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Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 - 08:59:41 AM (gmt)
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TMVL Shield Semifinals
Mendon Mushrooms
Pierre van Rossum
Neutral Court
Burlington  Bullfrogs
Aires Martins Jr
 Burlington leads series 21-8

Match Comments

A nice win against the great Bullfrogs. So we can win after all.
Pierre (Mendon) Dec 01 - 9:05 AM

S T A R T I N G     N E W     S E T

Starting Lineup
|     Butler (MB)     |  Forrester (OH)  |    Riggins (RS)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Riggins
|     Arnold (S)     | Brickelmaier (OH)  |    Delgado (MB)    |
|    Wheeler (RS)     |   Quintana (MB)  |  Maldonado (OH)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Baumbach
|     Mosely (OH)     |     Porter (MB)  |  Aguillard (S)    |
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill 

MM 1 BB 0
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 1 BB 1
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 2 BB 1
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Billy Riggins
MM 2 BB 2
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Weston Aguillard (DEF - 12) with 1
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Billy Riggins

MM 2 BB 3
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Gus Delgado MB
Bob Porter blocks Gus Delgado

MM 2 BB 4
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Lachlan Forrester OH
Bob Porter blocks Lachlan Forrester

MM 2 BB 5
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Austin Baumbach serves an ACE

MM 2 BB 6
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Lachlan Forrester OH
Alonzo Mosely blocks Lachlan Forrester

MM 2 BB 7
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Gus Delgado MB  
Gus Delgado gets the kill 

MM 3 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Tim Riggins blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 4 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 5 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely OH (ATK - 14) attacks the ball out (1)
MM 6 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
[MM poss]
Bob Porter (ATK - 16) is dug by Gus Delgado (DEF - 7) with 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the tool kill off the block
MM 7 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Bob Porter MB  
[MM poss]
Bob Porter (ATK - 16) is dug by Gus Delgado (DEF - 7) with 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill 
MM 8 BB 7
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill on Jake Brickelmaier
MM 8 BB 8
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Bob Porter is in the net

MM 9 BB 8
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block
MM 9 BB 9
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
[BB poss]
Sam Arnold (ATK - 10) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill 

MM 9 BB 10
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 10 BB 10
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Jake Brickelmaier blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 11 BB 10
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester serves an ACE
MM 12 BB 10
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
[MM poss]
Weston Aguillard (ATK - 11) is dug by Tim Riggins (DEF - 14) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Austin Baumbach
MM 13 BB 10
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 13 BB 11
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold S (ATK - 10) attacks the ball out (3)

MM 13 BB 12
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Tim Riggins

MM 13 BB 13
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Isaac Butler MB  
[BB poss]
Isaac Butler (ATK - 12) is dug by Bob Porter (DEF - 10) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block

MM 13 BB 14
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Jake Brickelmaier OH
[BB poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (ATK - 18) is dug by Alonzo Mosely (DEF - 14) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 

MM 13 BB 15
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 

MM 14 BB 15
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
[MM poss]
Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Lachlan Forrester (DEF - 15) with 3
[BB poss]
Sam Arnold (ATK - 10) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill on Lachlan Forrester
MM 14 BB 16
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 15 BB 16
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 15 BB 17
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the tool kill off the block

MM 16 BB 17
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Billy Riggins
MM 16 BB 18
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill 

MM 17 BB 18
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 18 BB 18
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 19 BB 18
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 19 BB 19
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill 

MM 20 BB 19
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the tool kill off the block
MM 21 BB 19
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Jake Brickelmaier
MM 21 BB 20
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill of the block and out

MM 22 BB 20
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester serves an ACE
MM 23 BB 20
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 
MM 23 BB 21
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler gets the kill 

MM 24 BB 21
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Lachlan Forrester
MM 24 BB 22
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill 

MM 25 BB 22

Mushrooms Wins Set: BB: 22 MM: 25

MM: 1  BB: 0
S T A R T I N G     N E W     S E T

Starting Lineup
|     Porter (MB)     |     Mosely (OH)     |    Wheeler (RS)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Baumbach
|  Aguillard (S)     |  Maldonado (OH)     |   Quintana (MB)    |
|    Riggins (RS)     |    Delgado (MB)     | Brickelmaier (OH)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Riggins
|  Forrester (OH)     |     Butler (MB)     |     Arnold (S)    |
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
[BB poss]
Tim Riggins (ATK - 15) is dug by Alonzo Mosely (DEF - 14) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 
MM 0 BB 1
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 1 BB 1
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 1 BB 2
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill on Lars Maldonado

