Thursday, March 13th, 2025 - 10:40:13 AM (gmt)
ball MSWL UNITED ② Season 39 // Landing
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Hyde FC
Carl Oakes
Carlton Town FC
Mike Halpin
League Round 14

S  T  A  R  T  I  N  G      L  I  N  E  U  P  S

HYDE FC                                    CARLTON TOWN FC

Ps Player Name            SL  FIT  LVL     Ps Player Name            SL  FIT  LVL
Gk Ramon Garcia           16    2   18     Gk Thiago Alves           13    2   15
Sw Connor Howard           9    2   11     Sw çngel Gabriel López    12    2   14
Df Kyle Low               14    2   16     Df Marcelo Fernandez      13    0   13
Df Thiago Carvalho        13    2   15     Df Jason Weber            11    0   11
Df Pedro Almeida           8    2   10     Df Christopher Macbeth     9    0    9
Mf Eirik Paulsen          14    2   16     Df Oscar Brennan           9   -2    7
Mf Michael Stewart         8    2   10     Mf Giles Walsh            13    0   13
Mf Ashton Hill             4    2    6     Mf Gast?n Franco          13    0   13
Fw Billy Arnold           15    2   17     Mf Federico Gentile        8    1    9
Fw Kian Williams          15    2   17     Mf Thomas Mason            7    2    9
Fw Tomas Morales           9    2   11     Fw Santiago Rubio         13    2   15

      Gk Sw Df Mf Fw   A R E A  T O T A L S    Gk Sw Df Mf Fw
      18 11 41 32 45        ROSTER TOTALS      15 14 40 44 15    
       0  0  0  0  0          HARDNESS          0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  2  7       HOME ADVANTAGE       0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  0  0  GREAT PERFORMANCE POINTS  0  0  0  0  0    
       0  0  0  0  0        PLAY FOR DRAW       0  0  0  0  0    
      18 11 41 34 52         T O T A L S       15 14 40 44 15    

K E Y   E V E N T S
Min 39: Billy Arnold (HYD) scores! (HYD: 1 - CAR: 0)
Min 46: Gast?n Franco (CAR) scores! (HYD: 1 - CAR: 1)
Min 92: Eirik Paulsen (HYD) is SENT OFF!

K E Y   S T A T S
HYDE FC                       CARLTON TOWN FC
       1               GOALS       1
      21       TOTAL ATTACKS       9
      10         TOTAL SHOTS       3
       5     SHOTS ON TARGET       2
       1               SAVES       4
       0       PENALTY KICKS       0
       0        YELLOW CARDS       0
       1           RED CARDS       0
       0            INJURIES       0
Match Summary
We took the points earlier this season, is revenge in the air
Carl (Hyde FC) 02/16 - 9:23 AM
This could have turned out better
Carl (Hyde FC) 02/23 - 9:59 AM
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