Rouge Bananas finished another 2-1 session, bringing them back to 8-8 overall and 5-5 in the Western Conference. Strong performances in each match indicate a possible comeback for the struggling team. The Bananas also took in two recruits, already looking forward to next season.

Still, Coach Halpin says he isn't giving up on his current team, and says his team will put everything into the Western Conference Tournament. 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Friday, Sep. 18th, 2020 at 11:43 PM
You got to move it move it

Like I said, you got move it out of my way to victory!!! My hips are literally going side to side, bumping you out of my way. You guys can get front row seats of me winning this league trophy. And I, will crush you.

Mike Halpin

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 12th, 2020 at 9:55 PM

After trying to manage expectations within his new organization, newly hired Bananas Head Coach Mike Halpin scored two conference wins against Albequerque and Santa Clara. Still, Halpin's squad met stiff resistance in the form of non-conference opponent St. Charles Scarecrows, although the match ultimately went to a fifth set.

Asked about his thoughts on his opening session, Halpin maintained a cautious optimism. "We got a solid core squad on the floor. We'll have to make up for some lost coaching time, but I'm confident we can serve, hit, and block with the best of the league, and look forward to the rest of our season."

The Bananas also scored a Middle Blocker recruit in Tylin Jefferson. 

Phil McIntosh

Recent Entries
Tuesday, Sep. 8th, 2020 at 6:03 PM
Apple vs. Tree

She gets it from her mom.

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 5th, 2020 at 9:36 PM
Spoiler Alert - WGM Results and Sweet 16 Schedule

Burlington, Teutopolis, Sheboygan, and Carlsbad win their groups.

Mike Cabral's Twisters take the top spot in the seeds.  

Link below to the schedule for the Sweet 16 (played in Session 6) in three weeks time...

WGM Sweet 16 Schedule

Seeding means home court in this tournament and that's an advantage.   

This is also "bracket play" (we need to show the brackets) but looking at the schedule link above the winner of 16/1 and 9/8 play in the Elite 8, and so on...


Rob Peterson

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 5th, 2020 at 5:59 PM
Apple vs tree

Is it just me, or is Micki WAY more intimidating of a manager than Phil's ever been? Seems like the apple fell way far from the tree here. 

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Saturday, Sep. 5th, 2020 at 4:36 PM
This is our turf

We had a bumpy start, but today is our time to shine! All of my anger is about to come out so if you are going against me in session 3, watch out, cause here I come.


Mike Cabral

Recent Entries
Saturday, Aug. 29th, 2020 at 4:48 PM
Twisted Normal?

Looks like we have drawn Normal this week. Since we have no idea what we are doing, we hope Dan doesn't either!?

Allan Sellers

Recent Entries
Friday, Aug. 21st, 2020 at 11:50 PM
Normal Ninjas

Welcome to Mr. Daniel Pauk.  Doncaster is now the Normal Ninjas.  

Unfortunately Dan you are paired up against 10 year old Micki and all her mind games in your second match when you host ABQ.  Good luck!  

Micki McIntosh

Recent Entries
Wednesday, Aug. 19th, 2020 at 10:36 PM
Listen up!

Right now, you are reading the future Champion's blog post. So watch out, Domination, is coming your way.