MM 2 BB 2
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Sam Arnold (DEF - 15) with 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (2) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 
MM 3 BB 2
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 4 BB 2
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill off the block and out
MM 4 BB 3
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block

MM 4 BB 4
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
[BB poss]
Isaac Butler (ATK - 12) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 

MM 4 BB 5
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Jake Brickelmaier (SET - 10) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Weston Aguillard

MM 5 BB 5
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill on Tim Riggins
MM 5 BB 6
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler gets the kill 

MM 6 BB 6
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill off the block and out
MM 6 BB 7
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely serves an ACE

MM 6 BB 8
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 7 BB 8
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill on Isaac Butler
MM 7 BB 9
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Bob Porter

MM 8 BB 9
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 8 BB 10
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 

MM 9 BB 10
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Jake Brickelmaier (DEF - 17) with 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill 
MM 10 BB 10
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 10 BB 11
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 11 BB 11
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill off the block and out
MM 11 BB 12
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 12 BB 12
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Sam Arnold blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 13 BB 12
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the tool kill off the block
MM 13 BB 13
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the tool kill off the block

MM 13 BB 14
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 14 BB 14
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Bob Porter MB
Jake Brickelmaier blocks Bob Porter
MM 15 BB 14
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Billy Riggins
MM 15 BB 15
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the tool kill off the block

MM 16 BB 15
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard gets the kill on Tim Riggins
MM 16 BB 16
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the tool kill off the block

MM 17 BB 16
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 17 BB 17
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill 

MM 18 BB 17
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH  
Gus Delgado blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 19 BB 17
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Jacob Wheeler RS
Jacob Wheeler gets the tool kill off the block
MM 19 BB 18
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 20 BB 18
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 21 BB 18
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block
MM 21 BB 19
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
[BB poss]
Tim Riggins (ATK - 15) is dug by Weston Aguillard (DEF - 12) with 2
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Gus Delgado

MM 21 BB 20
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the tool kill off the block

MM 22 BB 20
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Sam Arnold is in the net
MM 22 BB 21
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler MB (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (2)

MM 22 BB 22
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 

MM 22 BB 23
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill 

MM 23 BB 23
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Bob Porter MB  
Bob Porter gets the kill on Billy Riggins
MM 23 BB 24
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 24 BB 24
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill 
MM 24 BB 25
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 25 BB 25
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the tool kill off the block
MM 25 BB 26
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 26 BB 26
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 26 BB 27
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Tim Riggins RS  
Tim Riggins gets the kill 

MM 27 BB 27
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block
MM 27 BB 28
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Isaac Butler MB
Jacob Wheeler blocks Isaac Butler

MM 27 BB 29

Bullfrogs Wins Set: BB: 29 MM: 27

MM: 1  BB: 1
S T A R T I N G     N E W     S E T

Starting Lineup
|     Butler (MB)     |  Forrester (OH)  |    Riggins (RS)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Riggins
|     Arnold (S)     | Brickelmaier (OH)  |    Delgado (MB)    |
|    Wheeler (RS)     |   Quintana (MB)  |  Maldonado (OH)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Baumbach
|     Mosely (OH)     |     Porter (MB)  |  Aguillard (S)    |
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 1 BB 0
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Lachlan Forrester
MM 1 BB 1
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
[BB poss]
Tim Riggins (ATK - 15) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 

MM 1 BB 2
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado MB (ATK - 18) attacks the ball out (1)

MM 1 BB 3
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Gus Delgado MB
Jesus Quintana blocks Gus Delgado

MM 1 BB 4
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 2 BB 4
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block
MM 2 BB 5
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill on Lars Maldonado

MM 3 BB 5
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Alonzo Mosely OH  
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Sam Arnold (DEF - 15) with 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Weston Aguillard
MM 4 BB 5
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 5 BB 5
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 5 BB 6
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Lars Maldonado

MM 6 BB 6
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Tim Riggins (DEF - 14) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill off the block and out
MM 7 BB 6
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 7 BB 7
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (1) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the tool kill off the block

MM 8 BB 7
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
[MM poss]
Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Lachlan Forrester (DEF - 15) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 
MM 9 BB 7
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH
Jake Brickelmaier in the net Lars Maldonado
MM 9 BB 8
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 

MM 10 BB 8
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 10 BB 9
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the tool kill off the block

MM 11 BB 9
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block
MM 11 BB 10
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0)

MM 11 BB 11
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 12 BB 11
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 12 BB 12
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS
Jacob Wheeler gets the kill 

MM 12 BB 13
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Gus Delgado MB  
Gus Delgado gets the tool kill off the block

MM 13 BB 13
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 13 BB 14
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 14 BB 14
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
[MM poss]
Bob Porter (ATK - 16) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill 
MM 15 BB 14
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Tim Riggins serves an ACE
MM 16 BB 14
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the tool kill off the block
MM 16 BB 15
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 

MM 17 BB 15
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH
Isaac Butler blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 18 BB 15
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the kill 
MM 18 BB 16
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the tool kill off the block

MM 19 BB 16
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 19 BB 17
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 20 BB 17
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
Jake Brickelmaier blocks Alonzo Mosely
MM 21 BB 17
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 21 BB 18
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill on Weston Aguillard

MM 22 BB 18
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Jesus Quintana MB
[MM poss]
Jesus Quintana (ATK - 17) is dug by Jake Brickelmaier (DEF - 17) with 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block
MM 22 BB 19
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 23 BB 19
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH
Lachlan Forrester blocks Lars Maldonado
MM 24 BB 19
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
Tim Riggins blocks Alonzo Mosely
MM 25 BB 19

Mushrooms Wins Set: BB: 19 MM: 25

MM: 2  BB: 1
S T A R T I N G     N E W     S E T

Starting Lineup
|     Porter (MB)     |     Mosely (OH)     |    Wheeler (RS)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Baumbach
|  Aguillard (S)     |  Maldonado (OH)     |   Quintana (MB)    |
|    Riggins (RS)     |    Delgado (MB)     | Brickelmaier (OH)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Riggins
|  Forrester (OH)     |     Butler (MB)     |     Arnold (S)    |
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS
[MM poss]
Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Sam Arnold (DEF - 15) with 2
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 
MM 1 BB 0
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill off the block and out
MM 1 BB 1
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Gus Delgado MB  
Gus Delgado gets the tool kill off the block

MM 2 BB 1
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 
MM 2 BB 2
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Gus Delgado MB  
Alonzo Mosely blocks Gus Delgado

MM 2 BB 3
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 3 BB 3
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Sam Arnold (DEF - 15) with 2
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill off the block and out
MM 4 BB 3
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Gus Delgado serves an ACE
MM 5 BB 3
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill on Gus Delgado
MM 5 BB 4
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
[BB poss]
Lachlan Forrester (ATK - 17) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Gus Delgado (DEF - 7) with 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 6 BB 4
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill on Tim Riggins
MM 6 BB 5
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler MB (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (2)

MM 6 BB 6
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler MB (ATK - 12) attacks the ball out (1)

MM 6 BB 7
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
[BB poss]
Sam Arnold (ATK - 10) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 3
Weston Aguillard gets the tool kill off the block

MM 6 BB 8
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler gets the tool kill off the block

MM 7 BB 8
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Jacob Wheeler RS
[MM poss]
Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins RS (ATK - 15) attacks the ball out (0)
MM 7 BB 9
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
[BB poss]
Isaac Butler (ATK - 12) is dug by Austin Baumbach (DEF - 16) with 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the tool kill off the block

MM 7 BB 10
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold gets the kill on Jacob Wheeler

MM 8 BB 10
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
[MM poss]
Weston Aguillard (ATK - 11) is dug by Tim Riggins (DEF - 14) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 
MM 9 BB 10
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard gets the kill 
MM 9 BB 11
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Jake Brickelmaier OH  
Weston Aguillard blocks Jake Brickelmaier

MM 9 BB 12
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 10 BB 12
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 10 BB 13
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (2) Lachlan Forrester OH
Jacob Wheeler blocks Lachlan Forrester

MM 10 BB 14
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 11 BB 14
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 11 BB 15
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill 

MM 12 BB 15
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the tool kill off the block
MM 12 BB 16
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 13 BB 16
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block
MM 13 BB 17
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (1) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Weston Aguillard in the net Jake Brickelmaier

MM 14 BB 17
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Bob Porter MB  
Bob Porter gets the kill 
MM 14 BB 18
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
[BB poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (ATK - 18) is dug by Alonzo Mosely (DEF - 14) with 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
Tim Riggins gets the kill on Jacob Wheeler

MM 15 BB 18
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Lachlan Forrester
MM 15 BB 19
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Bob Porter serves an ACE

MM 15 BB 20
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 16 BB 20
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 16 BB 21
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Weston Aguillard serves an ACE

MM 16 BB 22
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Weston Aguillard serves an ACE

MM 16 BB 23
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill on Alonzo Mosely

MM 17 BB 23
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Jacob Wheeler RS
Jacob Wheeler gets the kill 
MM 17 BB 24
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Tim Riggins RS
[BB poss]
Tim Riggins (ATK - 15) is dug by Lars Maldonado (DEF - 14) with 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the tool kill off the block

MM 17 BB 25

Bullfrogs Wins Set: BB: 25 MM: 17

MM: 2  BB: 2
S T A R T I N G     N E W     S E T

Starting Lineup
|     Butler (MB)     |  Forrester (OH)  |    Riggins (RS)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Riggins
|     Arnold (S)     | Brickelmaier (OH)  |    Delgado (MB)    |
|    Wheeler (RS)     |   Quintana (MB)  |  Maldonado (OH)    |
---------------------------------------------------------------------    L: Baumbach
|     Mosely (OH)     |     Porter (MB)  |  Aguillard (S)    |
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Lachlan Forrester (SET - 6) sets (2) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 1 BB 0
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
[MM poss]
Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill 
MM 2 BB 0
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 2 BB 1
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 1
Billy Riggins (SET - 14) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
[BB poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (ATK - 18) is dug by Weston Aguillard (DEF - 12) with 1
Austin Baumbach (SET - 12) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
[MM poss]
Alonzo Mosely (ATK - 14) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the kill 

MM 3 BB 1
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Jesus Quintana MB
Jesus Quintana gets the kill 
MM 3 BB 2
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill 

MM 4 BB 2
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Bob Porter MB  
[MM poss]
Bob Porter (ATK - 16) is dug by Jake Brickelmaier (DEF - 17) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill off the block and out
MM 5 BB 2
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill 
MM 5 BB 3
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
Isaac Butler gets the kill 

MM 6 BB 3
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill 
MM 6 BB 4
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 7 BB 4
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Alonzo Mosely (2nd Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (2) Lars Maldonado OH
Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Lachlan Forrester
MM 7 BB 5
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Jacob Wheeler

MM 8 BB 5
Isaac Butler (SVR - 13) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 8 BB 6
Weston Aguillard (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Billy Riggins (2nd Best Passer) passes a 1
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Austin Baumbach

MM 9 BB 6
Sam Arnold (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 9 BB 7
Lars Maldonado (SVR - 11) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the tool kill off the block

MM 10 BB 7
Jake Brickelmaier (SVR - 17) (MM) Serve - Out
[BB poss]
MM 10 BB 8
Austin Baumbach (SVR - 17) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (Best Passer) passes a 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Gus Delgado MB
Gus Delgado gets the tool kill off the block

MM 11 BB 8
Gus Delgado (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
Bob Porter gets the tool kill off the block
MM 11 BB 9
Jacob Wheeler (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Lachlan Forrester OH
Lachlan Forrester gets the kill 

MM 12 BB 9
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
[MM poss]
Weston Aguillard (ATK - 11) is dug by Tim Riggins (DEF - 14) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
Jake Brickelmaier gets the kill on Austin Baumbach
MM 13 BB 9
Tim Riggins (SVR - 16) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Austin Baumbach (Best Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Bob Porter MB
[MM poss]
Bob Porter (ATK - 16) is dug by Billy Riggins (DEF - 15) with 3
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Isaac Butler MB
[BB poss]
Isaac Butler (ATK - 12) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Alonzo Mosely OH
Alonzo Mosely gets the kill off the block and out
MM 13 BB 10
Alonzo Mosely (SVR - 14) (BB) Serve - Out
[MM poss]

MM 14 BB 10
Lachlan Forrester (SVR - 15) (MM) Serve - In
[BB poss]
Lars Maldonado (Worst Passer) passes a 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (1) Lars Maldonado OH  
Lars Maldonado gets the kill on Billy Riggins
MM 14 BB 11
Bob Porter (SVR - 15) (BB) Serve - In
[MM poss]
Lachlan Forrester (Worst Passer) passes a 3
[BB poss]
Sam Arnold (ATK - 10) is dug by Jacob Wheeler (DEF - 11) with 2
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Jacob Wheeler RS
[MM poss]
Jacob Wheeler (ATK - 14) is dug by Tim Riggins (DEF - 14) with 2
Sam Arnold (SET - 16) sets (3) Jake Brickelmaier OH
[BB poss]
Jake Brickelmaier (ATK - 18) is dug by Bob Porter (DEF - 10) with 3
Weston Aguillard (SET - 15) sets (3) Lars Maldonado OH
[MM poss]
Lars Maldonado (ATK - 17) is dug by Lachlan Forrester (DEF - 15) with 3
Sam Arnold gets the tool kill off the block

MM 15 BB 11

Mushrooms Wins Set: BB: 11 MM: 15

MM: 3  BB: 2

Mendon (MM)
                                    ATTACK           SET       SERVE      RCV---DEF     BLOCK  
Ps  Gr  Name                SP   K   E  TA   PCT    A   AT  SP  SA  SE  SR  RE  PRT DIG BS BA BE  PTS
S   A-  Sam Arnold           5   2   1   7  .143   60   95   3   0   2   0   0  0.0   4  0  2  1  3.0
OH  A+  Jake Brickelmaier    5  22   2  28  .714    1    1   2   0   4  18   1  2.3   3  0  3  0 23.5
MB  A+  Gus Delgado          5  13   4  17  .529    0    0  17   7   1   0   0  0.0   3  0  2  0 21.0
RS  B+  Tim Riggins          5  10   2  16  .500    0    0   6   1   1   0   0  0.0   5  0  3  0 12.5
OH  A-  Lachlan Forrester    5  20   3  31  .548    1    1   7   2   0  35   3  2.3   3  0  4  0 24.0
MB  C+  Isaac Butler         5   4   5  13 -.077    0    0   1   0   3   0   0  0.0   0  0  7  1  7.5
L   B+  Billy Riggins        5   0   0   0  .000    7    8   0   0   0  38   1  2.2   8  0  0  0  0.0
    A-  TOTALS               5  71  17 112  .482   69  105  36  10  11  91   5  2.3  26  0 21  2 91.5

Set   K    E   TA    PCT
 1   14    5   25   .360
 2   15    2   23   .565       GAME SCORES          1  2  3  4  5  TEAM RECORDS
 3   14    3   20   .550       Mendon          (3) 25 27 25 17 15  (20-14)
 4   14    7   26   .269       Burlington      (2) 22 29 19 25 11  (22-11)
 5   14    0   18   .778

Burlington (BB)
                                    ATTACK           SET       SERVE      RCV---DEF     BLOCK  
Ps  Gr  Name                SP   K   E  TA   PCT    A   AT  SP  SA  SE  SR  RE  PRT DIG BS BA BE  PTS
S   B-  Weston Aguillard     5   3   0   6  .500   67   99   3   2   4   0   0  0.0   3  0  1  0  5.5
OH  B   Lars Maldonado       5  14   8  26  .231    0    0   6   0   5  37   3  2.2   4  0  2  0 15.0
MB  A-  Jesus Quintana       5  19   0  20  .950    0    0   0   0   0   0   0  0.0   0  0  4  0 21.0
RS  B-  Jacob Wheeler        5   3   0   6  .500    0    0   6   0   1   0   0  0.0   6  0  3  0  4.5
OH  B   Alonzo Mosely        5  22   3  35  .543    0    0   3   1   2  39   6  2.2   3  0  5  0 25.5
MB  A   Bob Porter           5  12   1  18  .611    0    0   6   1   1   0   0  0.0   2  0  4  2 15.0
L   A-  Austin Baumbach      5   0   0   0  .000    3    6  10   1   3  21   1  2.3   6  0  0  0  1.0
    B+  TOTALS               5  73  12 111  .550   70  105  34   5  16  97  10  2.2  24  0 19  2 87.5

Set   K    E   TA    PCT
 1   17    3   25   .560
 2   24    4   31   .645
 3   10    5   20   .250
 4   14    0   20   .700
 5    8    0   15   .533